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Darth Fluffy

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Posts posted by Darth Fluffy

  1. I am demented. Tragic circumstances, near tragic outcome, and my thought is, "How the Hell do you miss a target that close?"

    Also, and apologies if this belongs on the political thread, but why does it take less to own a gun than to drive a car?

  2. I think the notion that Pandora foresaw the need and created a source of wealth for her future self is the most viable theory that's been voiced. Pandora claimed to be near omniscient, and had some interaction with treasure through treasure hunting.

  3. 5 hours ago, ijuin said:

    Anybody notice that de-muscled Nanase is slightly shorter than default Nanase? It seems as though she got a minor height boost from Magic, like Susan has. I would estimate her now as just above five feet (vs. five feet four as her regular height).

    I thought she combined both modifications, short and less strength.

  4. 2 hours ago, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:

    Of course, there is the Many Worlds interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.

    No matter how old or sick or injured a person may become, there will always be a version of that person who just fails to die.

    All of them are, potentially, immortal.

    That is interesting, I never though of it like that. Your example applies to real life. So, if the Many Worlds interpretation is correct, everyone should have a branching path in which they never die. Observation says this is not the case; so the branches are either negligibly unlikely, or the Many Worlds interpretation is wrong - or sort of both, the odds of some events are so negligibly small that you can't tell if they ever happen or not.

  5. 1 hour ago, ChronosCat said:

    Also in Goonmanji 2, Hanma implies that in a future canon story it will be revealed that she met Liz and Ashley at an anime convention.

    In the linked comic, she is meeting Liz in the same non-canon arc as Susan, Rhoda, Catalina, and Ashley. Liz, though not having magic, is aware of it.

    Liz is a good character, I hope she gets more face time.

  6. Comic for Friday, Jan 5, 2024

    Does she remember Luke? Will her aura be too bright, or as a recent reboot, maybe not; in either case, maybe different from human?

    She'll probably see him as a threat, but she'd have to disappear right away to not be seen. And Justin will notice.

    She was observing the card game in the past, so she should know that Sarah plays. Since she's looking for things to do with Sarah, that might be why she bought the cards. Knowing Sarah like a narrative might be why she had a specific list. If that's true, the third panel should say, "What else can Sarah and I do together that she would enjoy?"

    The Pandora shadows are kind of cool. They look like Nanase shadows, probably for no particular reason. I wonder why they are there in those panels on this page, when they aren't always there? I assume it's for us and they aren't visible to the characters at all. . . . Maybe that's what Luke will see?

  7. You might have an allergy to the adhesive. I get a rash from off-brand adhesive bandages that aren't Band-Aid. I think it's a sensitivity to latex. Might be something to mention to your healthcare providers, they can use hypoallergenic tape.

  8. 22 hours ago, Amiable Dorsai said:

    Pandora could have left her a bank account and a cash machine card. The bills those dispense are usually pretty new.

    True. Banks get new bills, banks stock the machines, new bills are likely more reliable in a dispensing machine; although, they also seem to have a tendency to stick together until they are a little used.

    In a possibly related note, about the only place I've seen dollar coins is some municipal transit ticket machines use them for change. People look at you funny when you try to spend them, "What's this?" Also $2 bills.

  9. I tend to think of this as 'correlation does not equal causation'. Nanase is strong because she works out, the effects of magic on this are indeterminate. Likewise, Elliot. Tedd is weak, because he does not. He 'works out' with his magic, and so is strong with it. So 'great wizards have noodle arms' seems to say that they are hyper-focused magic nerds, not that being physically strong makes one weaker in magic.

    Super wizard Nanase is cute. Her gloves look awkwardly oversized, and the outer wrap around her top looks constricting. The hat is stylish, but would probably be unwieldy.

    In real life, physical activity is healthy and improves your outlook, you can generally accomplish more.