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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!


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Posts posted by mlooney

  1. 2 hours ago, Aura Guardian said:

    ... If Magic itself is a huge dork, that... that would explain everything.

    If not every thing, at least a great deal of things.

    1 hour ago, CritterKeeper said:

    Is anyone actually surprised at the idea of magic being a huge dork?  :-D


    Dork pride!

    Nopppe, as Susan would say

    Or would that be noooope?

  2. 4 hours ago, partner555 said:

    The Lord Tedd plot is more or less permanently on hold last I heard.


    4 hours ago, Drasvin said:

    I doubt Sirleck is that well-connected. Besides, General Shade Tail and Lord Tedd give me 'final boss' vibes. I imagine it will be a while before we get back to them in a meaningful fashion. Just foreshadowing, reminders, and other little nudges.

    Based solely on my understanding of milspeak, what Edward told Elliot during the evil monkey/Elliot turned into a girl episode, Lord Tedd is dead.

    I, of course could be wrong


  3. The DirectExpress website.  You would think that after 5+ years they would notice they get a spike in traffic on payment day (the 3rd, unless on a federal holiday or weekend) and have enough grunt to handle it.

    Nope.  Of course it is a government web site so it working at all should be not taken for granted

  4. 4 hours ago, hkmaly said:

    "Bringing back" implied they stopped. They didn't. They might not spar for some time, but they had makeout after every spar.

    Luckily, Greg is not pervert. Now, question is if there are other people around ...

    Of course they never stopped

    3 hours ago, Scotty said:

    Well, Ellen never did go back to the ASMA dojo and we had only seen her at the new dojo with Grace so there's nothing in canon that suggested Ellen and Nanase sparred, but there is much to suggest they went straight to the makeouts. ;)

    It is canon that Ellen practices, plus it's canon that Nanase still does, so it's not that big of a stretch that they still spare.

    3 hours ago, Stature said:

    not Grace. She squees a lot.


  5. I strongly suspect that the number of people reading this forum that this is useful information to is less than 5, my self included.
    If you are running Firefox, on an Android device that has a USB port on it, that you have a keyboard and mouse connected to, and Firefox crashes about ever 90 seconds or so, check to see if the "Debug using USB" flag some how got turned on.   I wasted the better part of the afternoon and early evening on that.  On the good side, I now know exactly what is being launched at start up and have generally cleaned up the box.


  6. 6 hours ago, exterminator said:


    C'mon, Pandora, give Catalina a spell! She'll be the purrfect pawn in your plan, you know she'll make the meowst of it!


    5 hours ago, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:

    I'm just not feline it.  I'm beginning to think Pandora is only kitten.


    5 hours ago, CritterKeeper said:

    (Wow, this many stray cats running around the forums, I may have to start a Trap-Neuter-Release program....)


    5 hours ago, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:

    Remember to help control the game show host population.

    Have your game show host spayed or neutered.

    /me pulls out The List and starts adding names, stars, underlines and a few elder signs for good measure.

    /me glares.

  7. 5 hours ago, CritterKeeper said:

    Huh.  Shouldn't finding out something is older than I am make me feel young, not old?

    How do I put this? I know exactly where, to with in a foot, plus or minus on July 20, 1969, at 20:18 UTC.   Also know where I was on both January 27, 1973 and  August 8, 1974.  As it happens the second place no longer exists, as in the house has been torn down. 

    I only have very faint memories about Friday, November 22, 1963, just in case you think I'm a boomer.

    I'm actually sort of an edge case on that, to some I'm a boomer, to others I'm Gen X.


  8. 6 hours ago, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:

    So you would not be interested in my theory that since Elliot and Tedd were the only characters in the first EGS comic  online, they must be the only "real" characters in the comic and everyone else is just a figment of Elliot's or Tedd's imagination (or delusions)?

    Yeah, pretty much.

  9. The amount of CPU grunt that is taken up by using Bluetooth to send music to speakers.  On a full on real computer, with real I/O support chips, this might not, and in fact isn't a problem.  On a jumped up tablet trying to pretend that it is a lap top?  Serious fail.  Actually, just the amount of CPU grunt taken up by Bluetooth on Android is rather annoying just in general.  Pushing high amount of data over it is really sub optimal.

  10. 35 minutes ago, Kazzellin said:

    A cheating cheater who cheated, eh?

    Personally, I'm voting for Agent Wolf......

    Conservation of detail is just a general policy for writers to follow, it's not a law handed down from on high.  There is Zero reason to think that Susan's father is any one we have "meet" yet.

    Don't mind me, really, just the automatic assumption that way too many fans (and not just of the EGS) have that the cast of whatever they are fans of can't ever increase with out major changes happening to the whole universe of the item in question drives me up the freaking wall.

    Snarl.  Grunt.  Snap. Bark, etc.


  11. R.E.O. Speedwagon
    "A Decade of Rock and Roll" in particular.  It bothers me more than it should when I figured out that "Decade" is old enough to have children that can have a drivers license, and almost old enough to drink (That would be 16 and 21 years, at least in Oklahoma).  I feel older than normal today.

    I should know better, but I looked up when "Golden Country" was written. 19 freaking 72. It's just a strong (and saddly true) statement about American poltics today as it was then.

    But then again, I am a Son of a Poor Man who is just Riding the Storm Out until It's Time for Me to Fly