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Posts posted by ijuin

  1. 1 hour ago, Darth Fluffy said:

    Do you think that when Edward is in Leifeld's office, he is in DC? Or in EGS, the capital is not DC?

    No, which is why I think Liefeld is not the nationwide head of anything. Liefeld is probably in Chicago or somewhere else where Edward can drive to see him and return the same day. It’s Liefeld’s boss who one would have to travel to DC to meet. Liefeld also talks like he has a boss breathing down his neck as opposed to reporting straight to the Secretary of Homeland Security.

  2. 1 hour ago, Amiable Dorsai said:

    I would like to see a bit more... alacrity in the pacing, there are several threads that need resolving. That said, Edward vs. his boss (does he have a name?) has been amusing.

    Assistant Director Liefeld. He is apparently the FBI’s overall head of paranormal operations for the Midwest.

  3. Kazom (the aforementioned genie cat) has the advantage of more than three thousand years of life experience, whereas Kevin’s experience only began In February of the present in-story year (I think they are up to May now?), plus what knowledge he got from Arthur.

    As for names, we still don’t have surnames for Ashley or Diane yet, despite them having ascended to Main Cast status.

  4. 6 hours ago, The Old Hack said:

    I loved the 'Edwardian' joke in the comments. Possibly because I am like that myself. I have a friend named Elizabeth whom I once cited as the ideal source with whom to consult about Elizabethan English. :danshiftyeyes:

    The Second Elizabethan Era just ended a year ago, so she should be good to go on that.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:

    Now might might be the time to ask if those secrets, terms & conditions that bound Edward for so long now apply to Tedd.

    I think that it may be a matter now of “I can tell you now, because you are now on the Inside”, since Arthur is officially hiring Tedd and all.

  6. She is. Her obsession with people’s finding her cool (and her anxiety about people’s eyes being on her) suggests that she is uneasy about the idea of being irrelevant to others—she hates being stared at, but she hates being ignored even more. Given how passive her father seems to be, she may be craving the attention, which would also explore her dozens of short-term boyfriends.

  7. 2 hours ago, Darth Fluffy said:

    I wonder if there is more than one Lord Tedd in a multiverse? Why wouldn't there be?

    Many Lord Tedds probably exist, but there is one who appears bent upon killing off potential rival Tedds within this part of the Multiverse.

    Also, the fact that Tedd (and hence likely the majority of Tedds in the Multiverse) is a rare and powerful Seer explains how Lord Tedd became powerful enough to be a conqueror in the first place.

  8. 1 hour ago, The Old Hack said:

    The difference between a refugee and an illegal immigrant is out of the hands of the people fleeing.

    The distinction between “legal” and “illegal” in many countries mostly boils down to whatever a majority of the national legislature can be persuaded to vote to permit. Get 51% of the legislators to vote for it (or sometimes a supermajority is required), and you can end up with anything that does not blatantly contradict the country’s Constitution.

    Anyway, in lighter topics, what is the difference between Donald Trump and Donald Duck?

    One is an animated character best known for frequently losing his temper on screen, and the other is a cartoon duck.

  9. Well, the gang know that Adrian Raven is a Wizard as well as a teacher, and his appearance and demeanor would make him a good counterpart for Professor Severus Snape, since Ashley seems to be thinking along Harry Potter lines.

    On the other hand, Ashley has more personal experience with Arthur or Edward Verres, so she might be imagining one of them. Arthur would fit the scheming-yet-well-meaning Headmaster archetype.

  10. 19 hours ago, Don Edwards said:

    But I doubt that a completed wall, even with adequate security patrols, would have had sufficient effect to be worth the expense

    Building the wall is not about its effectiveness in keeping out would-be border crossers, but rather it is about its effectiveness in attracting the support of would-be voters.