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    • Robin

      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!

The Old Hack

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Posts posted by The Old Hack

  1. 17 minutes ago, SeriousJupiter said:

    Who would Susan want to hammer after learning about Diane?

    Lacking any other justification, anything even remotely resembling a legitimate military target.

    I suspect Rich would do well to be out of town if that situation should indeed come to pass.

  2. 1 hour ago, Circe said:

    I'd love to see Tedd there as Tess with the other three MV5'd.  That would make for a fun sketchbook entry!

    I agree with Mackus; we probably won't actually see a non-binary form.  It may be discussed a little more, especially if/when Sam and Sarah become a storyline.

    I hope Dan will address Ellen turning into a male form.  She should be past establishing herself as an individual now, so if she's avoiding a gender change I have to wonder why.

    According to Dan, part of the issue is that Dan himself for some reason feels uncomfortable about having Ellen turn male. Which is rather meta but nonetheless perfectly valid. A storyteller often does well to trust their instincts.

  3. 1 minute ago, exterminator said:

    I think @ProfessorTomoe was doing that in the old forum? I think I remember getting my old avatar from a thread he made about it. Might be mistaking him with another user, though.

    No, the good Professor did indeed create a lot of avatars in the old days. He made mine, too, in fact. I am using the current one as a stopgap while waiting for his response to my piteous pleas for help.

  4. 6 hours ago, CritterKeeper said:

    Looked nice at the start of the lunch break today, overcast but warm.  I wanted to go for a walk (even though my dog didn't feel up to a long one) so I grabbed an umbrella just in case and set out.

    Before I'd gotten to the first light, the sky to the north was getting ominously dark.  Kept getting darker fast enough just waiting to cross the road twice (east then north) that I chickened out and crossed back again (west then south) and headed back to work.  But I really wanted to walk!  Well, there's a little 24-hour gym across the streed that has treadmills, so I drove over there (so my work clothes wouldn't get soaked coming back if it did start pouring) and went in and walked on the treadmill for twenty minutes. Not as much fun, but I sure did need the exercise for some reason!

    Annoyingly, it looked like it only sprinkled a bit, so I probably could have walked outside after all.

    Forecast is for much the same weather the rest of the week. :P

    One time I was out walking on what seemed a perfectly normal sunny day. I was approaching the local mall when the sky suddenly darkened with terriffic speed. I was about ten yards from the entrance when it started pouring. I sprinted the last few steps but STILL got soaked almost through before I made it inside. :blink:

  5. 9 hours ago, partner555 said:

    Hack, do you know where the Community Guidelines and Courtesy Rules are? Since we are starting over, I feel it would be good to remind myself of the rules.

    For example, I didn't remember the rule about no posting fanfiction here. I'm sure there are other rules that I have forgotten.

    I know precisely where they are. In my head, waiting to be written out anew. *sigh* Please give me a couple of days or three as I am somewhat busy at the moment.

  6. 3 hours ago, Zee McZed said:

    Newbie Pack? You have Newbie Packs here? Most forums I frequented in the past just threw a cookie at your head and were done with it.

    Zorua is a generous soul who is carrying on with an old, old EGS tradition of giving newbie packs to new arrivals. Hopefully we shall soon have a new introductions forum to do it in; I have requested of Robin that he make one. :)

  7. 41 minutes ago, Scotty said:

    Alright, time to see how the new forums handles my copypasta.

    Personally I only ever eat actual spaghetti or macaroni. No dubious imitations or substitutes for me.

    (If you have formatting issues, try Matoyak's excellent posts with tips. I link to them in a pinned post in the General forum.)

  8. The Pundit: In general terms, yes. The reason Dan didn't want fanfiction on these forums was due to legal issues. He didn't want to run into the problems of someone claiming that he had used their ideas. So specific plot points should be kept vague/off site.

    -- the Moderator

  9. The Pundit: I do not wish to come across as a killjoy, but it has been an old rule here that we do not post fan fictions directly on these forums due to a request from Dan himself. He would prefer not to read them even inadvertently. It is, however, okay to link to them off site as long as the link is clearly marked as leading to fan fiction.

    -- the Moderator

  10. 2 hours ago, CritterKeeper said:


    Venting a bit is natural, but I don't think anyone means to complain about Robin, or Ben or Thom.  We all know they're doing everything they can, and if/when they need help many of us will be happy to contribute!  I'm just glad they were able to restart the forums and give us a place to hang out together again!

    BTW, I see you got your definite article back! :-)

    I actually ended up with two accounts. I'll ask Robin to delete the other one.