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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Posts posted by mlooney

  1. 14 minutes ago, HarJIT said:

    I did edit the image in response to proposed amendments, which altered the perceived centre somewhat (may be redistributed freely subject to the same conditions) - dashed lines denote so-called orbitals separate from the core 14:QiGhWSx.png

    As for edit mode, my Greasemonkey script again (yes, I'm going to keep posting this when it comes up, for the benefit of anyone who missed my previous postings).

    I strongly suspect that Greasemonkey doesn't work on Firefox for Android, which is where 80% of my browsing this forum is done.

    We might need to add Diane -> Ashley, even if Dan says otherwise.  It's a well known fact that the creator of a work doesn't control shipping.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Stature said:

    Worst thing to happen while stretching is overstretched quadriceps/gastrocnemius. True story.

    Back when I was in the army and did physical training every day, most PT instructors though the best stretching was a couple of dozen jumping jacks followed by 20 or so push ups.  One I had in Germany would put your ass on extra duty if he saw you doing any sort of stretching before hand.  Staff sergeant Lewis was a bit of an ass and the power to assign extra duty went to his head.  He once gave the whole of the MP guard platoon two days for "showing fake enthusiasm" for a three mile run.  Then a week later gave them one day for booing before a mile and half run.

  3. Freaking edit mode.

    Granted some of those links are unidirectional, and it's missing a few that have come up after I did the original work on this.

    I didn't do the graphic, that is harjit's work and he has a huge copyright statement that goes with is that I can't cut and paste on my tablet.  At least I haven't figured out how yet.  Short version.  It's harjit's work, it's copyrighted and don't claim it as your work.

    We cool with that harjit?


  4. 5 hours ago, SeriousJupiter said:

    Sarah and Grace sleeping together. It's just as sexy as it sounds.

    It's nice to know that even if Tedd decides to become a girl permanently and hook up with Elliot for some reason, Grace will still have someone to cuddle with.

    Warning! Thoughts like that end up with the OT14.

    I need to go backwards on Dan's Tumblr and find the graphics of that.

    Found it.


    I can justify, more or less every one of those links.


  5. 27 minutes ago, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:

    Diane didn't get a doll spell.
    Rhoda used her Enlargification magic mark spell to make herself bigger.

    As for Catgirl Susan?  I thought I saw a skunk stripe on her tail when I first opened the picture.
    That made me wonder...
    What ELSE happened in France to make her catself resemble Pepé Le Pew?
    I find it difficult to even imagine a more un-Susan-like character than
    Mssr Le Pew.

    Ok, that makes sense for Rhoda.

    Susan cosplaying a s Pepe le Pew.  *blink* That is so unlike Susan the idea didn't even cross my mind.  If she had a skunk strip I would assume she was going for the Twilight Sparkle look.


  6. On 5/30/2016 at 7:06 PM, mlooney said:

    The fact that I will be joining the bunny hatch if full snark mode as soon as SisterSome story arc with 3 in the title starts. Unless he does something really cool in "Q&A:Answer Harder" or in NP. Snarking on non canon, unless it supports the OTT isn't really my thing and snarking on Q&A seems counter productive. In my CFT / time not spent on project [redacted] I may go find all the canon references for the OT14. That ought to be fun.

    OK, Sister III has not started yet.  I've done something just short of 200 posts.  I'm afraid to think what's going to happen starting next week.