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Everything posted by InfiniteRemnant

  1. Story: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    okay, so if that's accurate that reduces the minimum age gap by a year, but that still puts it outside the age range of every character introduced to-date. Because somone brought up a since-debunked theory about the twins being related to Raven via eggs, and the topic has spiraled out of control from there.
  2. What's in the Lost and Found?

    Hey, Guess what? found your pants. Series over. Can I see that camera for a second?
  3. The Association Game

    CMOS Battery Failure
  4. Three Word Game

    his habit of
  5. The Association Game

    P.E.B.K.A.C. error
  6. Story: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    perhaps because the roundabouts way of revealing the twins similar birthdays wouldn't work if he didn't? the cast said it themselves, how many people would actually remember the time they were born? why is everyone so hung up on egg-theory relatives anyway? while the hidden relative thing works for a few (well, just the twins in my eyes, but whatever), for several of them, particularly Noah, they actually work better if they're NOT related to that many of the other cast members. noah's back story works fine as it is, but him having additional family just raises the question of why he didn't track them down to ask for help during his whole revenge kick. If he had a parent who wasn't dead, it's conceivable he would have tried, but there isn't even a hint of that. It doesn't actually fill any plotholes, the only important question it would answer would be in a lackluster way, it actually adds a few new plotholes, and it weakens the characterization of the existing cast. It's newbie-fanfic-level bad writing, it takes away more than it adds.
  7. The Association Game

    Amy's an idiot.
  8. The Association Game

    the only genuinely sympathetic Dalek ever.
  9. Sketchbook: April 7, 2016

    Nope. Never heard of it before.
  10. Favorite Quotes

    most of my favorite quotes are memorable because they're silly. "You'd think an evil "genius" would think of making an inescapable room full of instant death spikes WAY before he'd make a SPRING MAN." -Bass
  11. Sketchbook: April 7, 2016

    that ad is older than i am...
  12. Three Word Game

    At school, Thomas
  13. Story: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    The issue is still age though. Whenever she left, Tedd becoming withdrawn in her absence would seem to imply he remembers at least a bit about her. Given what Ellen said about memories during the second life plotline, that puts Tedd at a minimum of 4 when she left. If she had had another child before leaving there would be knowledge of said child, or at least hints. The fact that there wasn't would suggest the child came after her departure, and producing a child takes time, at least half a year for a species our size. Assuming this to be true, there would have to be at least a 5 year gap between Tedd and his younger half sibling, whoever they are.
  14. Sketchbook: April 7, 2016

  15. What's in the Lost and Found?

    Is that why i keep finding VCRs in here that have had the tape heads cut off?
  16. Three Word Game

    People who knew
  17. The Association Game

  18. What's in the Lost and Found?

    I let the garbage man borrow that thing. Figured it would make his route easier.
  19. Story: Friday April 8, 2016

    okay, i'm calling ed that from now on.
  20. Sketchbook: April 7, 2016

    Dalek Clara, Elizabethan Clara, Galefreyan clara or normal clara?
  21. Three Word Game

    To try to
  22. Three Word Game

    part of town.
  23. The Association Game

    Temp agency training video production scripts.
  24. Three Word Game

    Nowadays, she haunts
  25. What's in the Lost and Found?

    What, you mean like him? *points at a sentient mass of abandoned socks sneaking up behind you.*