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    • Robin

      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!


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About Monkey_zombie

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  1. Salutations anew ;)

    I'm here too, lurking as always.
  2. Three Word Game

    It was then
  3. an evolutionary game

    Branch: Snapper This subspecies has developed an appetite for its Ambler cousins. It uses a newly developed scent gland to find its prey while it uses its sharp beak to rip into Amblers. Its Fluted Shell protects it from other Snappers. Branch: Beach Sprout This species has a larger leaf and denser roots which allow it to absorb Nacal; A mineral within the sand. The process of synthesizing Nacal has resulted in a slight bluish hue.
  4. an evolutionary game

    Branch: Long Leg Ambler: This subspecies roams around the Rocky areas of the main island, their longer legs allow them to clamber over the rocks in search of food.
  5. an evolutionary game

    Sweet, So since this is a divergence from the base form it is a branch, I will show an example of an evolution here. Evolution Three Leaf Sprout: This species has evolved to absorb more Thachis which is then able to metabolize more Bolin. Increasing the plants longevity.
  6. an evolutionary game

    I don't know GIMP, I use Paint.net for everything. I suppose wherever aliasing would be located.
  7. Three Word Game

    poorly aligned sandwiches
  8. an evolutionary game

    yeah sorry, essentially it means that the image must be pixelated without edge blending. MS paint is aliased.
  9. Three Word Game

    For an apple
  10. an evolutionary game

    I saw this game on another forum and wanted to try it here. Rules: 1-Only minimal changes per evolution or branch, the creature must resemble their ancestor. (It is best to work off of the ancestor pic and edit it) 2-You can choose to evolve a creature or create a branch, after a few turns the creature that has been branched off of becomes extinct. 3-The illustrations must be aliased. 4- You must draw the evolution, if you cannot draw feel free to ask others to help 5-For sake of timeline, please put the name of the ancestor that you are evolving. (also it would be great if you would put a blurb about your creature, possibly explaining the evolution) 6- Each creature can only be branched a total of 3 times (which ideally results in a maximum of around 4-6 different variants from one ancestor) 7-You are not allowed to evolve or branch one of your own posts, it must be a different persons post. 8- You are allowed to post a maximum of two creatures if you are creating a branch. 9- Have fun! Don't forget that this has plenty of pseudo-chemistry, so feel free to make up stuff~ Welcome to Towoc Island. A place untouched by man and other things for that matter due to a strange magical energy the evolutionary process has been sped up considerably. (Pictured below) Key: Green:High Growth areas Yellow:Sandy areas Brown:Rocky areas dark brown: Mountains/Rocky Hills Orange: Volcanoes There are the two starting organisms. (pictured below) Ambler: This animal has a mostly plant based diet, though eating one another has happened if food is scarce. The favored food of the species are the plants known as Sprouts. They tend to favor sour flavors more than others, and will deliberately seek them out. Sprouts:This plant is wide spread across plains, it metabolizes a mineral called Bolin with Thachis it collects from its leaf. This process turns the plant a pale green, and gives the plant fibers a slightly sour taste. This plant also doesn't require much water, as metabolizing Bolin is dependent more on Thachis.
  11. Defcon RPG

    Hello, I ever enigmatic Monkey Zombie have have made a Pen& Paper RPG I call it Defcon and its in early development. I'm having the hardest time getting playtesters to try it out since its so bare bones. However the more playtesting I done, the more refined the game can become, the more I can add and polish. If anyone is interested we can chat about any questions you might have either here or over skype.(RoboElk) Heres the core docs in pastebin. http://pastebin.com/Anwa2Dbg http://pastebin.com/6YkUahcj http://pastebin.com/SYZEYEcr Heres also a Character sheet
  12. Defcon RPG

    Hello, I ever enigmatic Monkey Zombie have have made a Pen& Paper RPG I call it Defcon and its in early development. I'm having the hardest time getting playtesters to try it out since its so bare bones. However the more playtesting I done, the more refined the game can become, the more I can add and polish. If anyone is interested we can chat about any questions you might have either here or over skype.(RoboElk) Heres the core docs in pastebin. http://pastebin.com/Anwa2Dbg http://pastebin.com/6YkUahcj http://pastebin.com/SYZEYEcr Heres also a Character sheet
  13. OK, then...

    I first joined the forums back in '06. It went by the wotch community back then. I was around for the first system crash. I lurked most of the time but on occasion I would post in the cafe or in the Art section. My steam handle is "Monkey_Zombie16". Glad to see this return after so long.