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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Posts posted by ijuin

  1. “Ownership” merely means that others respect your claim on the thing sufficiently that they won’t attempt to grab it from you. If there is no respect for claims, then anybody can grab anything that they can carry away, subject only to the claimant’s ability to physically prevent it through security or violence. Any attempt on a society level to prevent such violence must necessarily define when a person is allowed to take non-consensual possession away from another, and any highly asymmetrical relationship tends to breed massive resentment towards the people who are permitted to take without being taken from.

  2. I think it’s more a matter of combinatorial explosion—when there are hundreds/thousands of cards, it is impossible to calculate every possible combination and its effects. Even Chess, with just 32 pieces across 64 possible spaces, would require more calculation than is physically possible in this universe in order to account for every possible combination.

  3. 51 minutes ago, Darth Fluffy said:

    Also, why did he not sense that Hope reeks of magic?

    As seen in https://www.egscomics.com/comic/2009-12-12it seems that Immortals can completely conceal their magical presence even from their own kin. If Adrian is unable to sense his own mother, then it is reasonable that Tedd can not sense her reincarnation.

    Anyway, Tedd’s excited expression makes me think that he is thinking “Ah! A kindred soul!” in response to seeing someone with a Pandora-marked genderbending transformation spell.

  4. True, but it seems as of late that the GOP declares all opponents to be insane without exception, based more on the fact that they are opponents than on any coherent expression of policy.

  5. Well yes, but in this case I was referring to the relatively centrist Lieberman having been described by his detractors as an arch-liberal. I do not think that there has been a Presidential/Vice-Presidential nominee for the Democratic Party since JFK whom the Republican Party has NOT screamed is unpalatably left-wing.