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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!


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Everything posted by ProfessorTomoe

  1. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Had my toe wound treated today. I've got to wear a special silver pad on it and change it daily for the next week, when I go back to the doctor. Not as serious as my primary care doctor thought, although there is a 1-2 mm hole in the bottom of my toe. No gore. They did X-ray the toe, though. There's been some pain in the joints on the upper surface.
  2. What Are You Ingesting?

    Cultured Bulgarian-style Buttermilk. Ahhh. Good for what ails ya. Drink it slow and cold. Relaxing. Is there any wonder why Ray Harroun asked for it after winning the very first Indy 500?
  3. Last Post Wins

    Why live in the real world when there's plenty of fantasy worlds in here?
  4. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    You and I are on the same dosage. It helps me. Hopefully it'll help you.
  5. Last Post Wins

    Now I'm trying to get that image out of my head.
  6. The Album, and Other Music

    @The Old Hack - thought you'd like to know that the art for the album cover is being done in Denmark!
  7. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    *responds with comment comparing manliness, overshadowing previous poster's size and volume*
  8. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    I have to go to a wound care doctor for my toe. The appointment is gawdawful-early Monday. However, if the thing gets any worse before then, I'm to go to the emergency room. Insert obligatory bitching here.
  9. Last Post Wins

    Why would they believe someone who's lost touch with reality?
  10. Last Post Wins

    And your sense of creelality as well, it would seem.
  11. Last Post Wins

    You should have used a sewing angel instead.
  12. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    If it ain't one thing, it's another. I found a sticky, red blood blister on the second toe of my left foot last night. Pulled it off—it didn't hurt—and took a shower. Showed the toe to Mrs. Prof. She said I needed to get to the doctor ASAP. Got there today and got agreement from the doctor. He said I caught it just in time. Any later and I might be amputating the thing. His nurse gave me a shot of something, after which I had to wait 15 minutes to make sure I didn't have an allergic reaction. He also put me on Bactrim and told me to call in two days. If it isn't any better, I may wind up in a wound care clinic or in an emergency room. All fingers and other toes crossed.
  13. The Album, and Other Music

    Made a slight change to the home page of my web site. The Irritable Bowel guide is no longer featured, although it is on the top of the literary page. I've made the front page more music-oriented for the duration of the album focus.
  14. Things that make you MAD

    I don't know what it is, then, other than irritating. You know what really burns my ass? A flame about three feet high.
  15. The Album, and Other Music

    I've just learned something surprising. CD Baby is owned by Disc Makers. In other words, it's easier to start by going through Disc Makers, because they'll manufacture discs and get a bar code, then send it over to their CD Baby side for digital distribution. At least I have someone to talk to over there now.
  16. EGS: The College Years

    I'm sure he'll make a deal to get out.
  17. Things that make you MAD

    Possibly. She has a hatred for receipts, though. She might have inadvertently dropped or trashed one. Along comes a scavenger, and *poof*! There goes our credit card.
  18. Things that make you MAD

    Sorry to necrorage, but my wife just got a call from the fraud department at Wells Fargo. Someone got hold of her credit card info and went on a spree. We're both going to have to get new cards now. How the hell did they get the numbers?
  19. The Album, and Other Music

    Now that the music part of the album is finished, I'm backing up my music system. I'm going to have so many backups when I'm done I won't know where to keep them. Better that than the opposite.
  20. The Album, and Other Music

    Question: am I the only music maker on the forum?
  21. The Album, and Other Music

    I did not vote for Bruno Mars.
  22. Things That Are Just Annoying

    "Museum" is a code word for "long drawn-out chase scene followed by ill-advised opening by the bad guys, followed ultimately by storage in a vast government warehouse until needed as a cheap gag prop for a future movie.
  23. Greasemonkey forum scripts

    Does the script work better with Greasemonkey now, or is Tampermonkey still the way to go?