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Posts posted by mlooney

  1. 1 minute ago, Vorlonagent said:

    If magic items remain a part of Magic's new ruleset, Tedd would be the person to know how they work or figure it out, both because he's consulting on the change and because he's a Seer and this is his home territory.

    Oh, yeah, no question there.  Actually I want to change my bet on Tedd's first action to "among his first actions will be telling his friends how to do magic and making sure he can still make watches/wands."  The order of those two is too close to call,l at least to me.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Vorlonagent said:

    Some mobile devices come in boxes with a thin layer of foam on the inner-top making the natural dice-rolling boxes. 

    They're low clatteral damage as well if the game takes place where there are children who are supposed to be sleeping during the game.

    That is what I think one of my players uses when she rolls her _metal_ dice.  Just rolling them on the table is way to loud and leaves dents in the plastic table top.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Vorlonagent said:

    Odds are good the DGB *don't* know how to build programmable magic items, which makes Tedd's self-taught discovery a super-huge mega-awesome big deal, topping someone with a 'time stop" ability by an order of magnitude.

    Assuming, of course, he still has that ability post change of magic.  Odd are he will, but right now that is assuming facts not in evidence. 

    Which brings us to "what is Tedd's first action after the change going to be"?   I've got 20 $Q that says he calls all of the magic using members of the main 8 together and tells them how to do magic again.


  4. 4 minutes ago, ChronosCat said:

    And with half the main 8 already part of the group I'd be tempted to add the rest of them plus Ashley so they didn't feel left out, but that would be a highly impractical and a little ridiculous.

    Are you aware of the OT23/OT15 web of shipping?  

    It's about time I followed up on my oft stated claim that I have at least minimal canon support for all of it.  Might do that as my "I'm bored, need to do something" project once I stop with the sinus headaches.


  5. As a dice collector (goes along with being a very long term table top gamer) the idea of dice big enough to "roll" via a shot putt type move is a bit scary1.    I understand that they aren't that big to any one other than Cat, but still.   Depending on the status of the "player pieces"  Hanma might want to consider a dice box or dice tower for rolling the dice as to avoid possible breakage/injury to them.  I can speak for personal experience and say that people get cranky about having their carefully painted figures or models hit by dice in games.

    1The only really big dice (more than 2.5 inches across) I use are rubber.  The biggest "hard" dice I have are 1.75 inches and are quite scary on the right table.

  6. 17 hours ago, hkmaly said:

    Arthur Arthur may not be aware that wandmakers are seers or generally that seers can be recognized before the reset. He may simply assume that DGB will be in position to get control of these people quickly after reset.

    Alternatively, Arthur Arthur might already know about wandmaker EMPLOYED BY DGB.

    We know, from here, that there is a black market for wands now, so I'm sure that DGB is very much aware of wand makers.

  7. I just briefly locked my self out of the the house.  I forgot that one of the 3 locks on the front door is spring loaded and it relocked when I closed the door.

    Well, it was spring loaded.  Now it's broken, I have a sore shoulder and I had to at take and anti-anxiety pill.  I'll get my tools out and fix the lock later, but right now, well, frack, off to take a nap or at least lay the [redacted] down.


  8. 22 hours ago, Vorlonagent said:

    And now, the moment you've all been waiting for (at least if you're Voltaire...)


    22 hours ago, Tom Sewell said:

    The moment we've all been waiting for is for Voltaire to get what he deserves. Maybe something like the WoM turning him into a mere mortal.

    Mortal wombat or maybe a chipmunk.

    22 hours ago, Vorlonagent said:

    ...so you're saying resetting's too good for him?

    Yes, Yes I am.

  9. On 12/23/2017 at 9:02 AM, mlooney said:

    It snowed last night.  I did not order snow.

    It did it again, two nights in a row.  I know I'm not in the "south" any more, but random snow isn't on my play list, if I have an option about it.