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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!


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Everything posted by ijuin

  1. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Apollo 10’s lander was named Snoopy, after the Peanuts character. If that mission had landed on the surface, then the announcement would have been “The Beagle has landed”.
  2. What Are You Watching?

    Technically, we were watching Aldrin most of the time after the “One small step” part, because Armstrong was the one holding the camera.
  3. Discussion of Military, real or fictional

    In the original 1990 version of the PC game “Civilization”, a spearman had a 1-in-6 chance of defeating a tank, because all units in that game had only one hit point—so basically, it’s like being able to win any fight by rolling a natural 20. This was fixed in later games in the series by giving all units multiple hit points, often with tougher units getting more than others.
  4. Wait, Tumblr still exists? I thought Dan abandoned that one back when they (the company) were purging all of the fetish-y content.
  5. NP Comic for Tuesday, Jul 16, 2024

    What type of sword do you think she favors? The stereotypical two-hander? A one-handed longsword? A curved blade?
  6. Comic for Wednesday, Jul 17, 2024

    Arthur does let her in on the less sensitive internal bulletins from his work, such as the warning about the “do I know you” phenomenon. She presumably knows that he knows details about Magic, but the two of them may not know that the other is a Wizard/Mage.
  7. Who's hot

    We know her maternal grandfather, but we do not yet know her mother (Arthur’s daughter).
  8. What are you reading?

    Out Of Character—i.e. when we have the roleplaying turned off.
  9. Random. Just Random.

    Falling rocks are normal enough, but falling cattle?
  10. Discussion of Military, real or fictional

    The intelligence community usually assumes that anything which is available to the general domestic civilian population is also available to any enemy, since it is effectively impossible to keep that many civilians from leaking info.
  11. Perhaps he was a disillusioned follower, who was angry that Trump did not follow through on a particular promise.
  12. I have a “My Cat for President 2016” bumper sticker. Unfortunately, the Constitution requires that a President be thirty-five years old on or before the date of their inauguration, so many cats may be ineligible.
  13. Yes. Already the conspiracy nuts are starting to claim that Biden ordered the hit on Trump.
  14. With the declaration by the US Supreme Court that he is essentially immune from prosecution, a lot of people have come to believe that the only way to be rid of Trump is if he dies. Secondly, if he were to die before declaring his running mate at the convention next week, then the Republicans would be left without a candidate and would have to scramble to nominate one, which means that right now was the “best” time for such an attempt if the intention was to wreck the chances of a Republican win and not just to eliminate Trump himself.
  15. Random. Just Random.

    In some places in California, “Indecent Exposure” (i.e. having your wang visible) results in being registered as a sex offender for life, including the obligation to notify neighbors whenever you move to a new residence. Apparently going outside without pants on is the moral and legal equivalent of first-degree rape.
  16. Sad news

    People are already snapping up every copy of it on Amazon and ebay.
  17. Comic for Thursday, Jul 11, 2024

    So, Catalina just doesn’t get the whole concept of “casual, uncommitted dating”. I can relate somewhat—when I was a teen, I never had the courage to ask a girl out unless I already had a crush on her, so the whole “no emotional involvement” thing didn’t apply to me—and every “no” was heartbreak.
  18. Technology that works or doesn't

    So many people seem to think that is real.
  19. Technology that works or doesn't

    Pushing against a field is perfectly sensible. What we need (and what some theorists posit) is a previously-unnoticed field that has sufficient strength through most of our galaxy that pushing against it can give us a better thrust-per-power ratio than a pure photon rocket (300 Megawatts per Newton).
  20. Technology that works or doesn't

    By the way, the Sun’s magnetic field reverses every 11-12 years—it’s merely that the currently-impending one appears to be the strongest in several decades. We had worse 165 years ago during the 1859 Carrington Event where power lines and telegraph circuits blew out.
  21. Technology that works or doesn't

    Yup, anything that still uses a 32-bit field for UNIX time is gonna rollover and have Y2k style overflow errors.
  22. Comic for Monday, Jul 8, 2024

    I think it is more that Susan and Sarah seem like an Odd Couple at first glance—Sarah doesn’t match Jay’s mental image of the kind of people Susan would get along best with.
  23. New NVMe Drive

    Oh yeah, I remember that the FAT-12 file system couldn’t comprehend volumes larger than 32MB (i.e. a 16-bit count of 512-byte sectors). My family’s first computer with a hard disk was a 286 with a whopping eighty megabytes, which had to be partitioned into three volumes. (This was in 1987.)
  24. Things That Are Just Annoying

    My cats are likewise hiding from the loud explosions.