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Posts posted by mlooney

  1. Because it is, at it's heart an OS for touch screen devices Android's really doesn't handle mice well.  What I am used to right click doing is left click and hold.  Setting the text insertion point via the mouse is freaking weird and I still haven't figured out how to reliably tell it I want to select text for cut and paste.


  2. 4 minutes ago, SeriousJupiter said:



    I don't even know what some of those words mean and I'm too lazy to Google them, so I'll just trust you on those.

    Don's link does explain them, current rules just move a couple of spells around and remove the sub-schools.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Drasvin said:

    Yes we have, though...not on-panel. Necromancy isn't just the undead. It also deals with life force, such as stealing it from another creature (Vampiric Touch is a very useful spell), so the EGS-vampires make considerable use of D&D Necromancy.

    Also, from what I've been told, healing magic was also considered Necromancy before third edition, again because D&D!Necromancy is about manipulating the forces of life, death, and rebirth.

    Raise dead in all it's various forms is necromancy as well. (As of version 5)

    Also, as of v5 fireshield is evocation so Dex doesn't have abjuration....

    Vampires have Divination (detect hunters) and enchantment (dominate)

    Elliot may have abjuration, as part of Cheerleadera's defensive powers.

    Grace has Divination for speak with animal (and relationship powers)

    Wall of force is evocation but mage armor is abjuration so it is a toss up for Greg

  4. 1 minute ago, Don Edwards said:

    Spell schools (D&D definitions) and who I can remember using them - I have probably forgotten several:

    • Abjuration: Greg, Dex, Jerry, possibly done *to* Magus, possibly threatened by Tara
    • Conjuration: (Summoning) Nanase, Susan, Dex, spidervamp; (Healing) Elliot (superheroine), Grace, Sirleck - all arguable; (Calling) Dex, Abraham; (Creation) Nanase, Jerry; (Teleportation) Nioi, all Immortals, possibly done *to* Magus
    • Divination: Edward, Nanase (fairy and guardian), Ellen (guardian), Tedd, Sarah, Tara, Nioi, possibly the ether-whale (for telepathy)
    • Enchantment: Jerry, Magus, Tengu, Nioi, Pandora, the ether-whale
    • Evocation: Dex, Justin, Terra, Sirleck, Edward, probably Tara
    • Illusion: Nanase, Justin, Raven, Jerry
    • Necromancy: -- and I doubt we'll ever see it in this comic
    • Transmutation: Tedd, Grace, Hedge, Guineas, Vlad, Elliot (superheroine), Ellen (guardian), Nanase, Abraham, Tengu, spidervamp, Nioi, all Immortals
    • Universal: Susan, French Immortals, Pandora

    The order of names on the above lines has far more to do with the order in which I thought of them than anything else.

    Yep.  Of course that is the 3.x schools.  5 has changed them around a bit.  The have removed all the summon spells and replaced them with conjure spells. Create spells are weird.  Create food and water is conjuration, create or destroy water is transmutation, even though the create water part is the same, as far as how long it stays around.

    All the healing we have seen is more like regeneration which is transmutation.  Elliot's cellphone is like spending which is evocation.

  5. 3 minutes ago, The Old Hack said:

    How is it possible to spend way too much time in game designer mode? *scratches head*

    Right now I either asleep, eating or working on project [redacted].  With minor time outs to read on line comics and this forum.  I'm even off face book for a while.


    And the reason I say [redacted] is because I know the great Google runs over this forum and, while I have said on the open Internet what my plan was I've just now firmed up to the point that NDA will be needed for more information.

  6. 8 minutes ago, SeriousJupiter said:

    Huh. You know, even though it was pretty much glaringly obvious, I never even realized that most EGS magic is transformation magic. There are quite a few other types of magic we haven't seen yet used by the human characters because most of them can only transform, summon or fly.

    Nanase and Justin have illusion, Elliot has evocation, Greg and Dex have abjuration,  Tedd,Edward, Agent Cranium, Luke, and Sarah has Divination, to use he D&D school names, just off the top of my head.  Depending on what the closed eyes meant, Carol Brown, Ace Reporter, may have Divination as well.

  7. 3 minutes ago, CritterKeeper said:

    I know sexual attraction isn't necessary for conception, but it still seems rather icky to have to engage in things you physically don't enjoy.  That's why I generally picture Ellen being the one to carry a pregnancy -- she's bisexual, and while she calls herself homoromantic, I suspect that she'd find Manase emotionally fulfilling, too, just becau she'd know it's her true love in there.  Instead of Nanase having to close her eyes and think of England, Ellen and Manase could have some actual *fun* while creating offspring!

    That's also possible, and given the ( granted non canon) way that referee Ellen was looking at male Nanase in the soccer sketchbook series, that might work as well.  Down side of that is it would make it look like Tedd was the donor (given that Nanase doesn't have a brother and Tedd is the closest male relative) and the child is going to look like he or she has genes from Nanase's family, that might be an issue.

    Besides, Nanase can't be all that grossed out with making out with "Elliot", she has done it in the recent (by comic time) past.

  8. 53 minutes ago, Maplestrip said:

    I am very happy, because I finally found the page where the fact that Elliot has girl versions in his head is addressed! I knew it existed, but had no idea it was a Sketchbook comic!

    So yeah, this specific page (and its description) give a huge amount  of insight into Elliot's identity imo.

    I have been saying for quite a while that Tedd is gender fluid and Elliot (and by extension Ellen) are gender meh.  This explains why Ellen never seem to have problems with being female as much as she was having problems with not being Elliot.  Once you add in the fact that Elliot's and Ashley's first make out was with Elliot as a girl, that explains why Ellen is bisexual homoromantic.  They both are both bisexual1 but gynoromantic.  At this point I suspect that Ellen being short term gender swapped would not be that big of a mental crisis. Long term, of course would be due the Nanase factor.  This might well be the solution to the Nanase wants to have kids some day issue, with out needing to bring Elliot into the picture.  Just have Grace zap Ellen with MV1, which would do a simple female to male swap with no other changes, go on a two week vacation then zap back.  If asked, of course the answer would be IVF with Elliot as the sperm donor. That make for the least amount of both "technical/medical" issues and the least amount is squick factor.  It's even Tedd less.

    1I would say that Elliot is gynosexual, but there is to much canon that he thinks Tedd is cute (and based on Ellen's statement about Tedd being sexy, it's possible he think of Tedd as sexy) of course that could be because Tedd is just that girly.


  9. 1 hour ago, Kackawacky said:

    My worries are a little lower now. After a blood test we've narrowed my illness down to liver enzymes. I need another blood test in a few months but at least I know where my problems lie. 

    Know exactly how you feel.  Last time I what I thought was a micro kidney stone (before this one) it was on my right side, not my left and I could not pee.  After 36 hours of that I went to an urgent care where they ran a crap ton of test, sent me home telling me that they would call when the test were done, but based on the screening test there was a better than 75% chance that I would have to go to the hospital that night.  As it happened I got lucky and it was just a real bad infection and mass doses of antibiotics was all I needed, plus some minor pain pills and something to make me pee lot.  Doctor even told me to drink stuff with caffeine in rather than water, for that diuretic action.  He joked that if I wasn't on psychoactive drugs a six pack of a good IPA or stout would almost be a good idea.

  10. 9 minutes ago, The Old Hack said:

    I have spent some time wondering why religious authorities would make such a ban. Then finally it came to me. Clearly these OOP language functions were created by the Uryuom equivalent of Microsoft, and accordingly the religious authorities pronounced anathema on them.

    AT&T Bell Labs on line two. Something about stolen credit. Borland Software one line one, something about first to market on non UNIX platform. Zortech Software on line three, something about first full ANSI compliance for non UNIX platform. Who do you want to talk to first?

  11. 57 minutes ago, ijuin said:

    The muzzle flash or explosive fireball will be larger in vacuum because it does not have to expend energy pushing the air away. On the other hand, the lack of air also means that there is no sonic shock wave from the blast, which means that blast damage ouside of the fireball will be substantially less.

    Oh, yeah, no question that the only way you are going to get blast damage in space is by a contact explosion. But the fireball will look freaking awesome.

  12. The programmer in me wants to loudly and pointed scream that if a function based language, such as c or Pascal, supports function pointers, a structure that includes them generates the same general effect as an object oriented language does, it just requires a bit of work.  Back when I was working on voice mail systems, we did them in ANSI c with jump tables.  Actually for some types of tricky OOP things like selective multiple inheritance, it's easier to do with a jump table than with a set of classes.

    Function pointers were my thing back in the day.  Remind me to tell the story about the stripper and function pointers some time.

  13. In some of the game fluff fiction I wrote for project [redacted] the CO of the space ship noted than from in side the ship you could hear the missiles launching until they got far enough away that their reaction gas was no longer hitting the ship's hull. So it sounded more like cannon fire would in an atmosphere than a rocket launch would in an atmosphere. While I am not sure if the reaction gas would be strong enough to make noise hitting the ship's hull, I'm quite sure that it would while they were still in the tubes.

    Another side note about explosions in a vacuum, when the Mythbusters did their proof that a gun will fire in a vacuum, the muzzle flash was several times larger than the same gun made in standard atmospheric pressure.  Like 3 or 4 times larger. This was very obvious on the high speed camera shots. So while an in space explosion will be silent it's fireball will be much larger than the same amount of explosives would be in an atmosphere.

  14. 2 hours ago, Scotty said:

    The bunny girl has the same wavy hair style that the squirrel avatar has. Like I said I didn't even notice there was a difference when I first saw her. I was just like "Dan's avatar in a bunny suit" without seeing the lack of squirrel ears and tail. Also why would Dan have a random bunnygirl speak for his decision making process?

    Why wouldn't she use a bunny?


  15. 11 hours ago, RainbowWizard said:

    Abs made of abs! When life gives you abs, tighten and divide them until you've got abs to spare, then burn life's house with the power of your abs! ABS!

    Fractal abs?  That might, just might get all weird and stuff.

    10 hours ago, CritterKeeper said:


    10 hours ago, Scotty said:

    Huh. That could easily be Susan in 30 years.

    Base on Susan's singing at Grace's birthday party, not likely.  Hair length maybe.  Job, nope.


  16. 22 minutes ago, CritterKeeper said:

    Exactly how role players felt when Magic: the Gathering came out of nowhere to take over GenCon's dealers' room, and from there, the whole dang planet.

    Crack for gamers was used a lot for M:tG.  Still is by some people.


    Game's Workshop stuff is cocaine for gamers.  Based on price per oz it's possible that real cocaine is cheaper.