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Everything posted by CritterKeeper

  1. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Ouch! Sorry to hear it, and I hope it feels better soon. Should you perhaps put one of those grabby claw things that can extend your reach on your Amazon wish list?
  2. Eclipse Stuff

    So, everyone in the path of the eclipse today, how was it? North Americans can boast here now, and the thread can be revived in a couple years when South America gets its turn, and so on.... ;-)
  3. Story Friday August 18, 2017

    Hmm, horribly OP, but might account for it....can he take over Immortals?
  4. Eclipse Stuff

    My colleague beat me to it requesting today off; she was going to drive down to Carbondale with her family, so it was probably just as well she got to go. I told the boss I have dibs for 2024. :-) We had variable overcast today, which means there was at least a little cloud between us and the sun all day, but there were periods when the clouds were thin enouh that we could use our soluna eclipse glasses to see a little orange disk gradually covered by a black disk. Right up until the time given for peak eclipse in our area, at which point the clouds thickened up again and didn't give us more than a glimpse at a time, and those pretty rarely. I was at work. I'd bought a package of fifty eclipse glasses a month or so ago, back before everyone sold out, and passed them out to all the staff (and friends, and a few clients, and some kids in front of the library....), so we could all go out and look in a group. I went out the first time it looked like there were shadows on the ground, and sure enough, I could see the sun just fine through the glasses even though it was just a big bright blurred patch in the overcast. So, I let everyone else know and several of us looked at it for a couple of minutes. There was already a pretty good sized bite gone. Checked back regularly until the peak at 1:19, then, as I said, not a lot visible. We got something like 86% coverage, so it wasn't all that different from any other cloudy day, and the haze meant we couldn't see really distinct shadows -- no bringing the collander out to take pictures of all the crescent shadows at the holes. The tree shadows didn't look quite right, but again, not distinct enough to pin it down. Overall, neat to see, but not life-changing. I made a note in my iPad calendar to make a hotel reservation one year before the next one, since that seems to be the limit of most hotel reservation systems. I might try calling a couple tomorrow, just in case they can do it, though.
  5. Loudmouth's Journey Inside

    Sounds like a very good sign. You know for sure that it's play when they both initiate it and yet are friends after. If you realize that Loudmouth just pounced on Baker, they wrestled, and then they wound up on the bed together, that's a good sign they've become friends. Sometimes one cat will claim a resource, and as long as the other doesn't push for access to that resource, they get along just fine. It may be that Loudmouth will end up with the winning claim to other resources, such as a sunny window or a favorite spot on the bed. Other resources they may share, with the understanding that one of them gets it first. There's a lot of give and take with two cats learning to live with each other, just like with human roommates. Bob stops leaving wet towels on the floor, Fred starts putting the toilet paper on so it goes over the top instead of along the wall, Bob does his dishes quicker and Fred stops leaving the lights on in every room all night....they figure things out either by fighting over them or, more often, just by seeing who's more determined about it, who cares more, who's willing to fight if it comes to that. The hissing should get less frequent as time goes by and they sort things out,. You only just started giving him the anxiolytic, right? And they're still in the stressful part of the relationship, where they don't really know each other well enough to know what to expect or how far they can push things. I wouldn't give up yet. Keep treating every spot with an enzyme cleaner, though, so you get rid of any lingering smells that might draw him back to the same spot! Surely it should be a stuffed bunny that would be dubbed Scarlette O'Hare! ETA: Or, perhaps, an airplane, Scarlette O'Hare, here in Chicagoland....
  6. The Weather.

    There's a Las Vegas, New Mexico. And Illinois is home to Paris, Cairo, and Metropolis. (There's a big Superman statue there, and I am the proud owner of a "kryptonite ring" purchased there as a stop on a trip to Tennessee.)
  7. What Are You Ingesting?

    I couldn't find Moon Pies or Starfruit, but I brought to work Sun Chips, Sunkist, Eclipse and Orbit gum, Celestial Seasonings zinger, and Milky Way minis.
  8. Question about f!Tedd's form and Edward's aversion

    Given that Tedd created the FV5 form to use on himself, it would not surprise me if his dad has seen him in it before now. However, the probability is something at least a little less than one, meaning there is a chance he hasn't seen it yet.
  9. NP Friday Aug 18 2017

    The trouble with references to "interbreeding" with humans is that usually, that implies the original race of non-humans being replaced by a new race which is part-human and part-other. In the case of Fairy Immortals, all of the original race would still be present, in addition to the new combined race, and possibly some percentage of pure humans, too. And with Immortals resetting, they wouldn't even have the emotional tie of knowing that their beloved children are a part of the new society, and thus messing with the new society might be bad for them.
  10. Story Friday August 18, 2017

    One wonders why they are the most hated variety of Aberration for Immortals....perhaps because he has the most potential to force them into doing things by taking over a beloved family member? I think that was his original goal. Then he found out that there was a half-Immortal around. Given the choice between possessing a possibly powerful wizard not from this world, and a powerful wizard who can live for centuries and is already proven powerful in this world....
  11. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Before I had my wisdom teeth out, a nurse tried both elbows and the back of one hand before finally giving up and going to call in "the resident vampire"....who had it in and flowing the first site she tried within thirty seconds at most. Since then, I've asked for the Resident Vampire, telling that tale as needed. Sometimes it weeds out the most inexperienced, who really don't have much of a shot at my veins anyway. Someone of moderate skill I don't really mind if they try one arm, as long as they don't blow every vein before the best on staff eventually comes in. On the plus side, when they can get a good stick, the blood bank can often get at least a double product of platelets out of me, occasionally a triple. :-)
  12. Story Wednesday August 16th, 2017

    Pranks don't have to be cruel. Look up MIT hacks (their term for pranking) and you can see some pretty awesome examples. It's a part of the school's code of honor as well as a point of pride, and students will go to great trouble, for example, to not only make sure that a building isn't damaged when they turn its dome into R2D2's head or the One Ring, but also to leave detailed instructions on how to safely dismantle the hack once there's been adequate time to appreciate it. They believe that a prank where no one is hurt is a much better prank, and they strive to be the best at it!
  13. Story Wednesday August 16th, 2017

    That about seems to sum it up.
  14. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Consider it wished! Here's to this procedure helping to relieve your pain, and eventually leading to you being able to drive again!
  15. Story Monday August 14, 2017

    You weren't the only one teasing about the misspelling, TOH! As the trope shows, it's a pretty common mistake to make. :-)
  16. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Tell you what....see how things are going through the end of the year. If, by some chance, some miracle, you are doing really well, and think that you would be able to go, then try contacting the organizers. If you explain about your chronic pain and how you didn't think you'd be able to go, there is at least a chance that they'd be able to squeeze you in. And if that's not possible, tell them about your wife's connection and ask them if there's any way she could join them without you. Heck, you could ask them about that now! If you ask nicely, occasionally people can accomodate a lot more than you expect, and it doesn't hurt to ask!
  17. The Weather.

    thunderstorm =/= tornado
  18. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Same here. We'll be crossing our fingers, sending good vibes, whatever we can do to encourage the fickle finger of fate to favor you! ;-) And hey, you've got the eclipse to look forward to afterwards, right? Even a partial is cool enough to look forward to! Got glasses or pinhole camera ready? Figured out a way to either get to the right window or maybe even go outside near the peak? Or, worst case, found a live feed from somewhere in the path of totality you can watch if you're not up to going out?
  19. Loudmouth's Journey Inside

    My Patrick would generally hide under the sink in the bathroom if I wasn't home during storms or construction, but he was fine if I was there, and every other cat so far has been okay. Mary startles at particularly loud thunderclaps, but then, so do humans!
  20. Things That Are Just Annoying

    It wouldn't be quite so annoying if there were a way to catch up. When I had a friend who threw GoT parties, she'd show the previous week's episode first, for anyone who wanted to rewatch or who'd missed it. I know of a bar/club that's showing the episodes, so I could watch next week, except that there's no way to see this week's first. Unless someone at work or at Saturday's Mensa meeting loans me their access in some way, I'm stuck. (No cable at all, so I can't add HBO to it.)
  21. The Weather.

    Same here. Falling rain, rumbling thunder, nice siunds as long as you don't have to go out where the lightning is. Even getting wet is kinda fun if you don't have any vulnerable electronics or papers on you and it's not too cold.
  22. Things That Are Just Annoying

    I missed last week's Game of Thrones episode, so I decided to bite the bullet and sign up for the mobile version of HBO. They offer a one month free trial, after all, and there's only three weeks left including this one. So, I tried to sign up. Downloaded the App, gave them my info. and then it turns out they'll only accept payment through the Apple store. I have deliberately not given the Apple Store any financial information, because I only download free apps. Okay, what about Amazon Prime? They claim you can subscribe to HBO through them. Logged in to Prime's video app, and looked everywhere but could not find a way to subscribe. Went to the Amazon web site, still no dice. I even toyed with trying to log on to my boss's HBO via her cable subscription, since I have a few shrewd ideas what her password might be, but I haven't gotten that desperate yet. (If she checks her email at work and forgets to log out, that may be more temptation than I can handle, though....) Why do businesses make it so difficult to give them your money?
  23. Story Wednesday August 16th, 2017

    She obviously at least read it when she first reset, hence why it sounded familiar and how she knew where to look for the information. She may not have read her full memoirs since then, though, which explains the need to go back and "re-read" the passage. It does make me wonder what she was like in that previous life....
  24. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Granted my new cell phone was the cheapest I could find, bought in a hurry just before going to Orlando with my sister. But it's supposed to be a smart phone. Android type. It's not impressingme much. The phone book won't list anything as anything but "Mobile" and won't save any changes to names. I put a 64GB memory card in it, but it complains constantly that it's out of memory (came with something like 4GB system memory). I tried downloading Pokemon Go, just to see what the fuss was about, and it can't ever get me logged in. Time to go back to where I bought it and see if they can at least fix the memory problem, then see if the update it thinks it can't install fixes the problems....
  25. Story Wednesday August 16th, 2017

    He was at least 5000, that was as far back as he could remember. Nerdy young Watcher Adam Pierce, assigned to research Methos and figure out if he was just a legend or a real immortal. Three guesses what the plot twist there was. ;-)