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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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  1. Comic for Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025

    The old tales about the Fair Folk do tell of them trapping mortals within their realm, so long ago they apparently did it. I think that they banned such trapping when they adopted the “only empower and guide” rule.
  2. Comic for Monday, Jan 20, 2025

    Well, for Fey (and Immortals), their word is their bond.
  3. NP Saturday January 18, 2025

    Presumably she wants to springboard them into the top echelon of society in some manner. Given the worldbuilding that we have seen in this storyline, Elliot is likely to be “Royalty” in the Magic sense rather than in the “head of state” sense, as we have seen nothing to imply that they are not living in a “modern USA” setting. (And in Magic terms, the Verres/Kitsune lines in canon are Royalty as well, and Tedd would count as one too if they weren’t a Seer instead).
  4. Comic for Wednesday, Jan 15, 2025

    I think that might be it.
  5. NP Comic for Tuesday, Jan 14, 2025

    Likely, since the Godmother is supposed to be Pandora Chaos Raven.
  6. Comic for Monday, Jan 13, 2025

    I was thinking 1880s myself—mysterious stranger in a saloon in the Old West, for example. Anyway, the “Paranormal Investigators’ consultant” thing is probably why Arthur was familiar with her.
  7. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    Either one is useful if the goal is to destroy/kill something, or to make a being or creature fear you.
  8. NP Comic for Saturday, Jan 11, 2025

    Without Elliot—canon Tedd was friends with him since the age of eight.
  9. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    Lumpy blanket?
  10. NP Comic for Tuesday, Jan 7, 2025

    Given the author’s proclivities, it is clear that we are not encouraged to think of Bishop as “hot”. Imposing, and effective at what she does, yes, but not attractive as a romantic/sexual partner.
  11. NP Comic for Tuesday, Jan 7, 2025

    Mainly, the implied undercurrent is that Cinderella had deserved a fair chance to appeal to the Prince all along, and it was her Stepmother and Stepsisters trying to take her rightful status from her—i.e. it’s not a “rags to riches” tale, but rather a restoration of what was lost/taken.
  12. NP Comic for Tuesday, Jan 7, 2025

    In versions of Cinderella where the father is dead, the Stepmother is scheming to disinherit her so that her own daughters will inherit the estate.
  13. Comic for Monday, Jan 6, 2025

    It worked for Susan and for Grace.
  14. Comic for Friday, Jan 3, 2025

    Money exists on two levels. Commodity money has value because it is made out of something that that our society considers to carry value (e.g. precious metals). Fiat currency, by contrast, holds value because social institutions (governments, banks, etc.) will honor it—it is essentially borrowing against the government/bank’s own credit. Fiat currency collapses if the institution supporting it collapses (e.g. a government is dismantled after being occupied in a war).