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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!

The Old Hack

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Posts posted by The Old Hack

  1. [Content note: Pet illness.]


    My wife's cat Saki is struggling with a very serious infection. Saki was born with a noticeable overbite and it has made her very prone to infections in her mouth and throat. She has been on Prednisol treatments for a rather long time now, something which concerned her vet because of long term issues but alternate treatment methods did not yield good results and without it the poor thing was just so miserable.

    We have been aware that this might shorten Saki's life but accepted the tradeoff so she would at least have a good life until her time came. We just hadn't expected that it might come this fast. She might still survive for now, but right now it isn't looking good. Both I and my wife are stressing over this and I've had some trouble sleeping.


    9 hours ago, hkmaly said:
    9 hours ago, partner555 said:

    Time to nominate a judge. I nominate Albert Einstein.

    Stephen Hawking. I think Einstein would be problematic for such courtroom due to being dead. Unless the courtroom IS in afterlife ... wait, that would be even more hypocritical.

    Not really a problem. We just use Dr. Gehrman instead of Einstein. He looks kinda like him, so he ought to be perfect.

  3. Bless you. You have just saved me a lot of work that I did not really have the time for this weekend. I will look them over and see if I can come up with anything that needs to be edited or if they can be condensed, then repost them.

  4. 3 hours ago, hkmaly said:

    With wings too small to fly without magic, yes ... but still, breaking the thermodynamical laws is generally considered more serious than the other ones.

    This gives me a rather strange mental image of some courtroom where magicians are being prosecuted for violating the laws of physics, with infractions against the square/cube law seen as mere misdemeanours whereas something like creating a machine that produces more energy than goes into it is a very serious offence that might result in a protracted stay in jail. :blink:

  5. 26 minutes ago, hkmaly said:

    Give USA chance first. They not only needs Will more, but (sanity of) president of USA is important for whole world. Denmark doesn't have nuclear weapons, right?

    Okay, fair enough, but I am still not happy with having an incompetent and corrupt tax-evading drunkard that spends government money on partying while he is supposed to be at work for our prime minister.

  6. 2 minutes ago, hkmaly said:

    Given the mention that royalty have strong magic, it may not even be vestigial. The revolutionary ideas of equality may not really hold when the royalty ARE better.

    There is an additional problem with pronunciation: even if you know the correct world, you may say it as something different. At least if you mostly learned the language in written form.

    Royalty: Oh, I agree. That was why I said 'possibly.'

    Pronunciation: Oh Lord yes. I learned so much English from reading back in the day. Even these days I will all too frequently mispronounce some word I only know in written form and my wife has to correct me.

  7. 2 hours ago, Scotty said:

    Well, Will and Gill said they'd likely be back when their kid is old enough to go to school so they could get a human form for him/her, and then their kid would get a chance to change that form if they desired before going to highschool, so that's at least 2 more visits. Also, they're not aliens, they were born in the US. Will could run for president, which heh, even though at the time he said he'd lose by a landslide, given the choices now.... I'd say he'd have more of a chance. ;)

    Someone please ask him to move to Denmark. Right now I'd vote for Gul Dukat over the PM we currently have.


    57 minutes ago, Lady Pentrose said:
    2 hours ago, Zorua said:

    Commentary: I think we've all had a moment where we've used the wrong word and hoped nobody in the constipation noticed.

    Oh dear gods yes, imagine a cute little blond girl (about 7 or 8) going on about how she is so depraved. I did not, at the time, understand why everyone was laughing. I was trying to complain that I was deprived, though for the life of me I can't remember of what I felt I was deprived at the time.

    This may happen at any age. One becomes especially vulnerable to it when 1) using a second language and 2) very tired. My English-speaking girlfriend (nowadays wife) was once quite amused when I, upon emerging dripping wet from the bath, asked for a trowel to dry myself off with.

  9. Given that Tara is a knight and their persistent mention of royalty I am starting to suspect that their half of the world (Darn you, Dan, EXPLAIN THAT!) is a monarchy with a feudal system of some sort. Possibly a vestigial one with some sort of civil representation. Moreover, I find the reactions of the griffins rather interesting. I have this feeling that they still have Nanase placed in the slot marked 'royalty' in their worldview and that they go along with not calling her 'princess' mostly as polite acceptance of royal caprice. ("Uh, of course, your Majest -- I mean, your Elizabethness -- I mean Elizabeth!")

  10. 19 minutes ago, CritterKeeper said:

    I think we got into a discussion of this once before, or perhaps it was another forum.... 1) malls always seemed like a suburban American phenomena, it seems odd at first glance to hear about nordic shopping malls; and 2) malls have been disappearing a lot around here, replaced with complexes of long rows of facing shops, sort of a hybrid between a strip-mall colony and a real mall that's lost its roof.  Is that happening over there, too?

    Well, this was a quarter century ago and that particular mall was dying even then. And yes, I'd say so. Many American phenomena get copied here in Scandinavia and a surprising number of tendencies follow in parallel.

  11. 40 minutes ago, Stature said:

    If Elliot's and his alter-egos' personalities are put in a Venn diagram, nothing might even intersect.

    I strongly doubt that. To me it seems much more likely that they are all built on the same foundation. Elliot's core traits consist of: honesty, empathy and protectiveness. Heidi, Mildred and Gothica would be just as likely to take a bullet for a friend as Elliot himself would be. After all, Elliot is a defender and the whole reason he got a superhero spell is because he dreamed of defending and protecting people.