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Everything posted by ijuin

  1. Comic for Friday, Oct 18, 2024

    My father’s been dead for eight and a half years, and I still catch myself imitating his speech patterns.
  2. Comic for Friday, Oct 18, 2024

    Hope could definitely learn from Ellen’s example for coping with how to assert her new sense of self in the face of a previous life’s memories.
  3. What Are You Ingesting?

    What I find fascinating about the Big Rip is that the end state of the universe resembles the inflationary state from the Big Bang, which implies that it may be a cycle wherein the inflation will decay and cease again for long enough for a new matter-dominated era to occur.
  4. Comic for Wednesday, Oct 16, 2024

    Hope is right that she can’t be who Tedd or Susan or Diane want her to be right now—the three of them would want her to be their “grandmother” in a youthened form.
  5. Comic for Tuesday, Oct 15, 2024

    Well, this was before most people thought of “computer equals word processor”.
  6. I would like to mention that some sports drinks such as Gatorade have over 250mg of Potassium per 8-ounce serving, so they are something to look into if you need to supplement your potassium intake.
  7. Comic for Monday, Oct 14, 2024

    Zeus was talking about the new rules in public where anyone could see his words in the comments, so he had to assume that unwanted observers would see it (e.g. Voltaire, Helena, or Dimetrius, all of whom are known to have been watching our main cast), thus he kept it cryptic. Hope right now is speaking directly to Sarah, so she has no such concern. It’s less about the knowledge being secret and more about who might be listening.
  8. https://x.com/mtgreenee/status/1842039774359462324 Marjorie Taylor Green came out saying that Democrats are causing Hurricane Milton, and when pressed, she said that yes, they are indeed controlling the weather. Now, most of us know that MTG is loopy, but the obscene part is how many people apparently believe her nutty statements. At this point they have become 100% untethered from reality.
  9. Other Random Comics

    I never saw Beanie and Cecil, but I loved Rocky and Bullwinkle.
  10. Other Random Comics

    The only CRT that I still keep around is for connecting my old pre-HDMI video games and VHS to.
  11. Other Random Comics

    Nah, it should be the F-22 Raptor.
  12. Task Avoidance Thread

    I keep misreading it as Tax avoidance thread.
  13. Discussion of Military, real or fictional

    Oh, since Leonard Nimoy was brought up on the Listening thread, I thought I would mention that Nimoy provides all of the narration for Civilization IV.
  14. Technology that works or doesn't

    5.4 megahertz? I thought it was 5.4 gigahertz? That would make for a wavelength of about 5 centimeters.
  15. Technology that works or doesn't

    While a WiFi router can provide the microwave signal for a separate camera to form an image, routers do not possess the angular resolution to form images on their own—it can only determine the general direction of an object. While this might be enough to get general location and numbers of users/devices (thus fulfilling the literal meaning of RAdio Detection And Ranging, showing devices as blips), it can not form a picture of people’s body shape and poses.
  16. Discussion of Military, real or fictional

    In that case a cheaper motor vehicle could be made up as a decoy tank.
  17. Comic for Wednesday, Oct 2, 2024

    Like the sinking of Atlantis?
  18. Comic for Thursday, Oct 3, 2024

    Given how dark the hair appears on the part of her head where it is close-cropped, it looks as though she has darker roots, which would imply either that she bleaches her hair, or else magical/burnout-related hair color alteration.
  19. Discussion of Military, real or fictional

    Agreed. An AI should not be permitted to designate and engage targets without a human confirming the correctness of the targets.
  20. And that is why the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors believed in having your running shoes on BEFORE you find out that you need to run.
  21. Comic for Monday, Sep 30, 2024

    One of the most common sources of trauma is witnessing someone else being brutalized and being unable to help them, so I would say that such people were traumatized specifically because they did experience empathy.
  22. Comic for Monday, Sep 30, 2024

    If you look at the old Pantheons, it appears that, 3000+ years ago, some Immortals posed as gods, literally “playing god” with mortals. When that went bad (a possible cause of the Bronze Age Collapse), the Immortals swore that they would never repeat the mistake of trying to rule over mortals.
  23. Sad news

    They can’t lift the ban posthumously in order to nominate him to the Hall of Fame?
  24. Comic for Monday, Sep 30, 2024

    Aberrations happen when a mage decides that it is worth killing people to steal their vitality.
  25. Discussion of Military, real or fictional

    Civ5 and later allow only one combat unit and one noncombat unit per tile, which ends the strategy of putting a high-melee-defense unit on a tile to protect your ranged units there. Instead, you have to engage in defense in depth, interposing your defenders between potential attackers and whatever you are protecting. The biggest changes in Civ6 included: Districts that you must build, taking up a map tile for the city, before you can build specialist buildings (e.g. an industrial district before you can build factories) Civics/government is now a full tech tree of its own, earned with Culture points as compared to the research points for science. Bonus/penalty for each new Age (Classical, Medieval, Industrial, etc.) based on your performance in the preceding Age.