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Posts posted by ProfessorTomoe

  1. Crappy news inbound today. I've been waiting since August '24 for a decision from a certain publisher on whether or not they were going to publish a woodwind quintet I wrote ("Theme and Tangents"). Well, that decision came through today, and it was a negative decision. I quote:


    Given the difficult nature of the music, we ultimately decided that it would have limited sales potential in our core market.

    God, what suckitude. Anyway, I've found a different publisher called Murphy Music Press which I'm going to try, I think. They publish band and chamber music, so if I can, I'm going to send them "Fantasias on a Hillside Theme" plus what I've got up on MyScore, along with "Theme and Tangents," of course.

  2. I'm supposedly being treated to a "last supper" tonight, prior to tomorrow's lipoma removal surgery. The meal of honor will be Japanese beef curry, served with koshihikari rice (top level stuff, if it gets here in time). I definitely feel honored. Curry and rice is one of my all-time favorite meals. It'll definitely soften the blow of having to fast from midnight until 10am Tuesday for the surgery.

    Will report on how things go, both gastronomic and surgical.

  3. I've uploaded a new (private) track to SoundCloud, for which I could use assistance again. It's an original composition for concert band called, "Fantasias on a Hillside Theme," and it runs approximately 13 minutes long in 3 movements. I'm not ready for it to go fully public yet, so that's why I'm asking for feedback once more. Here's the link:


    Please give it a listen and tell me if anything needs changing. Thank you.

  4. Maggi_Cream_of_Asparagus__04481.16439893

    Maggi brand Cream of Asparagus soup. Mrs. Prof and I had individual bowls of it this morning. Larrupin' stuff, especially when you consider that it's an "add water to a packet of powder and boil" product. Even has real bits of white asparagus in it. I've ordered more, but of the Knorr variety.

  5. Homemade chicken salad, crafted from the meat from leftover Wingstop chicken wings and using a recipe adapted from the America's Test Kitchen cookbook. Served on Ritz crackers. Om nom nom. I'd give it a larrupin', but the heat from the several-days-old Habanero-Mango wing meat has concentrated a bit too much to qualify for a larrupin' rating.

  6. "What we've got here is failure to communicate."

    There was no office surgery today, due to a breakdown in communication between myself and the doctor. I told him I wanted my lipoma removed, meaning the whole big honkin' lipoma removed, but for some reason he interpreted my desire as one to have just a small, hard lump at the center of the lipoma removed. When I corrected him, he said there is no way he could numb me up sufficiently in the office for the full lipoma removal, and that I'd have to go to a general surgeon to be put under using general anesthesia. Sigh.

    So, as a result, I'm back at square one. I have a consultation appointment set for the morning of Monday, December 30th, where I'll discuss getting the whole fatty tumor (a.k.a. lipoma), not just the hard lump, removed under general anesthesia with a doctor who works in General, Laparoscopic, Robotic, and Bariatric surgery. Hopefully I'll only need the General, and maybe the Robotic, specialties, in my case, and hopefully I'll be covered by insurance. Either way, the surgery won't take place until 2025, so it won't fall under my Catastrophic Deductible exemption for this year. Again, sigh.

    I told you to watch this space. Keep watching it.

  7. I'll be going in for some office surgery at around 2pm CDT today, As Seen On Television(TM). Seriously, if you've ever watched an episode of Dr. Pimple Popper, you've probably seen what they're going to do to me.

    I've got what they call a lipoma, or fatty tumor, on the back of my right upper leg. It's quite large, and weighs several pounds. It doesn't directly interfere with my daily activities, although it sometimes gets in the way when I sit down on the toilet. Anyway, I mentioned it to the dermatologist when I went there to get a rash checked out, and he said it was a candidate for removal. So, at 2pm today, he's going to bring me into the office, numb me up, slice me open, and for lack of a better term, rip it out.

    I've been told that the recovery isn't too bad, as long as I don't put weight on it. That will be a neat trick. I almost have to put weight on it, since I'm required to keep my legs elevated in order to prevent them from swelling up from edema. Something tells me that the recovery is going to be worse than the operation. Watch this space.

  8. The rain has come and gone in the DFW area, so this shouldn't be weather related, but I am hurting like a mofo all over both my arms. My carpal/cubital tunnel syndrome is acting up in my left arm from the elbow down, and it's been flaring in my right arm as well with my arm feeling like it's been falling asleep every time I use my mouse today. Now, over the past hour, my right rotator cuff tear has been hurting, and my left shoulder is hurting like it's got a torn rotator cuff, too (which it doesn't, damn it). I'm in serious pain, just under level 9. I normally take 16mg of Dilaudid at 6pm, but tonight I took an extra 4mg to try and get this pain to settle down. That was about 20-30 minutes ago, and it still hasn't calmed down much. I can feel a bit of a Dilaudid haze setting in, though, so I believe this is going to be one of those "knock me out" remedies, if it works at all.

    I've never used this acronym before, ever, but here goes: FML.

  9. If it weren't for my love of making music, I would still be running Arch Linux to this day. I ran it for a couple of years after I left Apogee/3D Realms. Alas, Cakewalk and Adobe Audition did not run reliably under any flavor of Linux, so I had to switch back in order to cut serious audio and albums..

  10. Saw my knee surgeon today to get my left knee looked at. The pain and swelling around my replacement knee joint has been really bad lately, especially today. He went ahead with his promise from the last appointment to "aspirate" (i.e., stick a big honking needle into and drain fluid from) the joint. He used what must have been a two-inch-long needle and a pair of syringes to pull a total of 25 milliliters of blood-red fluid out of the joint. The insertion hurt a bit, but the aspiration itself didn't hurt that much. It was just a bit unnerving to watch all that fluid come rushing out of my knee. Anyway, my knee has been sore all day afterward, so I don't know if it did any good. We shall see tomorrow, I guess.

  11. I am having hell with my right hand today, especially with my ring and pinky fingers and the portion of the palm to which they both connect. It's pretty obvious that my right-side carpal tunnel is acting up something fierce. Add this to the pain from my right-side torn rotator cuff, and let's just say things are less than comfortable on that half of the upper part of my body.

  12. 1 hour ago, mlooney said:

    Japanese snacks are weird.

    I haven't run into anything that fits the definition of "weird" yet. Everything so far has been edible and nom-a-licious, if not downright larrapin'.

    Right now, I am slowly dissolving a yuzu+sake hard candy ball in my mouth. It's quite good indeed, even if there isn't much of a trace of sake to be found. (Yuzu, for the uninitiated, is a Japanese citrus fruit, somewhat related to the lemon, but not exactly the same. It's interesting. More mellow than a lemon.)