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The Old Hack

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Everything posted by The Old Hack

  1. Discussion of Military, real or fictional

    Reminds me a little of that insane thing Freeman drove in Half-Life 2.
  2. Discussion of Military, real or fictional

    Apart from weighing a ton it must have taken sodding forever to load. But its single volley would have been brutal. If I wanted something that could put a terrifying barrage of fire into the air, I think I would prefer a Glock-19. If I could get one, that is. A bit lighter and more concealable.
  3. Discussion of Military, real or fictional

    Hm. This is just me but I would count defences that slow down the enemy as obstacles, especially if they are placed so as to allow the defenders more time to shoot back at the attackers. Barbed wire, trenches with earthworks, caltrops, minefields -- none of them really stop the enemy. But they do buy you valuable time. Or possibly even invaluable time. To stay with the terminology, maybe we could consider them 'terminating.'
  4. Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)

    Unfortunately sometimes you have no choice if the drone's target is valued at $X*100. As to that counteroffensive, it reminds me a little of Hitler's plans for invading Germany in "The Producers."
  5. Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)

    Propaganda is a weapon. Your enemies will use it. You may as well push back with your own. Admittedly, recently Russian propaganda has been so awful that it is very nearly possible to do all the pushback you need just by republishing it.
  6. Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)

    Sort of the latter, but our PM had no choice because one of her support parties demanded it and threatened to leave the government which would cause it to fall anyway. They did get their just reward for being prats, however. They lost more than half of their MPs. What we will get is kind of still in the air, but it looks like we're getting either a center-left or a centrist government. This suits me well. Last thing we need is our right wing morons, some of which make the Tories look like models of sanity.
  7. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    Without cats humans would never get anything done.
  8. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Ugh, this sucks. Somehow this always turns into a cascade of annoying pains. You can't lie in your usual position which means you twist up something else, et cetera, et cetera.
  9. Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)

    The most important political event of the year* happened today! Election Day in Denmark. *Except for all the ones that actually matter.
  10. Discussion of Military, real or fictional

    I think it is time and past time that Putin switches to the lesser known Beethoven Group, which consists of deaf artillerists known for firing barrages to the tune of Beethoven's Fifth, or sometimes his Ninth. I hear he tried to get the Tchaikovsky Group famed for their mercenary marching bands but the Ukrainians got to them first and they are now accompanying the Ukrainians where they spend most of their time playing Marche Slava Ukraina. The absolutely most hilarious example from the Iraq war was when a squad of hapless Iraqi surrendered to an Italian camera crew (which was of course unarmed.) Unhappily I do not recall whether they were placed in a POW camp run by Italian TV. At least they could be fairly sure of excellent pizza and pasta during their captivity.
  11. Discussion of Military, real or fictional

    I will say this: aggression is overall a desirable trait in a military commander. Mistakes of action are almost always better than mistakes of inaction. General McLellan did not really accomplish much while in charge of the Union army, for example.
  12. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    Hopefully it is nothing bad. Maybe she is reacting to you and how you feel? Are you feeling particularly stressed these days?
  13. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    We all get by with a little help from our cats.
  14. Things That Are Just Annoying

    We also have a few living under bridges in flat-as-a-pancake Denmark.
  15. Discussion of Military, real or fictional

    I bet he was real popular with the men of Taffy 3 afterwards. The survivors, anyway.
  16. Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)

    I apologise. It's just that we have a real dearth of revolutions in recent Danish history. The last one we had, in 1849, was even worse than the 1784 revolution as it involved no bloodshed at all. It consisted of a delegation of concerned citizens that went to King Frederik the Seventh and informed him, "Your Majesty, if you do not immediately grant us a Parliament and a Constitutional monarchy, we shall have to be extremely disappointed in you. We may even go as far as to express our disapproval of you in severe terms, possibly in a stern letter written to the public." Frederik VII, who had the determination and governing competence of a sea cucumber, thought "Oh dear. They are serious. I'd better let them have their way." And so the modern Danish Constitutional monarchy was inaugurated, and Freddie Seven had a statue of himself erected with the legend "The love of the people is my strength."
  17. Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)

    I notice that the Danish Revolution of 1784 is not mentioned, possibly because the only bloodshed during it was the Crown Prince punching his half brother in the nose while fighting over the key to the King's bedroom.
  18. Discussion of Military, real or fictional

    Darth Putin: Have given my tank crews armor that can't stop western missiles. Out of fairness, am giving my soldiers body armor that can't stop western bullets. I remain a master strategist.
  19. Discussion of Military, real or fictional

    Maybe he earned a citation for his combat efforts and demerits + KP for his dress code violations?
  20. Discussion of Military, real or fictional

    I have seen this picture before. This guy was literally asleep in his tent when the attack started. He stormed out and took part in the defence and earned himself a citation for his efforts. You can fault his dress code. You can't fault him for his battle readiness.
  21. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    One of my cats once went absolutely berserk at my Diablo II while I was away from the screen. My henchman was moving around and my cat was desperately pawing at the screen to catch her. And it always reminds me of this video. Cat vs. World of Warcraft dragon.
  22. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    One of my cats once went absolutely berserk at my Diablo II while I was away from the screen. My henchman was moving around and my cat was desperately pawing at the screen to catch her. And it always reminds me of this video. Cat vs. World of Warcraft dragon.
  23. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    "I am not in the way. It is just that the environment around me sometimes places itself inconveniently for you. I think that is really a you problem."
  24. NP Comic for Thursday, October 6, 2022

    Neither. It would be far more logical to assume that it is a person who can appear to be in π places at once.
  25. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    Table exploration!