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Story Wednesday March 16, 2016

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15 hours ago, hkmaly said:
15 hours ago, Scotty said:

We got this evidence to suggest otherwise. Adrian states that he isn't allowed to do much without causing problems. That may be more to with with DGB rules though rather than immortal rules, and would be the whole basis for Pandora wanting to make magic known to everyone, then Adrian wouldn't need to be restricted by DGB, it be like "well everyone knows about magic now so the government doesn't have any say in what you can or can't do anymore"

We got this evidence to suggest openly say that it IS immortal rules. To summarize: Abraham, whose knowledge of modern world is so bad he doesn't know Lord of the Rings, IMMEDIATELY after learning that Raven is elf states that he can't fight him directly. Raven's reply then proves that Abraham doesn't really understand that rule either, BUT the way he continues makes obvious that yes, his limitations are caused by the fact he is elf.

The following comic gives us clarification that everyone seems to be ignoring. Raven says "I can act directly if the situation involves magic or is an immediate threat to others". So elves can't do much unless they or people near them are in danger or magic is involved. Pandora has stated that she will give Adrian a world he can freely participate in, that she will  "destroy the world as it is now known and replace it with another. A world where your restraints will mean nothing, and you can do as you please." That and the actions that we can attribute to her with fair certainty indicate that she is trying to make magic widespread, so that pretty much any situation Adrian might want to get involved in will involve magic.

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6 hours ago, Alwaysnewguy said:

The following comic gives us clarification that everyone seems to be ignoring. Raven says "I can act directly if the situation involves magic or is an immediate threat to others". So elves can't do much unless they or people near them are in danger or magic is involved. Pandora has stated that she will give Adrian a world he can freely participate in, that she will  "destroy the world as it is now known and replace it with another. A world where your restraints will mean nothing, and you can do as you please." That and the actions that we can attribute to her with fair certainty indicate that she is trying to make magic widespread, so that pretty much any situation Adrian might want to get involved in will involve magic.

I'm not ignoring it.

But good point. I assumed Pandora is trying to change the rule (possibly because it's one of rules which can change in magic reset), but this is much simpler: by making magic widespread enough, EVERY situation will involve magic, which makes the rule not relevant. Also, it matches the way she is bending other rules.


6 hours ago, Cpt. Obvious said:
10 hours ago, hkmaly said:

Actually, I see only three possible reasons why Raven is not part of DGB right now:

1) The rules are from immortals.

I doubt the immortals has a special law that stops elves from joining an organization such as DGB, but they do have the law that forbids immortals from interfering by using magic. It's not unlikely that there are some further details such as a limit on what information they are allowed to divulge about magic. The human ancestry is probably what gives elves slightly more leeway when it comes to using their abilities. On this page Adrian explains that:


I can act directly if the situation involves magic or is an immediate threat to myself or others.

Given limits like these Adrian would be of little use for the organization. His longevity might be seen as an asset as he could make sure that long term plans does not get distorted, but that's about all I can think of at the moment.

Apart from that I can see how working for DGB would put limits on his personal freedom, while doing nothing to lift the limitations he's under from immortal law. As far as I remember it has been said that even as a civilian DGB will help him maintain his identity to keep people from noticing that he doesn't age at the same rate as a normal human.

Of course it's not SPECIFIC rule against joining DGB. The rule is probably worded exactly or very close to what Raven says. And yes, if we accept the first possibility, it is clear how Raven would be of little use ; I was explaining how useful he would be IF the rule WOULDN'T be from immortals.

9 hours ago, Scotty said:

It just seems like "I can act if it involves magic" is base on a a rule made by humans aware of magic, whereas a rule coming from immortals would seem like "don't get involved at all".

As Captain Obvious said, he is given more free hand than immortals themselves because he's only half immortal.

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