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NP Comic for Tuesday, Sep 10, 2024 Yeah, that works. Catalina should not be surprised. So, they'll talk about it, and maybe Camdin and Dave get included, eventually.
NP Comic for Tuesday, Sep 3, 2024 Secrets revealed! Uhm, Minor surprises, Rhoda does not look like she exercises regularly, Lucy has not shown an indication of enjoying reading; the fantasy connection seems very recent. I think Dan thought about filling out her character recently. Diane is no longer a cheerleader is a surprise; I wonder why she quit. Also I'll second that "What?", I don't see the connection. Uhm, she is physically small, maybe the climbing has to do with being the cheerleader that gets to the top of the pyramid? Cat's makes sense, but it isn't her strike question, so maybe the magic reveal is coming soon. She might ask something like, "Do you know magic is real?" An enjoyable day, nice filling in some color and depth to their personalities. I wonder if there is a reason that Catalina is better at this than she thinks she is.
NP Comic for Saturday, Aug 31, 2024 Catalina got a strike. This is very unusual for someone who 'does not bowl'. She's either better than she thinks she is or lucky. Aiming straight for the pins is not generally as successful as curving toward the pins, and then just off the headpin, hitting it obliquely - so I'm guessing 'lucky' based on the previous comic where she discusses her 'strategy'. Based on the response, Diane and Lucy don't get a lot of strikes, but they are 'good bowlers', so are probably picking up most of their spares. Guesstimate they bowl 170 to 180, maybe occasionally breaking 200 when they do get a strike or two. That's better than me when I bowled. Note that bowling underhand and rolling the ball is normal. Throwing overhand is frowned on by the bowling alleys. Building a trebuchet on site is considered cheating. It takes several seconds for the ball to travel and hit the pins, so Catalina's stance in panel one, standing on one foot while watching the progress does not seem jarringly unrealistic. Stunned by her success or not, she would probably have placed a foot down by the second panel; if she's incredulous, she isn't wanting to focus on her balance. In the third panel, she's adjusted her stance, but still hasn't dropped her foot. Unless she's planning on hopping on one foot, this does not seem realistic at all. Is Dan trying to make a statement? "I can do this" does not mean "I would do this". In case anyone cares, I will post rules and description for a bowling dice game in the Games section.
NP Comic for Thursday, Aug 29, 2024 The best way to get a strike is to use one of those old timey cartoon bombs as your bowling ball. You have to time it so the wick burns down just as the bomb ball arrives at the pins. Your strike will damage the pin setting mechanism, so you'll have to change lanes, but fear not, you'll be thrown out of the bowling alley long before you run out of lanes. Also, be sure to bring a lighter.
NP Comic for Tuesday, Aug 27, 2024 Diane turns a penalty into a circumstance for bragging, and perhaps tells too much. It occurs to me that if Diane and Lucy split, then Diane dates Jay, AKA Jack, they could be 'Jack and Diane, living in the heartland . . . ' A seven-ten split is indeed difficult, and is too easy to set up. The best way to deal with one is to avoid creating one, which involved maximizing pins spinning around and hitting each other. Once you're there, it is tough. You have to tap one of the two remaining pins on the far side and send it sideways into the other pin. Not easy.
NP Comic for Saturday, Aug 24, 2024 This makes no sense. Why would she make a lame statement and hide the neat thing she does?
Comic for Tuesday, Aug 20, 2024 Rhoda's success seems at odds with the last panel of the previous comic. The last panel of this one makes no sense. I'm hoping for a reveal that will tie it all together. At least maybe Cat did not screw up badly. Commentary: Spare - add next ball pins. Strike - add next two ball pins. "I assume I averaged a score of three hundred and five on the regular." - 300 is a perfect game, 12 strikes. (Dan knew that, it's a joke.)
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-060 Rhoda, Catalina, how do I put this without . . . Oh forget it. I'll just get to the point.' You two handled the Boar better than you are handling this date. - - - - - - Anyhow, Gutter and Ball are both English names with likely German (and other) roots. So Rhoda Gutter-Ball is a possible name, if slightly less likely than Bobcat.
Comic for Thursday, Aug 15, 2024 Chumming for sharks.
Comic for Saturday, Jul 20, 2024 She has been more 'guys are jerks' in the past. Maybe exposure to a few positive guys helped improve her outlook?
NP Comic for Tuesday, Jul 16, 2024, Eh? No man is an island, but Catalina is an island, off California. But apparently, Catalina, the person, is from Canada, eh? Basically, Diane and Lucy built up a scenario in their heads where Catalina was judging them, in fact, she was not, eh? This reminds me of that situation where the kid asks, "Mommy, what is sex?", then mommy has that awkward, lengthy talk but the birds, the bees, the flowers, the trees, the human plumbing, and so on; the kid's eyes get wide, and they ask, "But how do I fit all that into these two little squares?"
NP Comic for Saturday, Jul 6, 2024 Does it bother anyone else that Rhoda and Catalina, one of the longest running couples in the comic, are having a 'lets get to know each other' conversation? Granted, you can live with your spouse for years and still learn new things about them, but this particular discussion relating to Catalina's impulsiveness seems like it should be old news; it's her defining characteristic. I do like Rhoda's spin on it, though. Catalina is generally very positive.
Comic for Thursday, Jul 11, 2024 Aw, poor Catalina. That second panel; she needs that hug in the third. So it was just a deeply emotional reaction to, "We don't remember people we dated." Which is kind of indicative of the issues they had. Catalina is on a different wavelength.
Comic for Tuesday, Jul 9, 2024 An odd comic that starts with a portrayal of an anticipated event; the date group reforming after a break; first panel, no surprises, no real news. One leading question. Second panel, Diane and Lucy spill the beans about meeting two former dates, who have since departed. Again, not unexpected, except . . . Dates? Plural? They remember them enough to recall going out more than once? That did not seem to be the case, until just now. Or is it just a slip of the tongue? They do seem to be pulling in details, even if in just a negative sense. (Who dated who?) Third panel, Catalina is not happy. It is not clear at all why Catalina is not happy. I have two guesses. Catalina is taken aback by the lack of gayness, or Catalina somehow suspects that the former boyfriends are connected with the being chased at the mall incident (which they are, but I don't see why she has a reason to think so.) Either case seems like an overreaction; although if Catalina has a reason to connect the dots, she's not overreacting to Camdin. He doesn't seem overtly evil, but he does seem like someone to be avoided.
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-035 Since simply talking about your feelings with the concerned person is never an option in this comic, I suspect that Lucy and Diane will follow Rhoda and Catalina out to the parking lot where they will all encounter Camdin and crew on their Super Quest.
And Little Orphan Annie joins the cast. I wonder if Dan has to pay royalties?
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-024 Again, has Camdin's companion been named in Canon? I don't want to keep ignoring him in the tags. Is Panthera Catalinas supposed to look bigger in the flashbacks? Soon Moperville will be flooded with rumors of Giant Cat Girls threatening the innocent guys going about their daily lives of harassing women.
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-032 I am not likely to put my faith in Rhoda. Adorableness alone is not a good foundation for a belief system. Otherwise, Chip 'n Dale would have overthrown the Mouse as the dominant rodent of the Magic Kingdom years ago.
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-029 You roll sixteen pounds And what do you get? Another lane over The hustler puts you in debt Lucy, go ahead and start juggling You want to do it Catalina is not afraid and wants to see it
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-028 Is Catalina going to reveal her knowledge-of and access-to magic by asking Rhoda to adjust the size of the rental shoes? Actually . . . . That may not be such a bad idea. It might be even worse.
Plan B This one was released at an odd time (in the middle of the week, just a few hours before the main story comic); I wonder why Dan didn't wait until the weekend or something. I don't think this plan had much chance of succeeding, unless it was so dark that Rhoda and Catalina were too shadowed to make the details out (but just backlit enough to produce a silhouette).
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-021 Yes Lucy, Catalina is literally a Cat. Sometimes. Slightly more often than Poseidon and Loki are Horses.
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-020 Rhoda, there comes a time when one must say something hurtful to a friend for their own good. That point may have passed quite some time ago.
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-019 Catalina? WITHOUT FRECKLES!? You wouldn't steal the freckles from Pippi Longstocking, Morgan Freeman, or Howdy Dooty. No. Sorry. Dan's commentary has left me too upset to comment on the comic itself or how Rhoda now knows that men in big cars are not the only ones overcompensating.
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-017 I'm sure many of us know someone we don't really know but the people we do know seem to know that someone and you are never really certain if that someone actually knows you ? Forget it. Just be the one in the dorm who has a car and lots of people without cars will act like your friend