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Everything posted by ProfessorTomoe

  1. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    6:56 a.m. CDT 20170620. Mrs. Prof is having tremendous difficulty putting my compression stocking on my right leg. Brief interruption: I just found a fly in my Crystal Light lemon tea. Mrs. Prof is fixing that situation now as well. Disgusting—I took a sip of that tea before spotting the fly. Back on topic. Mrs. Prof had to take two breaks in order to finish pulling on the stocking, and it's just a moderate compression (15-20 mmHg) stocking. This is only the third day she's had to mess with it, and I don't know how much longer she'll be able to handle it. I know for certain I can't put it on myself. This is going to be a difficult situation. As if we needed another one. (Case in point: I had to wait for her to feed the kittens before she'd put on my stocking.) And the hits just keep on coming. Remaining medical fnordage to deal with today: find (literally) and fill out the new patient questionnaire for the ENT doctor's appointment tomorrow. It'll probably take forever, as it always does, even with my "see attached" printouts. Very tired right now. Only got about five hours of sleep. Every time I'd wake up, Mrs. Prof would wake up and start feeding kittens. I'm going to require more sleep before I fill out the ENT paperwork. Good night.
  2. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    5:21 p.m. CDT 20170619. I managed to shock a doctor today. My own primary care physician, no less. I told him the story of what happened to me over at UT Southwestern, including at their "Pain Clinic." He was absolutely stunned that anyone, much less THE premiere research medical hospital in the area, would want to use acupuncture and biofeedback on someone with my level of pain. Mrs. Prof, while looking up the name of the person we want me to be referred to, found a rating (1–5 stars) for the UTSW pain "doctor." It was two stars. The new person is rated at 4½ stars. Needless to say, my doctor agreed to the new referral. I shall not be returning to UT Southwestern. My PCP also looked at my right leg and agreed with the podiatrist's diagnosis of mild venous stasis. No need for Lasix this time around. Compression stockings will do. To wrap up for now, @The Old Hack: your gift of Parmesan-coated sausage arrived about 30 minutes ago! The picture and description were a bit deceptive—it showed a whole sausage, but they sent pre-sliced sausage—however, the amount they delivered was 4 ounces (113.4 grams), as advertised. (The description has since been updated.) The temperatures around here have been in the mid-90s (in the mid-30s in Celsius), so the frozen-paks were melted. The sausage is therefore chilling in the refrigerator until it comes down to a safer temperature (it's cured, so it's probably safe anyway). Regardless of all of the unusual aspects, I still appreciate your gift very much! I will be relaxing with some of it later tonight, as will Mrs. Prof as soon as she's finished a cycle of syringe-feeding the kittens.
  3. NP Monday June 19, 2017

    I just wish I knew where to post that would get the board itself fixed.
  4. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    8:38 a.m. CDT 20170619. Slept without the compression stocking. Foot and leg feel better since I slept with them elevated, but I've still got edema that you can poke dents into. Mrs. Prof was reluctant to put my stocking on, since I'm just going to have to take it off before my shower and put it back on before my PCP appointment, but I reminded her that the doctor is going to want to see it anyway and that I haven't had the compression for over 24 hours now. Stocking went on. See my entry in the "What are you ingesting" thread for what I wound up eating this morning around 5am. I think that has helped me feel a bit better. Still a bit of a headache, for which I just broke protocol and asked Mrs. Prof for ibuprofen. I've got a very late appointment on Wednesday with the ENT doctor: 4:20 p.m. CDT. We're going to have to leave very early, since there's only one way there and it's across a lake bridge that gets extremely congested starting at 3pm and ending around 6pm. I'm also going to have to fill out an encyclopedia of paperwork—again—before the appointment.
  5. NP Monday June 19, 2017

    @HarJIT is the only one who's figured out how to get them going so far. Sigh. I think HarJIT's posting direct links to the emoji images from MaxCDN.
  6. What Are You Ingesting?

    I have been ingesting over the course of several days a serving of Moo Shi Pork. The "pancakes" that came with it got used to wrap Greek salad burritos, since they're useless for containing their intended dish. Instead, I've been using flour tortillas. Works and tastes better, IMHO. I'm just glad I got extra hoisin sauce.
  7. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    You have my sympathies and best wishes, as always. I hope things will steady down soon. Thank you. Item e-mailed to the doctor through the patient portal, using "venous stasis" instead of the red-flag-raising "edema." This is all taking place on the side where I've still got ankle hardware implanted, of course. The swelling is keeping me from feeling my hardware on the inner side of my leg. Painful to the touch.
  8. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Eep. That sounds scary. Very seconded. I would suggest strategically placed plush area rugs, for future such events.
  9. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    2:23 p.m. CDT 20170618. Hoo boy, did we fark up. Both of us were very tired last night after the kitten reception and, being still unfamiliar with the compression stocking, left it on my leg overnight. Oww. I had to wait until Mrs. Prof woke up before I could get it removed. Oh, man, was it squeezed out of shape. And in pain, I should say. The foot outright hurt and the leg ached all the way up. Everything hurt for hours. I felt horrible overall. Mrs. Prof had me Googling all kinds of different results of wearing compression stockings for too long. Nothing explained my pain, except for the general advice never to wear them overnight. No kidding. It's been several hours since removal, and I still feel crappy. My leg doesn't ache as much and isn't as deformed as it was, but my foot and ankle are still puffed up. Neither of us understand why this is still going on. It's only a 15-20 compression stocking. (one of the lightest prescriptions (as compared to non-prescription) they make). I shouldn't feel worn out, but I do. One more thing to add to the primary doctor's appointment tomorrow. Sigh. Back to elevating my leg.
  10. Things that make you go WTF

    They are *very* demanding kittens. Hungry all the time. Feedings are noisy and messy affairs.
  11. NP Friday June 9, 2017

  12. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Twin Peaks: The Return did not get watched tonight. I passed out from exhaustion (and partly from frustration over the kittens—see the "Things that make you go WTF" thread). I'm full of pills now and will try to watch as much of the 24 Hours or Le Mans as I can before I pass out again.
  13. Things that make you go WTF

    Mrs. Prof nodded her head in acceptance. She has other things on her mind. Read on. Any time Mrs. Prof comes home and starts off her salutation with, "I know you're going to shoot me," I know it's not going to be a good day, or in this case, evening. I was advised that "we" have volunteered to foster two kittens who are still being bottle-fed. Without asking me, of course. After all of the "You're killing my job" and other complaints from the previous couple of weeks, I did not take the news well. I'm still not happy about it, but what the hell am I going to do? It was either this or euthanasia. Anyway, I made it very clear to the person who dropped them off that the situation was problematic, given my disabilities and injuries. She promised to try and find another foster family as quickly as possible. In the meantime, allow me to introduce you to Flannel (top, male) and Shoehorn (bottom, female): Our household cat is not happy with their presence. He has hissed at one of them, hissed at Mrs. Prof, and rejected their smell. I can only hope this is a short, short fostering period.
  14. Shoehorn01b.jpg

    Shoehorn, the female kitten
  15. Flannel01b.jpg

    Flannel, the male kitten
  16. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Meh. Too complicated for a smiley.
  17. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Ah. Oh, well, it's pill time anyway. Might as well do an update. 4:25 p.m. CDT 20170617. Very, very tired all day. The TV has been on the 24 Hours of Le Mans for all the hours that FS1 or FS2 has carried it. I haven't been able to stay awake to watch all those hours. Just awfully freaking tired, and my right leg/foot feels weird with this compression sock on. Someone on Scribophile offered to give me a source for "diabetic compression socks." I might take them up on the offer. Maybe. Depends on what Mrs. Prof says. Tried to have Chinese food for lunch. That's my go-to for when I feel like crap. Doesn't help much when they screw up things: no credit card slip, no hoisin sauce for the Moo Shi pork, wrappers ("pancakes") that fall apart before you can even pick them up. Even the appetizer (steamed dumplings) fell apart when I tried to eat them. No help whatsoever. Mrs. Prof has gone out to run many errands, including cat errands, grocery shopping errands, et cetera. She promises to bring home dinner, after which I've promised to watch an hour of Twin Peaks: The Return that I missed a couple of weeks ago. How I'm going to stay awake for it I don't know. I've also promised to watch last week's installment before this week's new installment tomorrow night. Lord, I need some stamina, and I'm at a loss as to where to get it.
  18. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Test. I'm not getting it. What do I have to do?
  19. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Is this Greasemonkey or overall?
  20. Things that make you go WTF

    Then in November, I'm officially old according to their rules if you subtract 20 years. Mrs. Prof would already be old minus 20 years. Trivia: our birthdays fall two calendar days apart, but hers came 363 actual days earlier. We used to celebrate our birthdays on the day in between until Mrs. Prof's father passed away on that day, back in the late 80s. He was a WWII veteran who went in with the second wave at Omaha Beach on D-Day as a medic. He made it home, and hopefully he helped others make it home as well. Better to celebrate his memory on that day.
  21. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    8:46 a.m. CDT 20170617. Well, everyone in the house is awake now, although my drugs have me on another sine wave cycle. I'm at the top of one, about to head downward. Mrs. Prof indignantly reminded me that she had to wear compression stockings while she was pregnant (30 years ago), so of course she knows how to put them on me. Even though I'm not pregnant. Sheesh. I think my intestines are calming down, transitioning from one mode to another, or something. They feel off, but at least they're not doing what was described in the earlier spoiler, thank goodness. No toilet snake today. They're probably contributing to the downward slope of the sine wave. I'm going to lie down again. Man, the sine amplitude isn't as bad today as is the frequency.
  22. Library of Congress Webcomic Web Archive

    His response from Facebook: I would take this as a "meh," therefore as a go ahead or don't—I don't care.
  23. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    5:57 a.m. CDT 20170617. I'm up early, thanks to the cat. He woke me up around 4am, but then I wound up falling asleep sitting up on the sofa until around 5:30. Mrs. Prof is nowhere near awake yet, so I have no compression stocking on my right foot yet. I've eaten and taken my pills already—that may have been part of my problem yesterday (forgetting to take my morning pills), but I have no way of being sure. Can't use it as an excuse today. Not sure if I want to stay awake or not. The 24 Hours of Le Mans is today (starts in 90 minutes), but I can feel breakfast and a stomach full of pills pulling down hard on me. I think a nap is in order, regardless of whether Carlton is beating Gold Coast Suns or not.
  24. What Are You Watching?

    More Aussie Rules Football, live from Melbourne at the MCG. It's late in the first quarter. Richmond is out in front of Sydney, 19 to 4.
  25. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Screw that. It's going down now.