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Posts posted by CritterKeeper

  1. 5 minutes ago, hkmaly said:



    With or without her antennae out?

    Hmm, that could be a reason for the current main comic topic.

    5 minutes ago, hkmaly said:

    Not THAT lot, IMHO, and she was mostly using ambient magic. Pandora warned her that more than four times per day wouldn't really help.

    And then almost immediately had Sarah start using her spell several times an hour, specifically to use up ambient magic, so Sarah may or may not have been using her own magic enough to help build her reserves and Awaken.

    5 minutes ago, hkmaly said:

    You mean it's not how PANDORA is working. I think Dan even directly stated somewhere that Pandora is deliberately shaping the marks as clues.

    Or just to troll people....

  2. Yup, I assumed after checking the link and looking at the first two panels that Cadmin is the cloud.  So the current unaccounted one is the half-and-half circle in what my mind insists is a doorway.  I'm trying to decide if that one could be Sarah's; given that she and Tedd were marked the same night, she has as much right to be on that list as Tedd has.  The two halves are the real world and her virtual one?  The image is a scan-of-the-area in progress, halfway across the circle?  How else could that symbol be hers?

    (ETA  D'oh!  Question Mark somehow completely slipped my mind.  I blame sleep deprivation.

  3. On 12/12/2018 at 11:57 PM, Don Edwards said:

    Or by reading (or trying to read - it's quite long) the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Don't let the title fool you, it isn't a romance. In fact everyone of importance in the first sixth of the book is dead by the end.

    Didn't know George R. R. Martin did that one.

    On 12/9/2018 at 7:38 PM, The Old Hack said:

    To be fair, E. coli almost made me extinct.

    To be fair, youv'e had billions of E. coli inhabiting your intestines since you were at most 40 hours old, making vitamin K2 and preventing your gut being colonized by pathogenic bacteria.  Just about every warm-blooded organism with a gut has E. coli in its normal flora.  Some strains are even used as probiotics to treat IBD.  The vast majority of them are beneficial, it's only a few bad apples that give the rest of them a bad name.

    On 12/10/2018 at 2:01 PM, Illjwamh said:

    On December 10 in History:

    220 - The Han dynasty finally comes to an end after more than 400 years with the abdication of Emperor Xian. But does it really? The Chinese people, writing system, ethnicity, and national identity still take their names from it. Lol, imagine if we still called ourselves Romans and named stuff in Latin.

    Or perhaps imagine the English language, Arabic numbers, and metric system still being used in another few centuries.


    1317 - King Birger of Sweden invites his brothers, dukes Valdemar and Eric, to a Christmas banquet. It is meant as reconciliation for the brothers' coup attempt several years prior. The dukes' retinues are put up in the nearby town of Nyköping due to space concerns. This allows the king to easily arrest his brothers and throw them in a dungeon where they will later starve, then easily round up their men. The more you learn about history, the more you start to think George R.R. Martin is just lazy.

    He's long stated that his main inspiration is England's War of the Roses.  And I'm a little surprised you didn't fit in a Birger King joke there...too easy?


    1868 - The world's first traffic light is installed outside the Palace of Westminster. Using semaphore arms and illuminated at night by red and green gas lamps, it is perhaps most impressive in that the first car will not exist for another 17 years.

    Who needs cars?  Humans are perfectly capable of snarling up traffic and running over pedestrians in horse-drawn vehicles.


    1936 - Edward VIII officially signs away his claim to the British throne in order to marry Wallis Simpson. The power of boners is strong.

    If it was just boners, he could have done like so many other kings and elected leaders, and just kept her as a mistress.  Instead he gave up not only his throne, but his country and most hope of any sort of cordial relationship with his own mother.  They were happily married until his death in 1972, and he got Queen Liz to agree to let them be buried side by side in the Royal Burial Ground under threat of having bought plots in Baltimore if the family kept snubbing his beloved after death.

    On the other hand, Edward made a habit of having affairs with a series of married women before settling with Wallis, he shirked his duties and was careless with confidential information, and he was much friendlier with Hitler and would almost certainly have been in favor of appeasement to or even alliance with the Nazis.  So it was probably a good thing he abdicated.

    On 12/11/2018 at 1:53 AM, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:

    One point that bears stating is that the various Dominions must now agree on matters of royal succession. But how often would that question arise?

    One wonders what would have happened if one or more of the Dominions had refused to consent to his abdication.


    Also, in 2003, the UN General Assembly declared 11 December to be International Mountain Day.  So give mountains to all your friends and relatives.

    I think this SATW is more on point....  https://satwcomic.com/the-joy-of-giving

    On 12/14/2018 at 9:25 AM, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:

    14 December

    557 – Constantinople is severely damaged by a 6.4 magnitude earthquake.  This is clearly divine retribution towards humans daring to inhabit a geologically unstable planet.

    One wonders how they're able to assign it such a precise number on a scale not published until 1,378 years later.


    1542 – Princess Mary Stuart becomes Queen of Scots at the age of only one week on the death of her father, James V of Scotland.  Would a six day old girl truly be any worse than {Insert any world leader}?

    They say she was born prematurely (but healthy).  How would history have been different if she'd been born two weeks later?


    1782 – A good day to be French.  The Montgolfier brothers first test fly an unmanned hot air balloon in France; it floats nearly 2 km (1.2 mi).

    They didn't plan for it to go so far -- the lift was stronger than they expected and they lost control of it.


    1918 – The 1918 United Kingdom general election occurred, the first where women were permitted to vote.  It turns out that women and men are equally capable of choosing the wrong candidates.

    There was no law against women voting until 1832.  Some women continued to appear on the voters' rolls throughout the time they were fighting for broader voting rights, usually women who were very wealthy property owners, and not all men were allowed to vote back then, either.  There were about a million women who voted in municiple elections in England in 1900.  Women were fighting for and winning the right to own their own property while married, and to break free of gender roles.  Men's right to vote was based on their owning property, their wealth, and/or their occupation, so when the war led to women taking on the jobs men were vacating to go to war, they started qualifying on those grounds in greater and greater numbers.  And when they "won the right to vote" that only applied to women over the age of thirty (men had a much lower cutoff) who were property owners, wives of property owners, or university graduates.

    One reason for the restrictions was that, with so many men dying in the war, if they had let women have equal right to vote as men, the women voters would have been in the majority by a significant margin!


    1958 – The 3rd Soviet Antarctic Expedition becomes the first to reach the southern pole of inaccessibility.  But if they reached it, doesn't that mean that it is actually accessible?

    Huh, had to look that one up.  Never had an urge to visit South Dakota before.


    2017 – The Walt Disney Company announces that it would acquire 21st Century Fox, including the 20th Century Fox movie studio, for $52.4 billion.
    Who's the leader of the club that now owns you and me?
    M-I-C- -K-E-Y- -M-O-U-S-E!

    On 12/16/2018 at 2:03 AM, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:

    16 December

    1811 – The first two in a series of four severe earthquakes occur in the vicinity of New Madrid, Missouri. 

    The strongest quakes in New Madrid were reportedly enough to make church bells ring in Boston.

    Can't find a recording of this one, which is a pity, but here's some lyrics.


    1937 – Theodore Cole and Ralph Roe attempt to escape from the American federal prison on Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay; neither is ever seen again.  According to prison officials, they died.  According to popular legend, they escaped. 

    The Mythbusters did an especially good episode on this one, recreating the raft the prisoners would have used and making their own trip.  They showed that not only could the escapees have made it to shore, but where they would have eneded up, and that if they then set their equipment adrift it would have ended up exactly where it was found in real life.

    On 12/17/2018 at 0:10 PM, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:

    17 December

    497 BC – The first Saturnalia festival was celebrated in ancient Rome.  Masters served their slaves.  Gifts, usually small or humorous, were exchanged. 

    Sounds like a fun holiday!


    1903 – The Wright brothers make the first controlled powered, heavier-than-air flight in the Wright Flyer at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. 

    Lasting all of 12 seconds and traveling a whopping 120 feet.  How far we've come!


    1989 – The Simpsons first premieres on television with the episode "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire".  George H W Bush was President. The Berlin Wall was down.  And Tracy Ulman was trying to convince anyone in television that her style of comedy could be accepted as funny without cartoon shorts between the sketches.

    I remember when the Simpsons were nothing but the bumpers around commercial breaks on The Tracy Ulman Show!  Who knew they'd turn a few seconds of badly drawn family strife into a phenomenon?

    On 12/19/2018 at 4:19 AM, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:

    19 December

    1932 – London Calling.  The BBC Empire Service, today the BBC World Service, begins broadcasting.  Before we continue, please listen to some personal messages.  Jean has a long moustache.  The kennel is cold.  Ivy eats little lambs.  Little sister is lost in the woods.  Don't buy the liverwurst.  Brother John are you sleeping?  The Pharaoh is in denial.

    Little lambs eat ivy.  Shari Lewis eats a little lamb, just to see peoples' reactions.  ;-)

    Actually, no one should eat ivy, it has saponins and falcarinol and is quite toxic.


    1972 – Apollo program: The last manned lunar flight, Apollo 17, crewed by Eugene Cernan, Ronald Evans, and Harrison Schmitt, returns to Earth. 

    I wonder which of them was the last to leave?  Imagine holding the record for being the last human to be on the Moon...for 46 years and counting.

  4. On 12/19/2018 at 11:25 AM, mlooney said:

    They had a delivery date of Dec 26 to Jan 11.  They arrived today.

    I had something similar with our surprise Christmas present for our boss.  She has an adorable mixed-breed rescue dog, and we've been speculating on what her mix might be for years.  So, I suggested we go in together on one of those DNA breed tests, just for fun!  Not sure how accurate they are, probably a lot more than they used to be but not at 100% yet, but it's fun to see what comes up.  This one also tests for a bunch of genetic diseases, most of which we wouldn't think she'd be at risk for but it doesn't hurt to look.

    They said initially that they'd have results by Jan 3, but I got the text that all of her results were in already over the weekend!  This is not only in time for Christmas itself, but also in time for the office Christmas party on Saturday.  I just need to print it up and put it in some sort of nice folder or binder to present at the party.

  5. On 12/17/2018 at 6:00 PM, Illjwamh said:Wed. Nov. 21, 2018


    Luke: 59 (1st appearance since 2015)

    Larry: 34 (1st appearance since 2014)

    Rich: 26 (1st appearance since 2014)

    George: 46 (1st appearance since 2014)

    Wow!  We definitely need more George.  I mean, more Luke is a given at this point, but George needs to make more deadpan snarky comments!

    Oh, come on, if you don't know where a link like that is going to take you, what are you doing on the internet at all?

    (Probably reading several hours of TV Tropes) 

  6. Kids tend to assume that whatever they personally experience is normal and is what everyone experiences.  Grace really wouldn't have much way to know other people couldn't sense things in the same way she does, and others might not notice that she occasionally knew things about stuff she couldn't see with her eyes, dismissing it as either a kid's imagination or a lucky guess, or maybe that she's glimpsed what she described before.  Unless they were testing for it specifically, it would be tricky to detect unless just the right circumstances happened.

    As for sensig what you're moving, and thus sensing things at a distance in general, I've thought this would be a Requisite Secondary Power for a long time now.  I even have a term for it, telekinesthesia.  Kinesthesia is the way you know where your hand or leg is and what it's doing even though you can't see it and it's not touching anything else to give you feedback.  Telekinesis is moving things without using your physical body.  Thus, telekinesthesia.  :-)

  7. On 12/16/2018 at 6:14 AM, ProfessorTomoe said:

     As much as my toe hurts, I'm not looking forward to the process of having it removed.

    Sometimes part of my job as a vet is to convince clients that their baby really will be better off without an eye or ear or limb that's been causing them constant pain and isn't functioning right anyway.  Just about every time, once the procedure is over and their pet recovers, they come back telling me how much happier and more comfortable their baby is.  May you have an equally successful surgery!  (And may this be the only time something like this is necessary!)

  8. On 12/1/2018 at 8:54 AM, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:

    01 December

    1887 – "Study in Scarlet", the first story featuring Sherlock Holmes appears in print.  Did Watson ever find out what school Holmes attended?

    He's obviously a Ravenclaw.  :-)


    1982 "Thriller", 6th studio album by Michael Jackson is released (Grammy Award Album of the Year 1984, best-selling album of all time, Billboard Album of the Year 1983) and musical immortality for Vincent Price.

    Vincent Price's rap is definitely the best part of that song.

    On 12/2/2018 at 4:00 AM, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:

    02 December

    1697 – The current St Paul's Cathedral, designed by Sir Christopher Wren, is consecrated in London after the Old St Paul's was destroyed in the Great Fire of 1666.  This is, perhaps, the fifth large Christian Church to stand on the site.  And it may have been preceded by any number of ancient pagan structures including, according to some antiquarians, a Roman Temple to Diana.  And thanks to Disney, it is best know as place to feed the birds.

    Except for Doctor Who fans, who are more likely to look for rows of Cybermen marching down the steps!


    1867 – At Tremont Temple in Boston, British author Charles Dickens gives his first public reading of his second, and final, speaking tour in the United States.  By the end of the tour, he was living on Champaign and eggs blended in sherry.  He left America barely escaping a Federal Tax Lien against the proceeds of his lecture tour.

    So he was that era's equivalent of a rock band in tour, drinking and trashing hotel rooms and almost getting arrested?

    Oh, and why on Earth would he end his tour living in east central Illinois?  ;-)


    1942 – World War II: During the Manhattan Project, at the University of Chicago, a team led by Enrico Fermi initiates the first artificial self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction.  This takes place under the football stadium.  The university would not field another football team until 1969.


    1954 – Cold War: The United States Senate votes 65 to 22 to censure Joseph McCarthy for "conduct that tends to bring the Senate into dishonor and disrepute".  Mr McCarthy, are you now or have you ever been a member of the United States Senate?

    Oh, for the days when the Senate cared about coming into dishonour or disrepute!

    On 12/2/2018 at 11:06 AM, ChronosCat said:

    Ironically, records are making a bit of a comeback these days.

    Maybe among high-end audiophiles, but among college frosh?

    On 12/3/2018 at 1:27 PM, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:

    03 December

    1960 – The musical Camelot debuts at the Majestic Theatre on Broadway. While many in the audience go ape for Roddy McDowall's performance as Mordred, the role is never truly perfected until a certain displaced Pharaoh makes the part his own in a rural Michigan community theatre production.

    Adding checking out your performance to my list of where and when I'd go if I came into possession of a working TARDIS....


    1992 – A test engineer for Sema Group uses a personal computer to send the world's first text message via the Vodafone network to the phone of a colleague.  And the ability to spell becomes irrelevant.

    Is it really a lack of spelling, or is it a different dialect?  Like LOLcats, which has a distinct grammar and vocabulary and can definitelybe done wrong.


    1999 – NASA loses radio contact with the Mars Polar Lander moments before the spacecraft enters the Martian atmosphere.  THEY won't tell you the real reason is because of global warning and the melting of Earth's polar ice caps, Santa Clause was forced to relocate to the North Pole of Mars.  To preserve his privacy, the NASA probe was shot down by a Surface-to-Air Reindeer.

    Somewhere around here I have a copy of the comic book version by Nina Paley, but apparently my old history teacher, Chris Butler, has created a power point for his "History of the North Pole" lectures.  St. Nicholas's slave empire forcing the elves to work in his toy mines, the creation of Killer Penguins (instead of tasteful tuxedos, they wear streetgang-style leather jackets), the war reparations he's forces to supply every Christmas, looks like it's all there!

  9. On 11/30/2018 at 8:02 PM, ProfessorTomoe said:

    I now have a gaping hole at the tip of my pinky toe, which has fortunately stopped bleeding now. I will never have a toenail on that toe again.

    I need steel-toed socks.

    You're in good company.  My sister lost the tip of her pinkie toe to her lupus.  It just turned black and eventually fell off.  She said that if you're going to lose a body part, that's the one she'd pick.  Then she made jokes about "....and this little piggie got beheaded!"

  10. Welcome back!  This scares me -- if you hadn't made it, we might never have known what happened.  Maybe you should PM your real-world phone number to one or two of us, just in case.  I'd be happy to exchange with you, I know you won't order too many pizzas in my name if I give you mine.  ;-)   And let us knowif there's anything we can do to help, real or virtual!

  11. 21 hours ago, hkmaly said:

    I meant that in those 99% they reject, there is at least 2% which would be better than what they actually do, and another 2% which would be very good but just for very specific demographics (EGS is in this category I believe). Sure, the remaining 95% would be worse, and often lot worse.

    I think you're either underestimating the studios, or overestimating the slush pile.  I'd say it might be another 1% that has potential to be good movies, but saying there are twice as many better ones is just an expression of scorn for the studios, not a real number.  Agreed about there being another 2% that would be good niche movies, except that a fair number of those do get made, just by smaller studios.  Of course, picking a topic or work to adapt is only one small part of the process; turning that into a script, choosing actors and directors, adapting the script to suit those actors and directors, shooting the movie with lighting, sound, costuming, etc, editing it all together....there are a lot of things that can go wrong or right.  It's amazing we get so many movies where it all or mostly all works in the end!

    21 hours ago, hkmaly said:

    And, top ten popular movies is not everything with is being done.

    No, but it shows that the "popular taste" isn't as horrible as snobs like to think it is.

    17 hours ago, ChronosCat said:

    Or if you want a taste of something a lot like it, just start reading stories at random from Fanfiction.net or pretty much any other site that lets anybody publish more-or-less whatever they want. I mean there are some gems on sites like that, but finding them takes a lot of luck and/or work (or recommendations from someone else who has had the luck or put in the work).

    Yeah, ffnet came to mind immediately, but I wasn't gonna be the first to say it....I've got a few things there and I don't know if I want to know what percentage of readers would put my stuff in which category. ;-)

    17 hours ago, ChronosCat said:

    ...This conversation reminded me of how every now and then I get to thinking about how these days there aren't a lot of new movies that interest me enough to see, and how usually the ones that I do take a chance on disappoint me, and I start to feel like Hollywood is going down the drain. Then I remember that while there are a large number of movies I like, the list is only so long because it spans decades; for pretty much any period of a just a few years, there are only a few of my favorites that were produced in that time. So while I may be annoyed with what they've been doing with a lot of my favorite franchises, over-all the good-to-bad movie ratio hasn't really changed all that much.

    Exactly.  Novels show it even moreso, there are an awful lot of books mercifully lost to time which were actually published.

    8 hours ago, ChronosCat said:

    And actually, I might still have as many favorites today if I hadn't gotten overwhelmed by how many Marvel Cinematic Universe movies they were putting out and more-or-less thrown my hands up at the entire MCU.

    Ugh.  How can anyone keep up with all their movies and TV shows, unless it's their full-time job?  I watched the first couple X-men, the first Iron Man, the first season of Jessica Jones, but beyond that?  Too big an avalanche for this poor pebble.

    8 hours ago, ChronosCat said:

    It just occurred to me, another reason it feels like the quality of new movies is going down is that as I get older my standards for what I expect for my entertainment get higher - but I'm often willing to forgive flaws in things I came to love before my standards got so high. (Of course countering that is my love of "so bad it's good" entertainment; it might actually be the case that relative to what I look for there are more mediocre things than there used to be. I usually have to look to previous decades to get my fill of bad special effects, corny dialog, and silly plot twists.)

    Heh.  I've gone back and watched some of some old series I used to watch, from The Tomorrow People to The Fugitive to The Invisible Man to a series on the very first year of the FOX network called Werewolf.  It's fun seeing what things stand out as dated or cliched now, versus what still works.

  12. 14 hours ago, ChronosCat said:

    I love many (but not all) versions of TMNT

    I liked the original Eastman and Laird comics.  When they moved to TV and turned into surfer dudes I kinda lost interest.  Since I don't usually watch or read that sort of thing, it was more the original version being an anomaly, rather than having any problem with the rest of it.


    and many (but not all) versions of Transformers.

    Now I'm really feeling like an old grump.  I started watching with Transformers: The Movie, back when I had time free in the afternoon too watch the show, and was busy when it was on for all the other "generations."


  13. 16 hours ago, hkmaly said:

    Uuuh, I think Raven is professional enough to clean up and shave before going to school. Or at least put on illusion of that.

    He could be on compassionate leave, or using accumulated vacation time, or just be calling in sick.  It was pretty clear he was letting things go after losing his mother.  I doubt he's used much legitimate sick leave in his time there, or even gone on many vacations, plus I really doubt he's ever used "my mother died" as an excuse before....

  14. 6 hours ago, CritterKeeper said:

    Not surprised that they can come up with a story that they like much better than the studio's.  They are only two individuals, who seem to have a lot in common when it comes to imagination.  The studio has to try to please a lot more people than that.  And honestly, I think they do a pretty good job of producing stuff that's enjoyable to watch.  They wade through the slush pile so we don't have to, and if you've ever talked to an editor or publisher about the slush pile, you know how absolutely horrid 99% of it is.  Anything that makes it on the screen has to be in the top 1% on a number of peoples' lists.


    4 hours ago, hkmaly said:

    Seriously? Sure, the studios have it hard because they are trying to hit as large demographics as possible, but they are NOT infallible ; they make mistakes. Also, sometimes it's really better to make fantastic movie for narrower demographics than average movie for wider one.

    Um, show me where I ever even implied that the studios are infallible? Does the term "pretty good" now equal "perfect" and no one told me? (It's possible, just look at what's happened to "literally"....)

    All I said was that what we see, however we feel about it, is better than at least 99% of the *other* options the studios had to choose from.  It was a comment in how much *worse* they could be doing, not that everything they did do was somehow perfect.  A lot of people like to bash anything and everything that's popular, but if you look at the list of the top ten most popular movies, or even the top 100, there are some pretty damn fine movies on that list!  The popular taste isn't as bad as the snobs like to think, and I get tired of seeing people bashing things by pointing out they're popular and implying that somehow makes them bad.  Show me a studio that made a movie you don't like, and I can pretty much guarantee they've made some movies you would like, too, and that there are also millions of people out there who did like the movie you didn't, because their tastes and experiences and perspective are different from yours.


    It's not just sequels. They rely on imitations much more than they should. And, often they don't know WHY the previous movie was successful and therefore will repeat incorrect elements ...

    My general policy about adaptations and remakes is that they're a good sign the original has some sort of merit and maybe I should read/see the source material.  One of my favorite things is when a book I really liked has an Afterword which goes into what the author's inspirations were!

  15. 7 hours ago, Scotty said:

    Yeah, pretty sure Dan intentionally set up the scene for Luke to be distracted so that we wouldn't see that Sarah had an aura and conclude that she must have been marked before the "Oh Snap!" moment.

    Yes, some of us found that suspicious at the time.  It's a trick J. K. Rowling is especially fond of...."Here's one little thing not yet done but oooh, look at the shiney new development, don't pay any attention to what I've just interrupted!"  Why specifically leave off Sarah from the list of those he'd "looked" at?

  16. On 11/29/2018 at 5:22 PM, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:

    The biggest reason for Noah to approach Grace at Salty Crackers would be to discuss Adrian Raven with her outside school.

    I wonder if Noah is aware of Sarah's visiting his dad.  ( :-D )  It does seem to be what inspired Adrian to finally clean up and shave....

  17. The comparison I've heard is to Shakespeare's plays.  The people who saw their very first performances probably couldn't imagine their favorite characters played by any other actors.  Over time, we've seen tons of people play those roles, with different interpretations of the characters, and with directors and producers translating them from their original settings to The Wild West, or to modern-day New York street gangs, or to a high school clique.....

    I enjoyed the 1979 Superman movie, I enjoyed Lois & Clark, and for a while early on I enjoyed Smallville.  Same characters, different interpretations of them.  We don't have to vow loyalty to one version, and then reject everything that comes after.