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Everything posted by EmpactWB

  1. Story Monday September 5, 2016

    You know, if Susan does know about the previous night, but Elliot forgot to mention that Tensaided was the one who tipped him off about the griffon, this plays out the same as her not knowing at all. And if Elliot didn't tell her directly, everyone else may just know what Ashley said on the phone, so they might not know that Tensaided was involved at all. So considering Susan is attracted to Elliot, doesn't know Tensaided has any idea about Cheerleadra, and knows he thought they were dating before Elliot and Sarah broke up, it still sounds like he's suggesting nookie breaks from work. Which would be an interesting thing to see in a benefits package.
  2. NP, Monday September 5, 2016

    I thought "Rhoda's little secret" was "liking girls", not "magic mark", especially since I'm not sure she knows she has one yet. Granted, Catalina let it slip to Susan, but everyone else who knows either heard it Rhoda or inferred it for themselves.
  3. More Speculation.

    Could you clarify that first statement? I'm not sure I follow. Tedd and Sarah should, because Sarah assumed Tedd had mega potential but Tedd oddly seems to have none. So they know his parents expected Sarah's assumption to be correct and were surprised to be wrong. I'd also say Nanase suspects something like that.
  4. More Speculation.

    Fairly mundane speculation, but does anyone else think that Nanase's mother focuses so much on Nanase's eventual family role as a result of Noriko's split with Edward? Given that she's disowned her sister, we saw the same lightning when she was hiding family secrets, she dislikes Raven despite his high standards, and Raven is the reason Noriko focused so much on her career, it stands to reason. Admittedly, I originally dismissed her reasoning as being the stereotypical Asian mother, but it makes sense in universe, particularly if she wants to avoid talking to Nanase about magic so that she doesn't have to talk about Noriko. Of course, I'm also assuming that Noriko seduced Raven (the irreconcilable difference caused by Raven above), not knowing that elves are sterile, in an attempt to have children who could carry on her magic legacy. But I don't imagine I'm the first to have said that.