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The Old Hack

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Everything posted by The Old Hack

  1. Story: Friday April 8, 2016

    Out of pure curiosity. How is Justin supposed to know whether Mr. Verres is being dramatic or not? Also, please give examples of how Ellen, Nanase and Elliot have betrayed Edward's trust in them. I cannot offhand think of any.
  2. NP: Friday, April 8, 2016

    SECONDED. The very minimum that should be required of ANY gun owner should be knowledge of basic gun safety. And while I do not belong to the school that says that video games are the cause of all of today's violence, I do feel that it could improve the genre a lot as a whole if shooter games became more aware of this. Not necessarily to the degree of being sermonising -- but it would be nice if gun owning heroes got small reminders of the fact that it is not necessarily a good idea to wave your gun around like a bollocking toy.
  3. Dream a little dream.

    Oh dear. That reminds me of a dream I had while attending university. I was just arriving for the day when I saw that people everywhere were busy carrying out all the furniture, books and computers. And they were replacing all of it with massive fish tanks. I am talking really big fish tanks, each of them almost a swimming pool in its own right. I watched in rising bewilderment and finally asked someone who was walking by, "What in the world is happening?" And he replied, "Well duh! It's exam time." At that point I woke up. I have yet to be able to make sense of this dream.
  4. Story: Friday, April 1st 2016

    A friend of mine once ran a superhero game where a team named the Ex-Men appeared. It consisted of a group of disgruntled divorcees of the superheroine Not Too Bright Phoenix. It developed that all the poor sods lived on the edge of financial ruin due to her alimony demands and we ended up feeling sorry for the idiots.
  5. Story: Monday, April 11, 2016

    The perversity of the Universe does indeed tend towards a maximum. If we were to one day discover that this is not the case, it would result in a case of sociological upheaval not unlike the effect it would have on science and mathematics in general were the second law of thermodynamics to be disproven.
  6. Story: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    Fair enough, I just have to be the one on top if misunderstandings or conflicts happen. I do my best to resolve these as diplomatically as possible.
  7. Story: Friday, April 1st 2016

    I love this. Professor R in charge of the School for Magically Gifted Children. Enter the new superteam the M-Women.
  8. Story: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    Unhappily, what counts on the 'net is not intent but result. As a moderator I am required to step in and deal with potential problems, and to me at least that came across as a little insulting. And I would far rather act early with a polite request than having to step into an all-out flame war where I have to hand out warning points and possibly temp bans.
  9. Story: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    And that is totally fair! You're entitled to your opinion. Just please try to not tack on unnecessary "I'm betting you can't"s, okay?
  10. Is EGS:NP becoming too important?

    Oh Lord yes. I still remember the idiotic flap when someone was screaming about an entire storyline being "trapped in the basement." I later counted the length of the so-called 'trapped in the basement' incident and found that it was a total of thirteen pages long, of which two pages took place in a different place with different characters. The problem was that in real time this took more than a month, in part because of Dan not releasing as regularly as usual at the time. I guess that made it seem like eternity to some. *sighs*
  11. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    I think this is Ellen trying, once again, to differentiate herself from Elliot. By deliberately not going to the dojo she establishes another difference in their behavior patterns. It might be reaching a bit, but given how desperate she was to not just be female Elliot locked out of her old life, it is rather understandable to me.
  12. Story: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    I see. Nonetheless, I believe the implied argument is that by now Noriko is so career-focused that she does not wish to give up a great deal of her active time to tend a child. You do not even need to posit that Noriko is a monster to make this true. All you need is a situation where vampires, aberrations and other monsters are sufficiently numerous that the people trying to keep them down are working full time and still in danger of losing ground. It's the Batman/Superman problem, in a way -- it would be lovely to take time off to raise a family, but once the insane serial killer/planet destroying space warlord/related problem is running loose, it becomes hard to justify staying home and baking cookies.
  13. Story: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    The Moderator: Also, I must point out that the addition "I'm betting he can't" is assumptive about another poster's intelligence and rather insulting. Do NOT do that, or I will be forced to take steps as moderator. That is all.
  14. Story: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    I can. If we absolutely have to involve these bloody Uryuom eggs -- and in Noah's case, we unfortunately have to, because he is a known seyunolu -- she could have had her genetic material stolen and used in the egg without her knowledge. A terrible thing to do to anyone, of course, but it would explain her lack of maternal involvement. It is going a wee bit too far to blame a person for not taking interest in a child they do not know exists.
  15. Story: Friday April 8, 2016

    Let me see. Tedd has a transphobic father who has repeatedly harmed him with heteronormative microaggressions. He no longer trusts his father, which is absolutely tragic but an all too common consequence of this sort of thing. Sarah has a very unusual spell that would instantly put her on the map of not only the DGB but ANY intelligence organisation with awareness of magic. If she tells Mr. Verres about this, he tells the DGB. If the DGB finds out, potentially any mole in there may relay that to other intelligence organisations. Rinse and repeat. Once she lets that one out, she is a target for life. Or in very short form: Three can keep a secret if two are dead. Ellen is very concerned for Tedd and is terrified that letting the old secrets about Tedd's mother out may -- may -- hurt him and set him back years of growth. She is not by any means sure of this but does not wish to take the chance. Nanase is no longer staying silent. She is with Elliot in this. Justin is not that close to Mr. Verres, and an earlier conversation between the two indicates that Justin is somewhat leery of fully trusting him. As far as I know, Susan has no secrets she has withheld from Mr. Verres. She is at most respecting the requests of friends not to blab, which is not quite the same thing. Grace does not have much in the way of secrets. She does, however, have a very strong attachment to Tedd. If Tedd asks her to be silent about something, she is. I hope that answers your question.
  16. Story: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    I was born at 6.15 PM on March 14, 1966. According to my mother, anyway. For one thing, she is alive. Noah has stated that his parents are dead. It is not too large a presumption that he is speaking of his custodial parents, who may or may not have been his actual parents.
  17. Sketchbook: April 7, 2016

    It's the first time I've heard it, too, and I am a lot older than that ad.
  18. Story: Friday April 8, 2016

    Twins with very similar magical potential and magic running in bloodlines? It seems likely there might have been. Mind you, I think it may be a case of Elliot simply having very strong faith in Mr. Verres' knowledge database. After all, the man is basically Dumbledore.
  19. Story: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    Speaking of soap operas. Some of them are really poorly thought through. In one of them, a character is a mother who near the end of an episode goes to put her twin babies to bed. Then, on the fly, the director decides that having babies on the set is way too complicated and has them removed from the script. The babies are never seen, heard of or even spoken of again. Kind of creepy. Creepier still. In another soap, a character casually gets to his feet and says he is going to the loo. Once again, he vanishes without a trace and is never spoken of again. It makes me wonder what in the world the poor twit encountered in that toilet. Maybe an Elder God? Then there's the classic trope where an actor needs to be replaced and their character gets into a horrible accident where somehow the only way to save their life is immediate cosmetic surgery. Cue new actor to replace the old one. It makes me envision an emergency ward where porters roll in a stretcher with a badly injured victim and the accompanying surgeon yells, "Quick! We only have 35 minutes to make him look like Brad Pitt!" All in all, it is better for one's sanity to not think too much about them.
  20. NP: Friday, April 8, 2016

    All too many games seem to teach that people aren't people.
  21. Story: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    Er... that presupposes that Susan would be able to remember her father's betrayal but not the fact that she has a twin sister. I can't get that to work.
  22. Story: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    Many of the threads are coming together. Les Immortels were, after all, involved with Susan and Nanase in France, and they may well still be hanging around. It is not certain that they will come out again soon but it is at least possible. Also, I am looking forward to seeing Susan meet Diane. Oh, who am I kidding? I am just looking forward to seeing Susan, period.
  23. Story: 2016, April 4th (Monday)

    I remember this bit from A Girl and her Fed in which the Federal Agent receives a text from the ghost of Benjamin Franklin, and his friend Speedy tells him, "Man, you just got texted from the afterlife. Your phone bill this month is gonna be biblical."
  24. NP, Monday April 4, 2016

    I remember this one time when I realised bananas contained radioactive potassium that I tried to work out how many bananas you had to eat before the radiation became a significant cancer hazard. I think I arrived at something like half a ton to a ton of bananas a day for an entire year before the radiation effects reached that level. I somehow suspect that it would not be the radioactive component of the bananas that would end up killing you.
  25. It may come as a stunning surprise to people here that my absolutely favourite card in my collection was Magical Hack. It never failed to produce hilarious results. One time in a multiplayer game one of my opponents played a very annoying red-black deck. One of the other players got tired of that and played Drought, which requires everybody playing who wants to generate black mana to sacrifice a swamp for each black mana they get. At this point I intervened and played my Hack on the Drought and said, "Ah, no. You have to sacrifice a plains for each black mana you get." The guy with the black-red deck looked aghast and said, "But I don't have any plains in my deck." I replied, "Then you may have a problem." Needless to say, with one of his colours taken entirely out of play, he did not do well in the rest of the game.