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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Everything posted by mlooney

  1. What Are You Watching?

    Granted none close to where I live this year.
  2. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    "What? I got to stay off the desk because you're eating grits, even if the tea isn't made? When did this start? I don't like this!" - Explorer the Cat.
  3. Things That Are Just Annoying

    The drugs must have worked, I'm headache free right now. I was able to get some sleep. Granted I woke up at midnight, but that's sorta normal for me of late.
  4. What Are You Watching?

    Found the start of the next "crazy animal" movie https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/23/science/cocaine-sharks-brazil-scli-intl-scn/index.html
  5. Things That Are Just Annoying

    One more migraine this month and I go to the doctor and get something stronger than ACA. Granted ACA normally works, but I'd rather have something that works longer than 4 hours (on a every 6 hour pill, that sucks)
  6. Things That Are Just Annoying

    The eye things are definitely auras. Fuck. Taking ACA now and trying to find a way to be in the dark. Migraines in the heat are really bad. There is no good time for a migraine but in heat is the worst.
  7. NP Tuesday July 23, 2024

    I'm not sure how Lucy feels about Rhoda. I mean she likes her now but I'm not so sure she did before Rhoda started dating Catalina and thus was not also trying to be Diane's capital G Girlfriend, a position that Lucy desperately wanted. I think the trio was more two of Diane's friends and Diane, with the two friends just barely being civil with each other. Diane liked both of them so she assumed that the both liked each other. I've know of relationships like that. To a degree I've been the middle person in that sort of trio. It's weird.
  8. What Are You Ingesting?

    So no Lima beans then?
  9. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Fuck. Starting to see either real strong "floaters" or a weird aura in my left eye. Gonna hold off on taking meds until I know what it is. If they turn into normal migraine auras I'm starting with the ACA instead of taking it after 6 hours. It's too fucking hot to have a migraine and it's not getting dark for about 4 hours.
  10. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    "The Human got up and is in the living room on the butt warmer. I'm gonna hang out over here were it's a little cooler." - Explorer the Cat.
  11. What Are You Watching?

    We would call the 2nd a "dust devil" and if wouldn't even make the local news, much less state wide.
  12. Things That Are Just Annoying

    OK, hunger has overidden back pain. Getting up slowly and eating breakfast. I was going to Walgreens to get my drugs and a gallon of milk but that's not gonna happen today.
  13. What Are You Ingesting?

    Amazon has "Vampire Slayer Garlic Cheddar." Case of 12, $85. Got to think about that.
  14. Technology that works or doesn't

    Well for starters they did it on a Friday. Bad idea.
  15. Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)

    I think it's hold the office not run for it. Never been tested however.
  16. Comic for Thursday, Jul 18, 2024

    Sorta. Got to remember that these are kids who have lives outside of magic,. Well, sorta out side of magic. Like Dan says when you post a link to a comic page:
  17. What Are You Ingesting?

    Well, duh, cheese season is in the fall, after all the baby cheeses have had a chance to mature.
  18. What Are You Watching?

    Working on that.
  19. Traveller based games.

    Today is Traveller's 47 birthday. And the most popular current version (Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition) is compatible enough with the Classic version that adventures written for one can be used by the other. D&D sure can't say that. I'll grant that combat rules are a bit different (particularly armor) but combat isn't really what Traveller is about.
  20. Traveller based games.

    With any luck at all, by the end of next week, I should have the very rough draft of "Edge of Imperial Space" aka Project X and [redacted] ready for play testing. It's a science fiction/urban fantasy table top role playing game that can be best described as "Buffy and the Scooby gang (either hers or the real one) are on the Serenity, with just a touch of HP Lovecraft" It's a weird mixture of Mongoose Traveller 1st Edition and D&D 5th edition as far as rules go, however it's not directly compatible with either. Send me a private message if you would like to see this.
  21. What Are You Watching?

    The seem to be a little more common in low "mountain" ranges.
  22. Things That Are Just Annoying

    That's a deep cut. When was the last time Charmin used Mr. Whipple?
  23. What Are You Watching?

    The plains west has tornadoes. The south west has droughts and heat waves. The southern coast has hurricanes. West coast has earthquakes and fires. The northern part of the country and the mountain west gets blizzards. The big river valleys get floods. Several of these places overlap. The only non natural disaster area in the country seems to roughly be Appalachia. And there you have to put up with the locals. Not sure if that's a win or not.