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Tom Sewell

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Posts posted by Tom Sewell

  1. 12 minutes ago, CritterKeeper said:

    Another possibility I've seen raised is that Susan didn't really know her cousins at the time of the text messages, but either through coincidence or being inspired by Ellen's text to ask her mother, Susan and her mother got back in touch with her cousins and their family.  I certainly had cousins growing up who lived far enough away we only saw them on holidays, so an invitation to join them for Christmas Day dinner and cartoons would certainly be reasonable.

    Quite. Since my father was a bigamist, I probably have cousins I don't know about all over the place.

    Whether The Shive made a mistake in #1587 or a retcon because he decided he wanted to have those cousins available later on, who knows? Maybe around #3000 or #4000 we'll finally meet them. Or some of us will. I'm not all that sure I'll live that long.

    I think the most natural situation would be that Susan's cousins are the children of that sister her Ma was away visiting when The Woman With Susan's Face showed up. Maybe the sister is a lot younger and has younger kids than Susan. Maybe about the same age as Akiko?

  2. On 5/4/2016 at 9:50 AM, HarJIT said:

    I think Dan reblogged on Tumblr at some point someone juxtaposing http://www.egscomics.com/?id=871 and http://www.egscomics.com/?id=1587 regarding Susan and family, and asking something like "so what is the truth?" ... I might be misremembering, of course.

    Well, maybe there was a reality quake. GURPS players will probably know what I mean, but in case some of you aren't obsessed with this venerable role-playing game which Fallout stole much of its original game mechanics from, it means the past being changed in some way, leaving behind mysterious "reality shards" which don't jibe with what is now "real" history.

    Or maybe Dan will "remember" that:

    • Susan's cousins are boys (ugh!), or
    • Susan's cousins are much too young to be mistaken for her (#1587 would support that), or
    • One or more of Susan's cousins are girls more or less her own age who can be mistaken for her and act in ways that are embarrassing to Susan, so she told a white lie to Ellen, since her cousin(s) can't be who Ellen is talking about because they live far away and Susan .knows her cousins, like herself, would be in school in that far-enough-away city that her mother had to travel to giving time and opportunity for her dad to make a monumentally stupid move by bringing another woman into their home, and Susan didn't want to talk any more about the subject.


  3. Maybe it seems so obvious no one is mentioning it, but Sirleck actually wants to save Ellen and Elliot because they are both needed to get Mage's body back. It's pretty obvious why Sirleck wants to do this "favor." And soon; the old man he's using as a mount is already brain-dead and it's probably harder and harder to keep the rest of the mount alive. Otherwise why not enjoy the old man's wealth until it runs out?

    There's also a plot-hole kind of a mile wide here: What's so hard about keeping the money? All Sirleck has to do is marry a young bimbo, make her the old man's heir, and take over her body. As soon as he makes the jump, the old guy dies and it should look like natural causes to anyone not in on The Secret. Say, does this remind you of a real-world bimbo who married an extremely old man who kicked off not that many years ago?

  4. Maybe it seems so obvious no one is mentioning it, but Sirleck actually wants to save Ellen and Elliot because they are both needed to get Mage's body back. It's pretty obvious why Sirleck wants to do this "favor." And soon; the old man he's using as a mount is already brain-dead and it's probably harder and harder to keep the rest of the mount alive. Otherwise why not enjoy the old man's wealth until it runs out?

    There's also a plot-hole kind of a mile wide here: What's so hard about keeping the money? All Sirleck has to do is marry a young bimbo, make her the old man's heir, and take over her body. As soon as he makes the jump, the old guy dies and it should look like natural causes to anyone not in on The Secret. Say, does this remind you of a real-world bimbo who married an extremely old man who kicked off not that many years ago?

  5. Why is it Judge Dredd instead of Judge Dred or Judge Dread? I don't really want to know why Dan put in an extra "d". Maybe he knows a Ted who isn't a perverted wierdball mad scientist. Still, the unborn joke is there, still waiting to be delivered, a 14-year-fetus that will need adult diapers.

  6. On 3/28/2016 at 6:22 PM, CritterKeeper said:

    Well, my first bit of feedback is that our Tedd is named Tedd and not Ted....should be an easy thing to fix!

    I discovered EGS from a cameo Grace made in I Dream of a Genie Bottle, and Grace most definitely asked "Where's Ted?" Of course, it could have been an alternate Grace from an alternate universe. Or maybe Grace was so disoriented she dropped a "d". Which brings up the question: Why the heck does Tedd have that extra d? And why has Tedd not even once said, "It's not 'Ted', it's 'Tedd'." Zits has used pretty much the same joke with Sara vs. Sarah, but I'm pretty sure it was less than fourteen years ago. Is there anything sadder than a joke waiting for a punchline that never comes?
