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Comic for Monday, Feb 10, 2025 Jill should probably confess to Grace that she was the smoke interloper; if it comes out later, Grace will have grounds to mistrust Jill. Meta: That Jill/Jay/Jack has multiple names is going to play havoc with future searches for her. The previous comic sounded like "The cop's still not an adult daughter (though maybe older than me) told me . . .". Today's comic sounds like Jill met Bishop when Bishop was already an adult (at least chronologically). Confusing, but I think the intent was spelled out today. That puts Bishop at a minimum in her mid thirties, figuring college, FBI training, and Jill is around 18 now (so 18 - 6 = 12 years). Arthur shot a guy who needed to be shot is a revelation; he has more of a badass background that he seems to have.
Comic for Monday, Jan 27, 2025 The big reveal recap of Pandora empowering Jay begins. TBD if jay reacts badly because it was traumatic, or if she is aware Pandora saved her life. I suppose that will be explained. "I'm why you have magic" seems like it would also carry weight. Not sure why Grace is expressing surprise. She barely knew Pandora, and barely knows her 'friend' Jay. Or she just shoved an acorn in her mouth. Maybe?
Comic for Friday, Jan 24, 2025 I like the exposition about the pocket dimension. It make it seem more real that it has limits. Susan is conspicuous by her absence. I think she would definitely want to investigate. Justin's absence might be due to need to be in the store, but Susan has no such obligation. The stars around grace are probably symbolic, not sure of what. It could be a phenomenon related to her different biology and not be just symbolic. If bugs bunny cartoons are any indication, she is suddenly dizzy and disoriented. Jay is still very guarded. Sarah is very accepting, is seemingly consciously adhering to being a good friend to Hope as Pandora's reboot.
Comic for Monday, Jan 20, 2025 Presumably, Justin is still there, off panel. Seems like the doorway should go off in some weird dimension they couldn't see, no matter what. Would she trust just a smoke screen to keep intruders out? Someone is likely to stumble in if it connects to the inside of the shop. Last panel looks like she's owning being an immortal. I like the pacing, moving forward.
Comic for Monday, Jan 6, 2025 Hoopla about 'We're about to talk', George is suspicious, AJ is dopey, Jay pokes the little bear, who freaks the F#%@ out.
Comic for Wednesday, Nov 13, 2024 Talky, talk, talk, talk. OK, some good can come of this; Tedd is primed to talk to Jay about magic.
Comic for Monday, Aug 26, 2024 Mark had better win if she's that out of it.
Comic for Friday, Aug 23, 2024 Tedd analyzes and recaps recent comics. Jay seems to have a bit more temper than most of the cast, but not greatly so; she's not a hothead. We've seen a few outbursts from others. She may be less in control of her power, hence the lighting effect. Why does she know about Tedd? Did she overhear Arthur discussing Tedd?
Comic for Friday, Aug 16, 2024 Grace has figured out stuff. Hope is sitting nearby, being a withdrawn significant presence. Jay is more accepting of her help than seems like Jay would do, but whatever, EGS characters drift toward healthier outlook all the time. AJ is a bit more busted, which is probably irrelevant. Which all raises issues with the previous comic. The people staring at her seem aware that Jay caused the flicker. Tedd is probably sure. Susan has enough experience with magic to not be surprised. What is her friend Mark thinking? Does he know about her magic?
Comic for Wednesday, Aug 14, 2024 Stuff is going to happen! Cool! Tedd is aware. Curiously, Hope is not shown. She must know what is going on.
Comic for Friday, Jul 26, 2024 Jay is working on becoming a more likeable character. We need more backstory, why was she kind of a jerk in earlier comics? 'Susan is exhausted' suggests Susan prefers to be genuine. Some folks thrive on being phony; I think it energizes them. Is Jay even aware of Susan's aversion to touch? Will it kick in when Jay attempts to hug her?
https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-070 First, if I remember my Trek Lore correctly, Picard used the "Picard maneuver" when fighting Ferengi. Does a fight against Ferengi that does not involve Latinum actually count? - - - - - Next, I need some help identifying the last panel party - - - - Outgoing is a relative term If Sam's experience with gender questions has largely centered around concealment, then a genderfluid individual with Tedd's level of confidence must seem outgoing.
https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-055 Hope, don't mess this up. Slightly off topic, perhaps it is time for Ted et al to create a code of ethics regarding independent magic research There needs to be a way of helping a novice magic user come to terms with their abilities that falls some where in between fending for yourself and turning you in to the nearest shadow government agency
https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-050 That's a lot of character tags for a strip where relatively little happens. Anyway, I should probably say something meaningful about the comic. I know! "Yay for starburst background & foreground in panel six!" There, perfect.
Jay will never figure this group out until she loses her preconceptions.
https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-049 How many people know you, Jay? You deliberately give yourself a distinctive appearance in a smallish school. Almost everyone (student, faculty, staff, parent, vendor . . . ) who deals with your school on a regular basis has a good chance of recognizing you. Your grandfather is powerful figure in public service. There are many who may see you as a way to control or punish him. Even if the magical "don't I know you" effect might have affected more minds than you would like, most people in Moperville recognizing you will be able to produce a mundane-ish explanation.
https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-046 Grace will become a cosmetic dentist. There is nothing she enjoys more than seeing people bonded.
https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-045 Space for spoilers: So, it turns out my first thought about Grace's reaction was correct. Luckily, Grace was wrong. I love Jay's reaction, and it's neat that it gave Susan and Jay something to bond over. I was actually pretty suspicious of Jay when she first started showing up, but now thanks to this page I like her; hopefully she doesn't wind up an antagonist in the future!
https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-044 Fortunately, Susan did not speak before Grace introduce her to Jay. Otherwise, she may have Hi-Jacked the comic. - - - - I'll be here all week Try the fish Tip your waitress
https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-040 In the 1983 remake of "To Be Or Not To Be", Frederick Bronski (as played by Mel Brooks) was said to be "World Famous, in Poland". Has Susan achieved that level of fame in the comic shops of Moperville?
https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-041 As much as we know that the relationship between Edward and Tedd is less than perfect, it is apparent they trust each other. Arthur apparently does not share nearly as much inside information with Jay. This leave Jay feeling like she can't turn to Grandpa for answers and must figure things out for herself. A few bad assumptions and a simple inquiry can become an inquisition (Bet you didn't expect that)
So. Arthur is Jay's source of information about Tedd and company. I think someone speculated about that when she delivered pizza to the Verres residence, hoping to meet Tedd. That they're on close enough terms for that is interesting. Does Arthur want Jay to keep and eye on them, or does he simply not want Jay to stumble into the situation unwary?
https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-036 Does the inflation of Tedd's chest vary depending on who is looking? What if someone who should see "full" looks while someone who should see "empty" is observing?
https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-034 I think Grace is the sort who thinks of anybody she knows and who isn't mean to her a friend. Meanwhile, Hope knows things about a stranger, which must be a disorientating feeling.
https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-033 Did Grace really think Jay doubted the existence of the Tedd or Gace's relationship with same? I suppose anyone may have a reason for pretending to have a significant other. Still, I have more than enough problems with the "real" people in my life, I don't need imaginary complications