I typically don't like to get into politics on my own site; I like to think of this comic an escape from the frustrations of the real world, and into the land of stories and fantasy. But the current situation needs to be addressed. This election is a big one, and it may not be farfetched to say that the state of the world hangs in the balance.
I understand that many people are disappointed with all the choices we have. Clinton had that e-mail scandal. Johnson has shown in interviews that he doesn't know what certain government departments do, nor is he aware of current events in other countries. Stein also demonstrates a lack of knowledge of how government works, and - despite being a doctor - would not stand up for vaccinations so as not to dissuade anti-vaccination voters.
And then there's Trump. Oy vey, there's Trump.
Fact-checking website Politifact's scorecard for Donald Trump rates 70% of his statements as Mostly False or worse (19% are rated as Mostly False, 34% as False, and 17% as Pants on Fire), compared to 26% for Hillary (14% Mostly False, 10% False, and 2% Pants on Fire). Trump has been recorded making statements that insult or belittle women, African-Americans, Mexicans, Muslims, Jewish people, POW veterans, people with disabilities, and more. He wants to build a wall under the false pretense that most immigrants are criminals - a wall that not only will cost a ridiculous amount of money to build and maintain (that he can't make Mexico pay for), but will also probably result in MORE illegal immigrants due to overstaying their visas. He has encouraged violence at his rallies, bullies at polling locations, and racism nationwide. And finally, he's not all that good a businessman, as he owes his fortune to exploiting loopholes in bankruptcy law - a skill that cannot carry over to helping our own economy - and he is known for ripping off people in his business deals.
Trump is, to put it simply, a con man.
The message of my comic has always been that anyone has the potential to be a hero, even if they aren't perfect. All you need to do to be a hero is to fight injustice in some form, and Trump is injustice incarnate. Trump is hatred, racism, bigotry, violence, wrath, ignorance, greed, and pride, all wrapped up in one orange-painted package.
Hillary may not be the candidate that we deserve, but she may be the one we need. You can be a hero, too, by voting for her this November. Please.
On the lighter side of things, I'm pleased with Enticia and Titanium Maiden's costumes (as Patty from the new Ghostbusters and Wendy from Gravity Falls, respectively). Not only are both of them based on paranormal pop culture, but they're both based on something we've seen this year. Between my three characters, it's like a nice little time capsule for 2016.
Oh, and if you're wondering why the haunted house patrons aren't regular cast members from my comic, it's because I wanted to keep my characters' ages vague, so they may not be old enough to vote. They are all - to borrow an expression from Homestar Runner - "Someteen" years old.
Wishing you all a Happy Halloween, and the best of luck this coming election day.