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Darth Fluffy

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Posts posted by Darth Fluffy

  1. Comic for Friday, Jan 5, 2024

    Does she remember Luke? Will her aura be too bright, or as a recent reboot, maybe not; in either case, maybe different from human?

    She'll probably see him as a threat, but she'd have to disappear right away to not be seen. And Justin will notice.

    She was observing the card game in the past, so she should know that Sarah plays. Since she's looking for things to do with Sarah, that might be why she bought the cards. Knowing Sarah like a narrative might be why she had a specific list. If that's true, the third panel should say, "What else can Sarah and I do together that she would enjoy?"

    The Pandora shadows are kind of cool. They look like Nanase shadows, probably for no particular reason. I wonder why they are there in those panels on this page, when they aren't always there? I assume it's for us and they aren't visible to the characters at all. . . . Maybe that's what Luke will see?

  2. You might have an allergy to the adhesive. I get a rash from off-brand adhesive bandages that aren't Band-Aid. I think it's a sensitivity to latex. Might be something to mention to your healthcare providers, they can use hypoallergenic tape.

  3. 22 hours ago, Amiable Dorsai said:

    Pandora could have left her a bank account and a cash machine card. The bills those dispense are usually pretty new.

    True. Banks get new bills, banks stock the machines, new bills are likely more reliable in a dispensing machine; although, they also seem to have a tendency to stick together until they are a little used.

    In a possibly related note, about the only place I've seen dollar coins is some municipal transit ticket machines use them for change. People look at you funny when you try to spend them, "What's this?" Also $2 bills.

  4. I tend to think of this as 'correlation does not equal causation'. Nanase is strong because she works out, the effects of magic on this are indeterminate. Likewise, Elliot. Tedd is weak, because he does not. He 'works out' with his magic, and so is strong with it. So 'great wizards have noodle arms' seems to say that they are hyper-focused magic nerds, not that being physically strong makes one weaker in magic.

    Super wizard Nanase is cute. Her gloves look awkwardly oversized, and the outer wrap around her top looks constricting. The hat is stylish, but would probably be unwieldy.

    In real life, physical activity is healthy and improves your outlook, you can generally accomplish more.

  5. Whatever the source, bills that are too new will arouse suspicion, especially if they all are. A reasonable back story would be, "I'm traveling (also, that's why I'm a bit weird) and that's what the bank handed me." Which is one possible explanation, maybe she legitimately had access to items she buried many years ago.

    So, source of the funds; Justin says, "Not counterfeit!" in his head; I take that as canon because it seems to be intended to be canon. Well, we have the possible, 'assets buried long ago', literally created on the spot - but she'd need to have copied real ones to have the anti-counterfeit features; transported real ones to herself - effectively stolen; sent real ones back in time to herself - which is not technically stealing, it would be more akin to counterfeiting, but they'd be real; duplicated herself a thousand times and flipped burgers for a couple of weeks (but she'd probably know about change, then - and does she need to eat?) . . . They all seem far fetched.

    30 minutes ago, Amiable Dorsai said:

    Justin's being remarkably polite here; most clerks aren't so circumspect about checking for counterfeits. 

    Justin is slick in how he checked, not making it obvious what he is doing. OTOH, it's probably not necessary. I've had bills checked at places that check routinely, did not find it offensive. I think black light checking is more effective. I can see a comic store not investing in one, even though they are not expensive. It has too many entertaining applications, in a store that caters to the nerdy crowd.

    The 'change' panel - Hope is naive about muggles, big surprise; not knowing that she'd get money back seems a bit much. But why is she so hyper-focused on being recognized as having changed? It seems to be motivated by some fear; she currently has limited power, she's used to much more as Pandora, so this might be a strong reaction to the loss, since hers is more severe than most immortals experience. Or perhaps she knows she has enemies - none explicitly shown, yet, but she had previously made a name for herself. Magus is perhaps likely to be a hostile human. Voltaire is generally antagonistic.

    31 minutes ago, Amiable Dorsai said:

    Heh, Hope learning how to fit in human society looks like it will be fun. It's interesting that she's even trying. Does she intend to reveal herself to those she remembers, or is she intending to just become their friends? Seems unsatisfying if the latter; I've been looking forward to the reunions.

    Is this a long term thing, like Pandora's years adventuring with her mate? Motivated by wanting to bond with her family? Part of the new immortal rules?

    14 minutes ago, AFNB said:

    Oh dear god, Hope = adorable!

    Absolutely! From what we've seen of other immortal reboots, it seems like she should be functioning as a young adult, yet she seems to be much more childlike. I wonder if some aggregation of the human case is going to be parents to her; maybe her own son will be involved.

    It's been said in the comic that 'immortals have a difficult time understanding human morality'. I wonder if she is being set up to have deeper insights into human morality.

  6. NP Comic for Tuesday, Jan 2, 2024

    Nanase looks muscular enough, don't get why Ashley would question it.

    The commentary says Nanase weights in the first panel appear to be about three pounds. I think that's way off, I'd say about ten pounds.

    I forgot that Ashley does ballet, which seems like an unnecessary embellishment for this comic; holding her aloft would be impressive even if she did not. I guess she would not be able to stay rigid in the last panel without some practice. When do they teach that? A friend of my dad's had a daughter near my age, and when we were little she took ballet classes. I'm pretty sure they didn't do that. I didn't observe so I guess they could have.

    My only other connection to ballet was that they played the Ballet of Davy Crockett on the radio a lot around then. Disney made a few shows about him wandering the wilderness in his coonskin cap and tutu. Fess Parker, who was Jed Clampett a decade later, played his sidekick. He killed him a bar when he was only three. Probably got the whiskey contaminated, then got chased out of town for poisoning the patrons, and had to wander the wilderness, until he got elected to Congress. Then, he told them, "You can go to Hell, I'm going to Texas.", and yeah, I can see a rough equivalence, although, most of the time Texas has a milder climate. And Hell is not know for it's tornadoes. But it is known for Willie Nelson, who may have known Davy Crockett. He's been around for a while.

  7. On 12/29/2023 at 9:08 AM, AFNB said:

    As a 38 year old male who still likes pointy ears, and has a 36 year old female friend who feels the same, I fail to see how that makes a worthy judgement that she's "a kid with a generous allowance."

    She looks young. I don't think Justin is judging her liking pointy ears.

    On a re-read, I think you're right.

  8. 22 hours ago, ijuin said:

    “As much as some new video games” sounds like fifty bucks or so. Definitely a big expenditure for anyone who is too young to have a job. How old would you say Hope looks like at this point? Fourteen?

    Sixty to seventy USD would be typical for a big name release for the PC; fifty is a nice round figure in the ballpark. I read this as 'under $100 or not much over', allowing for some padding.

    I thought Hope looked mid-high school teen, around 16-ish, but small stature. I wondered if stature was not passed on, because Pandora appeared taller, but recall, she was sometimes a very short young looking girl. In any case, the appearance age does not seem to correlate to the time since reboot. Zeus appeared to be in his twenties. I wonder if it reflects an emotional state, something like self perceived maturity?


    20 hours ago, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:

    Counterfeiting is a potential problem that could make mortal governments actively oppose Immortals.  

    I had this same thought. Counterfeiting be stepping across a line that would be opposed however possible.


    20 hours ago, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:

    My guess is that Pandora established some sort of hoard, stash or account to which Hope still has access.


    14 hours ago, Amiable Dorsai said:

    I'm slow today--Hope's list in the third panel is in her 'notes from a previous life' voice (yeah, okay, font). This is a memorized list, not one she's actually reading off the sheet she's holding. Whatever she's doing, it was set in motion by Pandora. Who probably was savvy enough to make sure her new self had some sort of cache of cash.


    11 hours ago, mlooney said:

    Given that Pandora knew she was going to reset soon, I'm fairly sure she put away some cash.


    Why would Pandora have had a stash of human cash or valuables? Why would she have cared? What need would she have for wealth? Are you thinking this is something all immortals would do prior to rebooting?

    It seems clear that Hope has an agenda, but not what it is, nor if it is her own thing or directed by Pandora.


    14 hours ago, Amiable Dorsai said:

    I'm slow today--Hope's list in the third panel is in her 'notes from a previous life' voice (yeah, okay, font). This is a memorized list, not one she's actually reading off the sheet she's holding. Whatever she's doing, it was set in motion by Pandora. Who probably was savvy enough to make sure her new self had some sort of cache of cash.

    The notes from the past suggests this is Pandora's idea. That makes sense, that Pandora would have had an opinion, vs Hope seems clueless. But why a card game?