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Posts posted by Zorua

  1. If you ask me, what's appropriate to use in writing depends on whether it's used in dialogue or in narration. And even then, it'd be different between first-person and third-person. Basically it's whether or not it's a character using such-and-such.

    Slang. Pauses. Misspellings to indicate either a deliberate or accidental mispronunciation. Using the wrong word. Emoticons and abbreviations in texts. All of these I consider acceptable to use for dialogue and in-character writings.

    Dialogue between two characters? Three? One? They can use those. Feel free to write them like Jeff Goldblum. It's fine. As long as it's in dialogue, go for it.

    There's a text message conversation in your story? Show it in full, with all the ;)s and LOLs intact. It's fine.

    First-person narration? I'LL ALLOW IT! Let the narrator narrate the way they want to narrate. If that means showing all the pauses or self-interruptions or excessive profanity or imitating Charlie Gordon because that's how the character would narrate? By all means. Don't let me stop you.

    Third-person narration? NO. You cannot. It is forbidden. A third-person narrator is not a character in the story. Their narration should obey grammar, spelling, and punctuation as much as possible. This may also apply to second-person narration.

    (that said, unreliable narrators might get away with it. unusual word choice to suggest that the second-/third-person narrator might be a character after all...)

  2. Here's a few old ones of mine. Pretty much every slay I'd made before the Crash is dated October 27, 2013, 2:22AM on my computer. I think that's just when I copied them into their current folder.


    We've all been there, haven't we? Also, how did Tedd manage to put hyperlinks in spoken dialogue?
    (I think at one point I considered making that into a bunch of different images where the ones that were the links actually linked to places. Would've been a mess of a puzzle, though).


    Someone mentioned cake and lying and this arc on one of the other threads a little while ago, so I figured I'd bring this back.


    Nanase reading manga. The pages I picked were carefully chosen.


    That's probably a good idea, Susan.


    And this thing.


    Next batch: something about barrels.

  3. 5 hours ago, PSadlon said:

    Painter's tape

    No matter how much you spend It rarely sticks where you want it but don't you dare let it near itself cause if it brushes against itself it permasticks. I you do  manage to get it to to half ass hold the paint you get on it will adhere really well and which won't always separate along tape edge. Oh and even the frogtape sometimes seam to bleed under the edge.

    I don't really have a lot of problems with the blue painter's tape. Sure, it does stick to itself and sometimes it tears down the middle when removing it from the roll, but it's been very workable in my experience.

    There was this one time when my grandma got something I think was labeled as painters tape. What it actually was was crap. All the sticky was on one edge, so it was like a sticky note in roll form, and with like a third as much stickiness. If you breathed at it wrong, the whole thing would come off. Forget laying long strips of it down to protect things. And we'd cleared out that room to put down new carpet and paint the walls while we were at it, so we had to delay even further just to get painter's tape that didn't suck.

  4. When is a door not a door?



    When it's ajar.


    A rabbi, a boy scout, and the President walk into a bar. The bartender looks at them and goes, "Is this some kind of a joke?"


    Wait wait! I got another one. I saw it on an Undertale comic dub on YouTube.

    Okay, so a guy walks into a bar and he asks for a drink.

    The bartender says...

    "I'll give you a drink if you can tell me a meta-joke."

    And the guy replies...

    "Okay, so a guy walks into a bar and he asks for a drink.

    The bartender says...

    "I'll give you a drink if you can tell me a meta-joke."

    And the guy replies...

    "Okay, so a guy walks into a bar and he asks for a drink.

    The bartender says...

    "Here you go."

    So he gives the guy a drink."

    So he gives the guy a drink."

    So he gives the guy a drink.

  5. (fortunately the power shortage didn't last long. still annoying)

    The application's education section has, in order: School Attended (singular tense; there's only one field); City/Stage; #  Years; Degree (a dropdown menu that contains years of college (presumably if you attended but didn't get a degree yet), college degrees (BA, Ph.D, etc.), high school diploma, and GED); Highest Grade Successfully Completed; GED Completion Date; and Graduation Date.

    ALL of those are required, INCLUDING GED Completion Date, which makes absolutely ZERO sense as most people don't HAVE a GED. What?

  6. Out of power because money.

    This means I can't work on my cover letter, which I need for a job application; on the "attachments" page, I could attach my resume, which is NOT required, but "other" IS required. Oh, and don't even get me STARTED on their "education" section. Why is the GED Date required? Most people don't have a GED! <i>Why is it required to say when you got one when most people never did?</i>

    <i>And</i> this power outage means I can't work on that Pokemon Phylogeny project that I finally decided to start posting openly on that other forum. (the <i>Brawl in the Family</i> webcomic forum, for the record)

    Speaking of said other forum: it does not handle nested spoilerboxes well.

  7. Reaction time.

    Panel 1: So, in the meatspace, you're safe, but she's totally giving you nightmares.

    Panel 2: Scene's about to end.

    Panel 3: "You already hit the activation sequence and it can't be stopped? Stop it anyway." "Nope." Exit, stage up.

    Panel 4: beat

    Panel 5: Wizard's not fooled.


    Meh. I'm tired. Save the better reactions for tomorrow.

  8. 1 hour ago, Red Regent said:

    The concept was really high minded, and tbh the reveal last year (or was it 2 years ago? I forget) was awesome. However, I do have to note that the game is being sold for ~30-35 USD on Steam (1400 PHP), and while not exactly big budget Triple A game price it is still kind of costly for what it's worth. Maybe worth picking up on a sale, but as of now, quite a bit of a money sink.

    On the other hand KSP is freaking awesome; 10/10 would recommend since it's got the do it yourself vibe from Spore and the punishingly realistic physics for air and space like you'd fine in IL-2 Sturmovik or something similar. It's also pretty light, so even an older laptop will be able to run it.

    Pff. Are you kidding? My laptop's from 2009. I have to use minimum settings just to make sure Minecraft runs at higher than 10 fps. Portal is barely playable. Forget about something with a realistic physics engine and frequent explosions.

    I have played KSP on the family computer, though. Borrowed it from a friend's steam library. Back when air friction was based on weight rather than shape. I recreated the Sputnik and Apollo missions, shooting several probes into space and landing Jeb on the Mun. Jeb is still on the Mun last I checked since I didn't wanna risk killing him trying to dock with the command module, which happened to my second Mun landing.

  9. 42 minutes ago, Red Regent said:

    Been hearing from game critics like Totalbiscuit and a few others that the game is apparently in a half-broken state (graphical errors, and really bad spacecraft controls) which is kinda sad when you think about it. Though if you're still looking for a nice Space exploration game I think you may find what you're looking for in Elite: Dangerous and/or Star Citizen.

    Even if it isn't finished, it still looks pretty nice as-is. Maybe when I finally get a computer that can run it, there'll be more to it than just "Minecraft with space travel."

    I wanna name some of the planets using the names from xkcd's Exoplanet Names comics.

    Kerbal Space Program is also on my wishlist. And a few Pokemon games, a DS Lite, and a 2DS.

  10. My brother got No Man's Sky.

    Watching him play, I noticed the Galactic Trading robots look a lot like the cores from Portal 2, and I remembered one of them had the same eye patterns as the trading robots. So I looked it up. Guess which core has the same eye?

    The Space Core.

    There is no way that wasn't intentional.

    This game looks amazing. I'd get it myself, but I think my laptop would melt.

  11. Panel-by-panel analysis time!

    Panel 1: You missed it! That's what happened! Aw man, it was pretty great. There was a cheerleader and a cat thing... You really had to be there.

    Panel 2: Seems like Pandora knows that Cheerleadra is Tedd's friend. She has been keeping an eye on Tedd, so this probably isn't news.

    Panel 3: So... "So A Date at the Mall", TL;DR version.

    Panel 4: Pandora facepalm.

    Panel 5: Can't react. The giant words in the next panel are distracting me.

    Panel 6: Er, Pandora... You got something going on with your eye. And teeth. It's... You know, whatever, it's fine.

    Commentary: T-shirt and boxers, no, no, yes, no, yes, Gandalf robes, magic, glasses arms, more magic, Quebec City.

  12. Beat part about being the only one in the house that's lactose intolerant? I get all the Lactaid milk to myself. I can drink straight from the carton and nobody can stop me.

    I also found lactose-free chocolate milk. Store-bought chocolate milk is so much better than home-made chocolate milk. I don't know why Krogers or Wal-Mart or what have you sell Lactaid chocolate milk, though; I've only seen store brand.

    To finish it off, I'm having a hohotdog or three.

  13. Okay, panel-by-panel commentary time.


    Panel 1: He TL;DR'd it. And yes, the implications are kinda scary.

    Panel 2: Right. That isn't news at least (except the part where she's possibly an introvert).

    Panel 3: Why do you do this? That's the ultimate question, isn't it? Right next to "You ever wonder why we're here?" and "Who left the air conditioner at 80 again?"

    Panel 4: Yeah, magic would've been the gun in medieval times. The Great Equalizer. Take it away and you have swords that take time to train to use, and bows that take more time to train to use. Magic levels the playing field. It's like giving everyone rocket launchers and bomb suits.

    Panel 5: The gun is the Great Equalizer even when magic is in play. People (mainly military) have actual rocket launchers and actual bomb suits. Magic doesn't stand a chance against the range and muzzle velocity of a firearm. The only ones that might have a plausible magic-based defense against bullets are actual soldiers, since they're the most likely ones to get spells related to bullets. Generic forcefields might come second (I can see introverts and antisocial people getting forcefields) but, again, rocket launcher vs. bomb suit. Would the defense be up to snuff?

    Also, Teenage Pandora. We've seen her as an adult, a child, a formless monster, and a Character That Is Not Pandora. We haven't seen Pandora as a teenager who is still recognizably Pandora. So, props there.

    Panel 6: She invoked Tedd. Not sure if good or not.

    I read a fanfic once where a modern human in a magic-using medieval fantasy world realized the danger that modern technology presented, even to magic-users. Guns and missiles have better range than most spells, jets have excellent hit-and-run potential, tanks are tanks, and nukes take care of whatever's left. To say nothing of the communication technology that would leave modern armies way more coordinated than medieval ones. Magic doesn't stand a chance.

    So far we haven't seen mundane efforts to combat magic users. Nobody's pulled a real gun on anyone yet (unless enchanted boars count as "anyone"). We've seen a bad guy or two that might be resistant to guns, though (Damien and Not-Tengu).

    The ultimate problem is people have to become used to magic, and until they do, it's a New Thing. People don't know how to use New Things right away, and first impressions affect how long it takes for New Things to become just things. Between gaining spells without knowing it, gaining spells based on their personality and behaviors, and not reading the manual (which pretty much nobody's gonna do; "I have magic! Why do I need an instruction book? It's magic!"), things are gonna be hectic for a while. Inevitably a magic-using criminal is gonna cause real damage, magic is gonna be seen as a Bad Thing, there's gonna be social stigmas that dissuade magic use, blah blah blah I ran out of steam here somebody continue the argument.

    Admittedly, this would push the "guns = Bad" thing off to the side, but let's leave that for another thread, mmkay?

    Of course, this doesn't really matter since Magic Itself doesn't want to become a thing.

    Commentary: Pandora backing Tedd. Not sure if good or not.

    Villain Has A Point?

  14. I'm not gonna say a Pokemon is good or bad solely because of its name or its design. I'm not gonna be that guy. But holy 'karp, did they give a cool-looking Pokemon a terrible name. For Pokemon Sun and Moon, they leaked some Pokemon in CoroCoro magazine and cleared up a couple of 'em in a trailer.

    First of all, a new Ground/Ghost Pokemon line, {Sunabaa} and {Shirodesuna}. {Sunabaa} resembles a mound of sand with a toy shovel embedded in the top (blade down), and {Shirodesuna} resembles a sand castle, again with a toy shovel in the top (handle down). I personally think the idea is they disguise themselves as such to hide among beachgoers as a means of ambushing prey. But come on. Really? Sand castle?

    Second, a Pokemon that's a school of fish. Normally it's one fish, but its ability lets it form into a school of fish that make up one really big fish. Think those charades fish from Finding Nemo. So this one looks pretty awesome, right? Wishiwashi. That's its name. That's literally its name. I'm nicknaming every one I get.

    I do like a number of these Pokemon. Mimikyu just wants to be loved, and judging by the fandom response, it got its wish. Rowlet's an adorable owl with a leaf bowtie. Alolan Vulpix truly fits the description of "arctic fox" in all but habitat. Tapu Koko looks pretty cool. Lurantis is an elegant mantis. This gen's preview trailers and leaks are definitely hit and miss, and there are a few iffy ideas already *coughMr.Mimecough*, but in general I'm hopeful.