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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Everything posted by ProfessorTomoe

  1. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    ***The Edema Chronicles for May 22, 2023 Today's weight, taken at around 5:00 a.m., was 323 lbs. Missed yesterday for reasons.
  2. New Music Release Thread

    You come into my town And now it's going down You get up in my way And now you gotta pay You had to cross the line You're running out of time The line of sight is clear I'll make you disappear
  3. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    ***The Edema Chronicles for May 20, 2023 Today's weight, taken at around 6:30 a.m., was 324 lbs. Sorry for the skip. I had a "colonoscopy." By "", I mean that the purge for it went horribly, horribly wrong, and the colonoscopy didn't take place. I was unable to take my Bumex water pill, so my swelling got out of control and my weight shot up to 329 lbs. I'm slowly on the way back down.
  4. Discussion of Military, real or fictional

    Thank you. This is the first good laugh I've had in days.
  5. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Keep forcing fluids other than tea. Pedialyte is good.
  6. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    ***The Edema Chronicles for May 12, 2023 Today's weight, taken at around 2:13 a.m., was 321 lbs. No change. No change. No change.
  7. Other Random Comics

    Like crap through a goose... https://www.gocomics.com/9chickweedlane/2023/05/11
  8. Other Random Comics

    Sabot-age... https://www.gocomics.com/9chickweedlane/2023/04/26
  9. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    ***The Edema Chronicles for May 11, 2023 Today's weight, taken at around 2:03 a.m., was 321 lbs. Minor fluctuation. No big deal.
  10. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Well, they did not admit me to the hospital. They responded with a "What are we supposed to do???" attitude toward me, even when I told them that two doctors (orthopedist and pain management) told me to go to the ER if things got worse after their procedures. I did get a little bit of pain relief, though, in the form of some IV Dilaudid, IV muscle relaxant, and a pill for pain relief. I also got a referral to a new orthopedist, so we'll see how that pans out.
  11. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    It looks like I'm going to be paying the hospital a visit today. I've had pain building in my upper right arm since early last week. It's got to the point where anything I lift-even the arm itself-gives me a 9 to 9.5 pain on the 0-to-10 pain scale. My pain pills are doing nothing for me. I'm suffering. I went to my pain management doctor's office on Monday, and they recommended that I go to the ER if it got any worse. I've tried to hold out, but last night my wife suggested I go ahead and go in after we get dressed and ready Wednesday morning. I have no clue if they'll admit me, or even if they'll give me additional pain medicine. The only way to find out is to go. I'll update you as soon as I can.
  12. Other Random Comics

    Ffanwnky mozm fimps. (Read on to 2/12/2021 to discover this phrase, then keep reading.) https://www.gocomics.com/9chickweedlane/2021/02/08
  13. New Music Release Thread

    MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT: My collaboration with San Antonio Nü-Metal group Agony, "Come Get Some," will drop on May 26th, 2023! It'll be available on all major digital stores and streaming outlets. Groovy!
  14. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    ***The Edema Chronicles for May 9, 2023 Today's weight, taken at around 2:22 a.m., was 318 lbs. For reason why I skipped Monday's post, see Sunday's post. I wound up going to the doctor Monday. They're giving me some sort of compound cream that might help. It'll come in the mail.
  15. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    I am experiencing severe pain and unexplained swelling in my upper right arm, just below my right shoulder. This is below the area of the right rotator cuff. I've been trying to get in touch with my pain management specialist to see if it has anything to do with my Pain Block surgery that he did, but he has not called me back. The pain is severe, but mainly when I lift stuff - that is when I get level 9 pain. It's not bad enough to send me to the ER, so I don't know what to do now.
  16. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    ***The Edema Chronicles for May 7, 2023 Today's weight, taken at around 2:44 a.m., was 319 lbs. Some skipped days, to be explained below.
  17. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    ***The Edema Chronicles for May 4, 2023 Today's weight, taken at around 6:55 a.m., was 320 lbs. I did weigh myself yesterday, I just forgot to post it. It was 320 as well.
  18. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    I saw my doctor about an ear infection last Friday. My ear had actually been throbbing for about a week prior to me going in. He diagnosed me with a swollen eardrum and a swollen lymph gland in my neck, and gave me Augmentin to knock it out. Well, yesterday (Monday), I developed a nasty sore throat to go with it. I had a hard time trying to figure out what was causing it. In the end, I settled on post-nasal drip. Antihistamines have helped a little bit, but not much,
  19. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    ***The Edema Chronicles for May 2, 2023 Today's weight, taken at around 6:58 a.m., was 319 lbs. A little bit downward. Nice to see, but at what cost?
  20. Star Wars Rebellion

    The last thing I did for fun prior to coming back into the hospital was to learn how to play "Star Wars Rebellion," with my nearly 36-year-old son as my instructor. We played two games of it: an instructional game at first, followed by a full-on game afterward. He played the Empire and I played as the Rebels both times. I've got to admit, for a very geeky game, I enjoyed the frak out of myself. Both games were close, albeit the second game (my first real game) was extremely close, coming down to the last roll of the dice during a battle for the ages on my well-hidden Rebel base to decide the game. We both had but one hit point left: I had one Rebel Trooper left standing, while he had one hit point left on an AT-AT. He got the lucky roll and took out my trooper on the very last possible roll, having broken out in a sweat during the fight. Wow. The physical tabletop game was just that - it took up my entire kitchen table top, and then some. There were over a hundred pieces of highly detailed Star Wars characters in use, from X-wings and Y-wings through Rebel and Imperial troopers, through Super Star Destroyers, through the Death Star in various stages of construction. The game costs about $100 just because of the parts, my son says, and my wife has ordered for him a special foam-core insert for his game box that will help him organize his pieces when storing them. As much as I enjoyed the game, I think my son enjoyed it even more. He was practically jubilant over the fact that he now had a "second person" with whom he could play one of his Star Wars games. He'd only been able to play them with a certain friend who is equally as geeky about Star Wars as he is. I don't know if I qualify as "geeky," but I at least know enough about the universe (or learned enough about the game) to be able to give him a good fight. Amazon Smile link: https://smile.amazon.com/Star-Wars-Rebellion-Board-Game/dp/B017MLIGP0
  21. New Music Release Thread

    The recording session for the Nu-metal version of my song "Stalker" by San Antonio group Agony went down last night, and I hear it went down well. I'm now waiting on receiving the stems and any other audio data that might come from the session so that I can do mixing and mastering of the final song. I'm really looking forward to working on it!
  22. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    The suprascapular nerve block seems to have been a massive waste of time. I'm hurting just as bad as I was before the procedure. I intend on calling the doctor and complaining loudly today. I will either get a "give it a little more time" response, or something else. I'm hoping for something else, as long as that something else isn't "we're terribly sorry, there isn't anything we can do about it." EDIT: Just spoke with the doctor's office and found out that what they told me at the surgical center was WRONG. It's not supposed to kick in within 24 hours, it's supposed to kick in within 2 WEEKS!!! Damned miscommunication. If they'd have told me this the first time, I wouldn't have been bitchy about it for the past week. Sheesh. I give up.
  23. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    ***The Edema Chronicles for May 1, 2023 Today's weight, taken at around 9:58 a.m., was 321 lbs. Weighed in a little late, but the result was just the same.
  24. Star Wars Rebellion

    Looks like there may be another round of Star Wars Rebellion between my son and myself this week, hopefully on Tuesday. I'll likely get another shot at playing the Empire. My son told me I wasn't aggressive enough last time - I should have instigated combat more often, done stuff like that. Let's see if I can pull that off.
  25. Deep Thoughts

    Who, me?