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NP Comic for Thursday, Sep 26, 2024 I agree with Diane, Lucy is taking this too well. Perhaps she does already have magic. Medieval sword fighting would be long, straight, heavy swords with armor, perhaps also short swords as well. They have that around here, or at lest did, called Medieval Marshal Arts. Our local Ren Faire fizzled out from mismanagement, and I haven't seen them since. 'Sword' covers a lot of variety over many eras, and in our modern era, Medieval sword fighting would not be the most effective - hence Medieval style arms are rarely seriously carried in combat. A Renaissance weapon would be more effective today. There are no hard rule, advantage is situational. But modern arms are used for valid reasons. I'm a fan of Rhoda's character, I hope she is able to maintain her friendships; I'm rooting for her. Yeah, I''m a Rhoda rooter.
NP Comic for Saturday, Sep 21, 2024 Hmm. Cat seems to be fretting unduly about what has been perceived. Why is she so invested in secrecy? When was she aware of Diane's analytical skills? [Glacial pace warning]
NP Comic for Tuesday, Sep 3, 2024 Secrets revealed! Uhm, Minor surprises, Rhoda does not look like she exercises regularly, Lucy has not shown an indication of enjoying reading; the fantasy connection seems very recent. I think Dan thought about filling out her character recently. Diane is no longer a cheerleader is a surprise; I wonder why she quit. Also I'll second that "What?", I don't see the connection. Uhm, she is physically small, maybe the climbing has to do with being the cheerleader that gets to the top of the pyramid? Cat's makes sense, but it isn't her strike question, so maybe the magic reveal is coming soon. She might ask something like, "Do you know magic is real?" An enjoyable day, nice filling in some color and depth to their personalities. I wonder if there is a reason that Catalina is better at this than she thinks she is.
NP Comic for Thursday, Aug 22, 2024 Diane, thinking through reasons why Rhoda is nervous, thinks 'Rhoda has secrets' is likely. I'm not seeing why she would think so, but of course it is spot on. So I'm taking this as foreshadowing that they will learn of each others magic.
Comic for Tuesday, Aug 20, 2024 Rhoda's success seems at odds with the last panel of the previous comic. The last panel of this one makes no sense. I'm hoping for a reveal that will tie it all together. At least maybe Cat did not screw up badly. Commentary: Spare - add next ball pins. Strike - add next two ball pins. "I assume I averaged a score of three hundred and five on the regular." - 300 is a perfect game, 12 strikes. (Dan knew that, it's a joke.)
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-060 Rhoda, Catalina, how do I put this without . . . Oh forget it. I'll just get to the point.' You two handled the Boar better than you are handling this date. - - - - - - Anyhow, Gutter and Ball are both English names with likely German (and other) roots. So Rhoda Gutter-Ball is a possible name, if slightly less likely than Bobcat.
Comic for Thursday, Aug 15, 2024 Chumming for sharks.
NP Comic for Thursday, Jul 25, 2024 Two cute, too cute. I like the "So how about focusing on the now . . . ". Good advice in general.
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-050 So maybe Lucy actually does like Rhoda. As long as she is not competing for Diane's attention. As for the commentary? Conceding that you can not do two things at the same time and do them both well sounds like you are surrendering to the laws of Physics. I thought Starfleet would have taught you better than that, Chief.
NP Comic for Tuesday, Jul 16, 2024, Eh? No man is an island, but Catalina is an island, off California. But apparently, Catalina, the person, is from Canada, eh? Basically, Diane and Lucy built up a scenario in their heads where Catalina was judging them, in fact, she was not, eh? This reminds me of that situation where the kid asks, "Mommy, what is sex?", then mommy has that awkward, lengthy talk but the birds, the bees, the flowers, the trees, the human plumbing, and so on; the kid's eyes get wide, and they ask, "But how do I fit all that into these two little squares?"
NP Comic for Saturday, Jul 6, 2024 Does it bother anyone else that Rhoda and Catalina, one of the longest running couples in the comic, are having a 'lets get to know each other' conversation? Granted, you can live with your spouse for years and still learn new things about them, but this particular discussion relating to Catalina's impulsiveness seems like it should be old news; it's her defining characteristic. I do like Rhoda's spin on it, though. Catalina is generally very positive.
Comic for Thursday, Jul 11, 2024 Aw, poor Catalina. That second panel; she needs that hug in the third. So it was just a deeply emotional reaction to, "We don't remember people we dated." Which is kind of indicative of the issues they had. Catalina is on a different wavelength.
Comic for Tuesday, Jul 9, 2024 An odd comic that starts with a portrayal of an anticipated event; the date group reforming after a break; first panel, no surprises, no real news. One leading question. Second panel, Diane and Lucy spill the beans about meeting two former dates, who have since departed. Again, not unexpected, except . . . Dates? Plural? They remember them enough to recall going out more than once? That did not seem to be the case, until just now. Or is it just a slip of the tongue? They do seem to be pulling in details, even if in just a negative sense. (Who dated who?) Third panel, Catalina is not happy. It is not clear at all why Catalina is not happy. I have two guesses. Catalina is taken aback by the lack of gayness, or Catalina somehow suspects that the former boyfriends are connected with the being chased at the mall incident (which they are, but I don't see why she has a reason to think so.) Either case seems like an overreaction; although if Catalina has a reason to connect the dots, she's not overreacting to Camdin. He doesn't seem overtly evil, but he does seem like someone to be avoided.
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-035 Since simply talking about your feelings with the concerned person is never an option in this comic, I suspect that Lucy and Diane will follow Rhoda and Catalina out to the parking lot where they will all encounter Camdin and crew on their Super Quest.
And Little Orphan Annie joins the cast. I wonder if Dan has to pay royalties?
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-024 Again, has Camdin's companion been named in Canon? I don't want to keep ignoring him in the tags. Is Panthera Catalinas supposed to look bigger in the flashbacks? Soon Moperville will be flooded with rumors of Giant Cat Girls threatening the innocent guys going about their daily lives of harassing women.
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-031 Lucy is Diane's friend. Rhoda is Diane's friend. Diane often spends time with Lucy and Rhoda simultaneously. Lucy and Rhoda often spend time with Diane while avoiding interaction with the other person. - - - - - As for the background? I know of a few bowling alleys that were decorated in the 60s with that kind of tile in Technicolor and nothing has been changed since then.
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-030 Remind me. Who was it that decreed "Thou Shalt Not Incorporate Pockets In Women's Clothes?"
Plan B This one was released at an odd time (in the middle of the week, just a few hours before the main story comic); I wonder why Dan didn't wait until the weekend or something. I don't think this plan had much chance of succeeding, unless it was so dark that Rhoda and Catalina were too shadowed to make the details out (but just backlit enough to produce a silhouette).
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-027 Diane and Lucy do have transformation abilities You would never know they weren't real deer in headlights - - - - - Of course, certain philosophies would have us reject ownership We should, instead, rent everything we can INCLUDING SHOES
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-022 There are scary possibilities other than Lucy. I have been to many Bowling Alleys that had no exterior windows other than by the front door. A Vampyre who whiles away the daylight hours trying to beat 7 - 10 splits might easily lose track of time and inadvertently step outside before sunset. - - - - What? If you found yourself among the Nosferati, do you really think you would come up with a more profound plan than bowling?
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-020 Rhoda, there comes a time when one must say something hurtful to a friend for their own good. That point may have passed quite some time ago.
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-019 Catalina? WITHOUT FRECKLES!? You wouldn't steal the freckles from Pippi Longstocking, Morgan Freeman, or Howdy Dooty. No. Sorry. Dan's commentary has left me too upset to comment on the comic itself or how Rhoda now knows that men in big cars are not the only ones overcompensating.
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-017 I'm sure many of us know someone we don't really know but the people we do know seem to know that someone and you are never really certain if that someone actually knows you ? Forget it. Just be the one in the dorm who has a car and lots of people without cars will act like your friend
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-012 Wasn't this part of the reason Diane didn't want to share knowledge of magic? Certainly there's a lot of this reasoning going around (and the reasoning winds up pretty ironic when people one is "protecting" from magic actually know about it anyway).