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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!

Pharaoh RutinTutin

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Posts posted by Pharaoh RutinTutin


    Acting is work.

    Pretending to be somdthing you are not is mentally, emotionally & physically draining.

    Also, the only one who sees Susan live on camera is Elliot.  She knows the show can be stopped or edited before anyone else sees it on line.



    2 hours ago, mlooney said:

    I have a thumb print sized bruise in the center of my left arm.  I have no idea where it came from and it itches a little.

    Mr Whipple has returned through your nightmares.  Viciously squeezing all those who dared squeeze the Charmin in defiance of his singular mission in life. 



    10 minutes ago, mlooney said:

    I've seen 2 tornadoes in 50 some odd years.

    I'm not technically  from Tornado Alley.  Michigan was more like the Cul De Sac off the Alley down which the Tornadoes would occasionally turn. But I have seen a similar number of Tornadoes.  This was largely because my Mother had us all in the basement as soon as the Tornado Watch sounded.  There we would spend our time arguing about which windows on what side of the house should be open or closed.  Spoiler alert. It doesn't make a difference.  No common residential building is so thoroughly pressure sealed as to make your bungalow experience explosive decompression.  100+ MPH Winds and Heavy Debris do plenty of damage that can be understood with only a basic awareness of Newtonian Mechanics. 



    Traditional Chicken & Waffles is just a piece of fried chicken served on top of a waffle.  Usually with a sweet/spicy syrup on the side

    Amish style is chicken stew served like gravy over waffles

    As far as breakfast breads go, waffles are not particularly sweet on their own 

    I've had dinner rolls at restaurants that were sweeter than most dry waffles

    A stew poured over over bread, rice, cornbread, biscuits or potatoes prepared in any number of ways is always a good meal