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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!

Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

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"OK, I'll get off the desk.  Don't know why, the tea water hasn't come to a boil yet, much less the brew time." - Explorer the Cat.


Explorer the Cat

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"I'm under the desk.  Not in the way right now.  Don't worry I'll help you on the desk in a little bit" - Explorer the Cat.


Explorer the Cat

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"The Human is moving slow. Something about a headache.  I'll help by getting off the desk for awhile.  Not stay off you understand, just giving him enough time to get settled in.  Plus there are dust bunnies to chase!" - Explorer the Cat.

Explorer the Cat

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"Think I'll walk around for a while.  Then, of course, I'll get up on the desk and help The Human" - Explorer the Cat.

Explorer the Cat

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"I'll get out of the way once you have finished making tea.  Maybe" - Explorer the Cat.

Explorer the Cat

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"OK I'll get off the desk.  Shouldn't because the tea not ready, but whatever" - Explorer the Cat.


Explorer the Cat

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"Think I'll just wander around for a bit.  Might get a bite to eat or help The Human on the desk.  He needs to re-bag is dice anyway" - Explorer the Cat.


Explorer the Cat

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"There was a storm last night.  Didn't like it.  Gonna move slow today because The Human and I didn't get much sleep" - Explorer the Cat.


Explorer the Cat

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"Not my fault you didn't make the bed.  You can wait until in finish my nap" - Explorer the Cat.


Explorer the Cat

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"Didn't hear any cats last night, but I'm gonna mark this box in the living room just in case!" - Explorer the Cat.

Explorer the Cat

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"The Human didn't get out of bed yesterday because of a headache.  It's raining now so his knees hurt. He got moving any way.  Something about a shrink lady appointment.  I'll hang out here for a while until I decide to get on the desk to help him" - Explorer the Cat.


Explorer the Cat

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"What was that noise?  I don't like strange noises in the morning!" - Explorer the Cat.

"The people on the other side of the house are making some strange noises" - The Human


Explorer the Cat

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"Starting to wander around.  Not running, just wandering around the living room." - Explorer the Cat.

Explorer the Cat

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"It's a slow moving morning.  It rained most of the night The Human was up for most of it.  Gonna just hang out for a while" - Explorer the Cat.


Explorer the Cat

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"The Human is waving his hand around again.  I'll bet he wants me to look up" - Explorer the Cat.

Explorer the Cat

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"Time to get up from my nap.  At least for a while.  I'm sure I'll take another nap later today" - Explorer the Cat


Explorer the Cat

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