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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Posts posted by mlooney

  1. I know a dancer who balances up to 6 swords while belly dancing, so a book isn't that big of a deal.  That's what she started with.  She also does flaming swords while dancing. I don't think she balances them on her head, but I've never seen her act after she passed her certification to use fire.  I was not aware that there is a national belly dancing federation that has tests and everything for professional dancers.

  2. 1 hour ago, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:


    Some more details on immortal magic. 

    I'm guessing the questions confessions, and explanations will start on Monday.  Perhaps in another flashback story. 


    I suspect it will not be a flashback, but Hope talking about being an immortal and that her “reset” wasn't normal. Plus, explaining she has no clue about modern life, other than playing Not-Magic The Gathering, which you have to admit, is a pretty niche knowledge set.

  3. 2 hours ago, Darth Fluffy said:

    She sounds like a lovely woman (me, thinking about my ex, who should have been ex much earlier . . .)

    She actually was OK, apart from her issue with dealing with teens long term (fine for a week or so, more than that, and she got twitchy) and an obsession with University of Oklahoma football which was weird, she didn't go there.  In later years, she really got into “The Real Housewives of X” series on Bravo.  I was living with her at that time, and just listening to them drove me batty.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Darth Fluffy said:

    The band thing, missing science class, and the pushing Sarah to sing rather than draw sound pretty mild compared to some of the train wrecks I've seen.

    Oh, not arguing that.  Of course, Mom sent me off to live with my grandmother for 7th-9th grades.  Mom didn't do well with teenagers.  Only my middle brother managed to avoid being sent either to other family members or boarding school.  She meant well, but like I said, didn't do well with teens.

  5. 24 minutes ago, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:


    It is a beautiful thing when a parent helps a child achieve the dream of the parent, 


    This is why I was in the elementary school band in the 6th grade, even though I have no sense of rhythm and am tone-deaf.  My mother liked marching band, therefore all her children will.  Only my middle brother ended up doing band all the way to collage.  Not that I'm bitter, it took me out of science class, which I did, in fact, love.

  6. 1 hour ago, Darth Fluffy said:

    I'm not sure I still have one. Have not seen it in years. Not quite cold enough to need it.

    We had 22 degrees F at 9AM today. I was in a meeting with folks from DC, they had 11 degrees F.


    According to my weather thing on my status bar, it's 10.6 right now.  Weather Underground says 9.  Either way, it's cold.