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Pharaoh RutinTutin

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Posts posted by Pharaoh RutinTutin

  1. Sports Illuminated

    The Illuminati's internal publication about what is REALLY happening in athletics.

    Do you think it was just a coincidence that Middle Tennessee's "upset" win  in the first round of the NCAA Basketball Tournament would ensure that there were absolutely no "perfect" brackets for the remainder of March Madness?  If you had read last month's Sports Illuminated, you would have known what was scheduled.


  2. 3 hours ago, Scotty said:

    Anyone else wonder if Edward, Noriko and Mama Kitsune were to Raven as the main eight are to Edward?


    1 hour ago, Matoyak said:

    It seems a safe assumption.

    And despite the problems, Adrian Raven still seems like he would want to do the same thing all over again with Noah and Grace.

    Adrian Raven is prohibited from acting directly in many situations where magic could be useful.  But like his immortal mother, he may guide and empower others to do what he believes to be the right thing.

    This is starting to remind me of the old Doom Patrol comics.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Lady Pentrose said:

    I find myself wondering whether the martial arts lessons were originally the idea of Nanase or her mom, if the latter it was undoubtedly to ensure her daughter had at least some knowledge of how to defend herself in the (very probable) event it become necessary.

    With such a wild name as "Anime Style Martial Arts" Mrs Kitsune may have been inclined to dismiss Greg's Dojo, just like Noah.  But this may have made it MORE attractive.  If Nanase's mother found the Phys-Ed and Sports programs at Moperville Schools to be inadequate or unacceptable she might have looked for an outside exercise or sport for her daughter.  A crazy title and a few flashy moves might be perceived as an equivalent to putting marshmallows in cereal, a way to get kids to swallow something that is good for them.

  4. 53 minutes ago, SeriousJupiter said:

    Helena and Demetrius might be siblings? I thought they were a couple all this time. How do immortals reproduce, anyway? We know they can do it with humans, but that results in elves. Do immortals have parents or were they all somehow born at the same time a long time ago? Did they possibly evolve from lesser beings over time? Or are they *gasp* aliens?!

    Perhaps immortals are born as (seemingly) ordinary humans but their immortal nature is revealed when they would otherwise die, but fail to do so (highlander-esque, but not necessarily with swords),

    There was speculation a long time ago that the reason Edward and Noriko could not detect magic in Tedd (which we know he has) was because mortals can not detect immortal magic and Tedd is an infant immortal.

    I know this theory isn't as popular as it once was, but I'm sticking to it.  Just like I'm sticking to the theory that Sensei Greg and Vladia are now a couple.

  5. Well now that we know some details about what is now the current NP story, can we start speculating on what the NEXT NP Story may be?

    My first guess.

    Sensei Greg's Anime Style Martial Arts Dojo is brought under the scrutiny of various sports regulatory bodies when the sex tests for his students at competitions show irregular results.

  6. 6 hours ago, CptNerd said:

    Personally I think Dan is pulling on threads made of chains.  Hence thread-pulling AND chain-yanking.

    And I thought Dan was yanking our tails.

    Still, seven Vampires in on (relatively) small municipal area?  And the human populace is almost entirely unaware?  And Edward Verres isn't even running the cover-up operations for Dad's-Government-Business in the FBI any more?

    Two, not mutually exclusive, ideas come to mind.

    1.  Agents Cranium, Wolf, and other operatives, staffers, agents, and officers involved with that department are dedicated to the cover-up philosophy despite the stated attitude of Arthur.

    2.  The average mundane citizen has been so deeply conditioned to believe that magic / aliens / vampires do not actually exist that they will deny the truth and latch on to far more improbable explanations without any additional outside coercion.

  7. 2 hours ago, Don Edwards said:

    You're assuming that the magical terrain is flat - like the bottom of a sink or washtub.

    If there are hills and valleys, and the drain in one valley is clogged, the magic will accumulate in that valley until it reaches a low spot in the surrounding hills and can run into the next valley. (Or the pressure gets high enough to blow the clog out.)

    Of course, we have no idea what these hills and valleys actually are... or even if this is a decent metaphor.


    6 minutes ago, Scotty said:

    I get the feeling we're dealing with ley lines though, and magic flows along a network, the converging points along this network would be where magic enters and exits the halves of the world. Though I only think it's ley lines because when I looked it up, I saw references to Dresden Files and we know Dan is a fan of those books. :)

    I have an image in my head involving a family of magical beavers who built a darn on the "wrong" spot.  This is causing flooding on one side and a drought on the other.  Of course, it is possible that Pandora (or some other entity) "guided" the beavers to the "wrong" spot.

  8. The Republican Convention will conclude July 21.

    The Democratic Convention will conclude July 28.

    The General Election in the US will be Tuesday, November 08.

    That is just over 100 days between convention and election.

    And the only break in there will be the Games of the XXXI Olympiad in Rio August 05 - 21 (some competition starts August 03).

    And what depresses me most is that there is still more time from now until the conventions START than there is between the end of the conventions and the Election.

  9. 3 hours ago, Wildcat said:

    I don't think Sarah would pick Supreme Beauty (Diane's the only one I think maybe would), but I don't think she should get negative points on it either. She does get kinda hung up on her appearance, and is envious of at least Nanase and her sister in that department.

    I had to reread this post several times.

    At first I thought you were suggesting that Sarah was jealous of Nanase and [Nanase's] sister (Akiko).

    It finally occurred to me as I was writing this response that you meant Sarah was jealous of Nanase and her (Sarah's own) sister (Carol).

    Tedd already covered why it would not be unusual for anyone to feel jealousy towards Nanase.

    But if an eighteen year old young woman is jealous of the appearance of a ten year old girl, there is probably a deeper psychological issue present.  And Sarah seems to be relatively well adjusted.  Aside from throwing the occasional couch.

  10. Cleric: [reading]  And the people did feast upon the lambs, and sloths, and carp, and anchovies, and orangutans, and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats, and large chu...

    Brother Maynard: Skip a bit, Brother...
    I am eating something from that list.

  11. 3 hours ago, Stature said:

    Forum chess? <_< Hard to say on the subject of effectivity, but...


    1 hour ago, Duke of Pretzels said:

    I could see it working, provided people set a time limit between posts and everybody knows algebraic notation. It'd be like the old play by mail games! 

    Computerized Play By Mail:
    A system that allows a machine that thinks in nanoseconds to take a game that normally lasts a few hours and stretch it out for several months.  This was once perceived to be a viable business model.

    There is a problem with using Tedd's hair length as an indicator of the relative date.  Tedd revealed the hair growth watches to Sarah and Nanase (and the readers) when the Maine Ate finished their Junior year in High School.  This of course means that Tedd's hair can be any length or colour at any time and, as long as it is after Sarah started her lab assistant job, no explanation would be necessary to any of Tedd's friends.