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Everything posted by hkmaly

  1. Story Friday January 11, 2019

    ... that wasn't best question. If he was marked with Pandora, he may not know he has any mark - just that he can do the spell now. ... if he was marked by Voltaire he may have good reason to avoid Grace. Not sure what other danger could be there.
  2. Story Wednesday January 9, 2019

    They are if they're moving around under their own power! ... it was obviously the draft from opening the door. Yeah, if he set up the account with, say, Gil, and had to show ID to do it, then the account itself may boil down to 1) a name on a clipboard listing who has which titles reserved, and 2) any more personally identifying info may be locked in a filing cabinet (if there are credit card numbers, they are legally required to be locked up), to be pulled out only if someone fails to come in for their comics. George and Gordon may never have seen anything but "Sam Lastname" on a clipboard or box. Then Sam just has to worry about whether the one person who set up the account is present. Heck, maybe it's even Justin's uncle, or someone who doesn't work there anymore. That would kinda be ideal for Sam. Hmmmm ... right, based on Justin's call they do have the credit card info but only uses it when the person doesn't came to get the comics personally. Note that it doesn't need to be on paper in a filling cabinet (in fact, I'm still surprised that's allowed), it may be in computer. Still, Sam needs to worry if ANY clerk who knows him as the other gender than he's currently presenting as is present. He can't assume they are forgetful enough to not remember he was different gender two weeks ago. The working assumption is that Justin knows him as male BUT Gordon knows him as female ... meaning, it could've been Gordon creating the account based on ID, if the gender/sex is available on the ID (directly or indirectly though photo).
  3. Story Wednesday January 9, 2019

    Fixed. Not sure how that happened. "But"? I said that it wouldn't matter if someone would walk in on Grace. It was brought to my attention as well that Sam would have an account set up for reserving comic. If he has been presenting as both male and female at various time, he'd likely need to have 2 separate accounts, and coming into the the shop under the same name might cause suspicion especially, as Critterkeeper suggested earlier, if Sam still looked similar enough in both "forms". As I just said: the reserving comic account is unlikely to specify gender/sex. If Gordon always saw him as her, he wouldn't see any problem. In EU, such account would likely require identity card to be set up (library account definitely does). How is it realized in US? Driving licence? Does that contain photo? Or just credit card? Anyway, unless it's possible to set up the account completely without any document, it might be easier for him to set up one than two. Reminds me other twins which had different gender but posed as each other ... Mel'arnach and Kel'noz Val'Sarghress ...
  4. Story Monday January 7, 2019

    yeah, but she was probably in her own room at the time, if we saw Tedd or Grace or even a set of stairs behind her we might conclude that she was at Tedd's. I would agree there is no reason to assume Grace can see her here. WE may consider Grace innocent, but Grace herself would never consider herself innocent.Not since this. She took it hard and even avoided transformation until her father convinced her to stop that.
  5. Story Wednesday January 9, 2019

    I'm not sure what is the "actual danger", but I'm sure whatever she discovers with the antennae would be smaller violation of trust than looking for Sam's number in shop records. If Gordon already knows what antennae are, he would understand the need to keep it secret. If he doesn't, he would assume it's just weird hairstyle and is unlikely to even just comment about it. Same is true for Sam. The antennae aren't something so obviously alien people would recognize Grace as one without already knowing about Uryuom. Yes ... it does feel long, but it shows a side of Grace we didn't have time to explore before. He said "Friday nights are when I'm at my most real" ... it IS possible he is presenting as male for the short time necessary to get the comics, but doesn't consider it as important as Friday's nights because it's just short time. And, note that the comic shop is not inside the mall and that he may be able to "change" into male quite quickly. That said, I like the idea of presenting as two people more ... Maybe Sam wears boots when presenting male to give him added height, and has his hair tied in a ponytail when presenting female. ... yes, Grace might be only one who recognized him as the same Sam. Maybe he knows (or checks through window) who is present and have the clerks divided into "these knows me as man" and "these knows me as woman"? Hell, he may even actually be in records as single person, if the record just says "Sam" ... the gender is unlikely to be noted there.
  6. NP Monday January 7, 2019

    It's the first time we've seen her using a hammer on someone who was objectifying women. That better? Hmmm ... ok, he was calling Susan names but didn't seem to objectify women ... ... I don't remember other case of Susan using hammer on someone objectifying women since she can use them on anyone either ... ... she had great opportunity but used something with more long-term effect instead.
  7. NP Monday December 31, 2018

    That works for explaining why there is no more "no man's land" anywhere, but not for explaining why The Congo should be considered independent instead of a part of its former hegemon Belgium. You know how hard is to color the map in way no two countries with shared border have same color when you consider commonwealth single country?
  8. I'm surprised we didn't get multiple color versions to see that the blue one is indeed the best Hmmm ... what could've people asked for Dan doesn't even want to repeat? I mean, the most obvious requests would be to draw them naked (despite neither being naked at this point) but that doesn't seem unrepeatable ... sure, Dan wouldn't draw that, but he can talk about it.
  9. NP Monday December 31, 2018

    If we define "nation-state" as a state that defines itself primarily as comprising a specific culture, then yes it is a modern invention, with most earlier states being defined more by way of "whatever territory and people the government can maintain control of" (i.e. territory by conquest) without regard to ancestral culture. The idea that people who didn't already have a King or an Army deserved to have a state of their own really didn't gain much traction until the colonial powers (having become world powers) started extending their umbrella of protection to make protectorates out of such peoples, creating a new category that was more independent than a puppet state but still under the dominion of a larger power. I have suspicion that the real reason is that map-makers started to like political maps. The idea of neatly dividing whole world into countries, with no overlap and nothing being left out ... They were surprisingly advanced for a society that did not use a writing system (and thus had to keep all of their laws inside their heads, with consensus defining who has the "correct" remembrance of the laws and binding contracts). Considering the ways laws are written, I don't think it was that much different from how current western democracies work with them (We can write it, but someone still needs to remember what it was supposed to mean.)
  10. NP Monday January 7, 2019

    Yes. Now she's focused and coherent like laser. Speak for yourself. I saw Susan with a Hammer year ago.
  11. Story Monday January 7, 2019

    I did said it was bad idea. Maybe got the idea from Ashley? She doesn't need to get the idea FROM Ashley. Yes, it's completely enough that Ashley was described to her and she decided to try the side ponytail herself. Hmmmm ... it might take some time to prepare the lab for Tedd ...
  12. NP Monday December 31, 2018

    To be fair, the Iroquois Confederacy surprised me with how politically advanced it was. I know about Aztec (in Central America) and Inca (in South America) but didn't know about anything similarly advanced in North America. But, I would definitely consider native american tribes nations.
  13. NP Monday December 31, 2018

    That depends on how you define "nation". There were some city-states, as well as the Iroquois Confederacy... And actually the term "nation" is often used to describe Native American tribes (and not just modern ones). Also, outside of what is now the US there have been various Pre-Columbian empires in the Americas, such as the Aztec and Inca. I wasn't aware any of those could be though of as US. I considered obvious that those were conquered by US. And generally, I though that any state on American continent bases its identity on European settlers and not on natives. They are using European languages, after all.
  14. NP Monday December 31, 2018

    Yeah, there is one specific culture which comes into mind as enduring a lot in last thousands of years despite not having own state until 1947 .... In general, however, the cultures are prime case of grandfather's axe: not only they are changing, they are changing so much they may no longer have anything in common with original - or, the thing they have in common is now shared with multiple other cultures due to cultures merging and dividing. For lot of purposes, it's fine to argue they are the same culture, but if there is conflict between two cultures claiming to be same as a historic one the question which one is right is totally bogus. Not that it would have anything to do with trademarks. In fact, trademark validity doesn't need any of this philosophy: valid trademark requires paper trail with regular confirmations that yes it's still valid. PS: Regarding the "nations" .... there are quite a lot of national states today, but the idea itself didn't appeared before 1600 and most if not all today's nations are at least partially formed by some state at some specific point of time, without strict 1:1 correspondence to something existing before that like some ethnic group or tribe. Obviously, most nations would say that the nation existed well before that, but you need to trace it backwards from then. Even the Egypt might not be entirely clear - there is Sudan and while I'm not that well versed with Egypt history, I suspect that different people have different opinion of what in history was Egypt nation, what Sudan and what was both. It's even more complicated with most European states. (Meanwhile, it's simple in US, but just because there was provably no US nation before 1492 and probably some time afterwards as well.) (Note that we don't even need to look at China here as China is obviously not national state today.)
  15. NP, Friday Jan 4, 2019

    The difference is she already won. Or at least have a winning numbers.
  16. Story, Friday Jan 4, 2019

    Exactly the danger I was speaking about. It probably would be. Of course, only Edward can say for sure.
  17. NP Monday December 31, 2018

    The term seems to be "legal continuity", as in "Revolutionary breach of legal continuity", however quick google doesn't seem to offer any useful list of countries having it longest. Any law student searching for funny thesis? Anyway, there may be differences in relatively recent development, but I feel safe saying that finding ANY measurement which would suggest age over 3000 years would be hard and feel forced. Egypt was Roman province once, AND also part of Ottoman empire and British Empire more recently, all three sounds as pretty hard division points. China only unified 221 BC, and while Xinhai Revolution involved transfer of power, the Chinese Civil War require quite complicated doublethink to be seen as anything close to "continuity". (There is also Succession of states, but that was based in 19th century, there are exceptions listed on the page and only few states signed the declaration made on 1978, so ...)
  18. Story, Friday Jan 4, 2019

    He wouldn't be able to avoid her even if she did stop trying to contact him, there will be times where Sarah would like to go somewhere where Grace happens to be, either by coincidence, or maybe she suggests a double date or something, like I said before, if he's going to stop going to card tournaments with Sarah because Grace is going to be there, how long will it be before Sarah get's suspicious? I think Sarah has gotten to the point where she knows Grace doesn't do something without a reason, if Sam tells Sarah that Grace is "stalking him" Sarah will probably either be suspicious of Sam because why would Grace be doing that to him, or tell Sam to just see what Grace wants. Well, we just agreed that (attempt to) talking to Sam has high likehood of getting Sarah suspicious, which was pretty close to my point. Note that if she calls him, he can just hang up before she gets to the point. Amusing definitely, but note that the Edward notes would actually be pretty dangerous if people wouldn't realize it says something different to each of them.
  19. Story, Friday Jan 4, 2019

    Will you still think that if, next time Grace tries contacting him, he slips when running and falls some stairs? I simply don't believe Grace has any way to contact him which wouldn't make him even more scared than he is. Which can have two very negative consequences: 1) He injures himself, as I mentioned. 2) He stops seeing Sarah out of fear Grace would be stalking them. And, obviously there is third option, which, while not as bad, still isn't exactly good: 3) He will tell Sarah Grace is stalking him. Depending on wording and how much Grace tries till then, he may tell it in way Sarah's relationship with Grace will be negatively affected ... and if not, Sarah will get suspicious.
  20. Story, Friday Jan 4, 2019

    I see your angle, however ... While Grace have additional senses and better understanding of social dynamics that would match her upbringing, and while seeing it from her perspective make her looking like hero, she's still mortal and might be mistaken, and therefore shouldn't make decision like this without Sarah. She should check if Sarah NEEDS protecting. Aaand, maybe mention she feels like Sam is avoiding her. If, during communication like this, Sarah would press the matter and make Grace tell the secret, ok ... is much better than telling her directly. Well, sure, but he has no way of knowing that, and probably very bad experience from his previous tries.
  21. NP Wednesday January 2, 2019

    Ok, totally forgot about that. ... true, blue pencil would count ... THOSE I did remember - those were in the "stuff like that".
  22. NP Monday December 31, 2018

    Trademarks don't enter the public domain due to age. True. They also don't automatically work internationally. I don't think any current country honors trademark registrations from any country existing three thousand years ago. Madrid didn't exists back then.
  23. NP, Friday Jan 4, 2019

    "Regress" is ugly word. Excessive wealth makes people more themselves, instead of pretending to be productive members of society like most adult do. Also, of course Nanase have sword like that. Or two. Sounds exactly like the kind of artefacts she could find in previous dungeon crawls. Not for me. Sacked? He's moving from "hammered" to "axed".
  24. Story, Friday Jan 4, 2019

    I don't think Sam would appreciate the irony. Or should I say "will"? Trying to call him when he's obviously trying to avoid you sounds like "give up, I WILL find you". Seriously? It may not be against law, but it surely isn't ethical.
  25. NP Wednesday January 2, 2019

    Dan used to put a lot of his concept sketches and colour tinkering.in the sketchbook section in the early years, I consider this to be part of that group. Those sketches were mostly concepts and not sketches as part of process, later made into full images. Although that color thinkering example might count.