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Everything posted by mlooney

  1. The Weather.

    Good luck and you stay dry!
  2. Comic for Wednesday, September 28, 2022

    I can see that. Grace might have as little more trouble with doing possibly lethal violence, but she has said that the world would be better with out some people. To be honest I'm seeing them as being agents as their best career options, given their skill sets and current training. Of course that shouldn't take place until after graduation for university, which may or may not happen, given the slowness of comic time in EGS.
  3. Things That Are Just Annoying

    I'm really getting tired of being tired of an afternoon. Enough so that I might want to take a sleep study and find out if I'm really getting enough sleep. My brother says I snore quite loudly, which is a sign of sleep apnea. However I don't fall asleep of an after noon, I just run out of energy. Regardless going to bed to watch videos, read and/or nap.
  4. Comic for Wednesday, September 28, 2022

    Snort. I should watch the back catalog of NCIS. I quit watching it about when Franks was killed. And yeah, I can see Edward doing the head slap thing when Elliot is in his male form. Edward said that it was Elliot's current girlishness that prevented him from slapping them.
  5. Comic for Wednesday, September 28, 2022

    Just a point of pedantry, but Arthur isn't an agent, he's a director or assistant director.
  6. Comic for Wednesday, September 28, 2022

    Elliot wants to train under Edward. Working for DGB would be the the first step in doing that. Plus it gives him something to do after he graduates from university other than being a bouncer, which was what he thought was all that he was qualified for.
  7. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    "I'll join you in the living room in a few. Go ahead and make your tea and turn on the heaters" - Explorer the Cat.
  8. Comic for Monday, September 26, 2022

    According to The Dan on Twitter, he's planing on ending "Balance" soon, by the power of narration. And by soon I mean this week or early next.
  9. Comic for Tuesday, Sep 27, 2022

    No, but they did fact check Bugs Bunny (finger in barrel of a shot gun, busted) and several Simpson's "myths". That was from the 1st of the 2 seasons we don't talk about.
  10. Here is. And Rich finds a way to be a pain and stay "in character"
  11. Comic for Tuesday, Sep 27, 2022

    Defenestration from a 1st floor window is just likely to result in cuts to the body, as Mythbusters showed once. Which may or may not be a learning experience. Would be a cathartic one for the tosser however.
  12. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Despite the fact that I went to bed in the early afternoon, I didn't get to sleep until 10:00 PM, with no naps. Woke up at 3:00, took 30 minutes to get back to being sleepy. Took another 15 or so minutes to actually fall asleep. Woke up and got out of bed at 8:00. I feel like shit when I was up at 3:00 I did most of my morning things, leaving me with no "veg out" options for today. I'm going shopping this morning, then, depending on spoon count, might just crash for a mid day nap. Really go to talk to my shrink about my screwed up sleeping schedule.
  13. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    "Think I'm going to jump in The Humans lap here for a bit." - Explorer the Cat.
  14. Techy stuff

    Working on Project X and it's related Project X2. Need a fairly robust Perl install, LaTex, LibreOffice, Okular and Gimp
  15. Comic for Tuesday, Sep 27, 2022

    Because he's a jerkwad
  16. Comic for Monday, September 26, 2022

    Actually 6. Super Elliot made Playboy Elliot disappear https://www.egscomics.com/comic/2013-11-05
  17. Comic for Monday, September 26, 2022

    Good to see that Elliot didn't go into a coma, even if he has a new head mate. He already has 5, so adding one more isn't really that big of a surprise.
  18. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    She lurks about one day in 3. Of course she normally starts out by getting on the desk, then going to the table. Today she went straight to the table.
  19. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    "I'm not even getting on the desk this morning. Think I stay on the table and lurk a bit" - Explorer the Cat.
  20. Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)

    Yeah, members of congress seem to make more money than can be explained by their salary.
  21. Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)

    I was wondering why a comic link was in political until I clicked on it. As Pig says, at least Rat is honest about his motives.
  22. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    "The Human doesn't want m stepping on this little butt warmer. Says the 'Windows' doesn't like random key presses. Don't know what he's talking about they windows aren't any where near here" - Explorer the Cat.
  23. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    It being a mimic might explain why some of the boxes in the house seem to move around a bit. Or it could be that Explorer shoves them around at night. Could go either way.
  24. Comic for Saturday, Sep 24, 2022

    And it's a real alternate energy windmill, not a minigolf hazard.
  25. Here is. So, both Larry and Rich think that Nanase is an experienced role player. I suspect that subpar sitcom hijinks are about to happen. George, of course, knows that she isn't and for all we know she could be a natural at it.