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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. Syndicate of Colour

    Well, here's one of my attempts: The Angel and Devil Diane outfit colours are custom, and I snagged the coat colour in the last panel from Diane's appearance in Squirrel Prophet. I attempted to change the colours of the "D" on the outfits but it didn't work out too well so I left them coloured. Didn't bother with the background either. I tell you though, even with the freehand select tool going point to point (as opposed to holding down the button and dragging along the outlines) was still a pain on my wrist, especially around the faces because I needed to outline around the eyes and mouth to keep from covering them with the skin colour. I think it turned out alright though. I got another that I'll post as soon as I'm able.
  2. STORY: Wednesday, May 25, 2016

    I wouldn't say there's absolutely "no wearing off after energy runs out". Adrian had stated that animals can't resist enchantments like humans can so they essentially starve themselves to the point where the enchant can no longer be maintained by their energy.
  3. More Speculation.

    You gotta admit though, my current theory is more plausible than the egg theory. Heck another piece of evidence we could use for it is Adrian's illusion on Grace looking a lot like Susan. If he was the one that cast the default form spell on the twins, that could explain how the illusion on Grace looked similar, the hair colour would be a trivial matter that he made the twins blonde as part of keeping them from looking like Noriko, and Grace's illusion had black hair to make the idea of her being Adrian's niece be more convincing. To me, it's not a matter of what's tame or wild, it's throwing ideas out there to see what sounds good. It's supposed to be fun and if one of our theories turns out to be close to what Dan had in mind, that's just a bonus, and if a seemingly wild theory turns out to be a lot closer to the truth than some of the tamer theories, then it really wouldn't be such a wild theory after all would it?
  4. More Speculation.

    Yes, I did say that as far as the comic stated, anything could be possible, but I also backed it up by using an example of something the comic has stated is possible, that there are spells that alter default forms, Tedd's mark spell is proof they exist. So why couldn't they be used to hide someone's true identity? Of course, the idea of it explaining how Susan and Diane could be related to Noriko is out there, but can we say with 100% certainty that it's impossible? Probably not unless Dan shows us something that makes it impossible.
  5. STORY: Wednesday, May 25, 2016

    Yeah, the page never specifically stated the beam wasn't an enchantment, it just said that Uryuoms and Uryuom hybrids aren't enchanted by it. Humans would still be enchanted if hit by Ellen's beam.
  6. STORY: Wednesday, May 25, 2016

    I always got that as the beam is an enchantment, but it doesn't affect Uryuoms and Uryuom hybrids as enchantments. The beam used one normal humans would be an enchantment. Not_Tengu himself asked Ellen if she was trying to enchant him when she zapped him, he was able to resist it though.
  7. Syndicate of Colour

    Ok, I think I got it. Thanks.
  8. More Speculation.

    Isn't the idea of speculation and wild theories to how something could happen the whole basis to this thread existing? I agree with the whole "until we see canon evidence" stuff, but that shouldn't stop us from coming up with our own thoughts on how something could be a certain way. Dan did say in the recent Q&A page that speculators have surprised him before.
  9. More Speculation.

    In Q&A#5, Raven did say the the limits to what people could do with magic are unknown and that the only thing they know for sure that is impossible is time travel. We know permanently altering a person's default form is possible, the question is, could it be used on an embryo or fetus? or maybe it was used shortly after birth to hide Susan and Diane's relation to Noriko, I guess by that logic you'd wonder why it wasn't done so that there wasn't any resemblance between Susan and Diane, so maybe it could have been done at conception before there was any knowledge of there being twins? I guess also one could wonder if a person changed their default form, then concieved a child, would that child take on the characteristics of the parent's default form at the time of conception?
  10. Index of ongoing plotlines

    I can imagine attempting to create a chart of all this would result in a giant spiderweb compared to the OT14 chart we had going on the old forums.
  11. STORY: Wednesday, May 25, 2016

    That really depends, if she wasn't awakened by an Immortal, she might have awakened naturally and unlocked the wizard trait. I guess another question would be, could the magic analysis wand be able to tell whether a person with magic potential could be a wizard or not? I mean yeah Edward said that someone is born with the distinction of being a wizard, but we know from Susan, Diane and Sarah, that people are born with innate talents for magic, does that mean that Susan could have been a wizard if an immortal hadn't marked her or she didn't have her angst-induced awakening. Maybe those with the wizard gene could still awaken as not wizards if the conditions are right? Back on the subject of Tedd, he was expected to be a powerful wizard, which could come from the idea of 2 wizards having a child, but considering Tedd's abilities and the fact that he obviously didn't turn out to be a wizard in the sense that is known to many, I'm wondering if there was something else that either Edward or Noriko had that was passed along to Tedd that became dominant in him. I said "either Edward or Noriko" because I wouldn't be 100% sure which one would have it, maybe it's because both had the right genetics to form this "dangerous rarity", I at least suspect that Noriko's family lineage is part of the reason, we just don't know much if anything about Edward's side of the family.
  12. NP: Wednesday, May 25, 2016

    I had figured that the Word of Dan thread was more for stuff pertaining to either EGS itself, or something that gives insight into Dan's personality. Most of the stuff he tweets is usually banter about games or movies, or his back/shoulder. So we don't need to put all that in the thread.
  13. STORY: Wednesday, May 25, 2016

    Yeah, that's certainly possible too, and I guess considering Mama Kitsune's pressure on Nanase to keep studying might be an indication that it was how their family learned magic. Nanase could be bucking the trend by being awakened differently from the rest of her family through an immortal so she's getting her own spells just by using magic.
  14. More Speculation.

    I guess the question is, can magic alter the traits of an unborn child as it's developing? Like genetic re-sequencing, tweak the embryo making the Asian genetic code become recessive, so then when the child(children) are born they have their father's eyes and hair colour, etc?
  15. Word of Dan Discussion

    I'm wondering if The Pharaoh is using "regular" in reference to something else.
  16. NP: Wednesday, May 25, 2016

    Oh carp! I totally forgot about Dan's tweets about preferring to be compared to Abby instead of McGee. I was like "is this some cross between scientist and goth that Dan's going for?" Last October in the "Tea/remote" series. So, 7 months.
  17. STORY: Wednesday, May 25, 2016

    Unless Nanase's family is a mix of wizards and mages (unless there's another term for awakened that naturally gain their own spells), I'd wonder why Dan would have chosen that as an example. It's probably safe to assume Edward is a wizard, but it seems strange to think of Noriko as one as well given her "Legendary Monster Hunter" status. I guess it really depends on how easily a wizard can learn a spell, do they just need to see it in action once, or do they need to study it being used multiple times. If all it takes is one look then wizards could easily become the most powerful magic users pretty quickly, but if they need to see it several times then I can see only the most dedicated becoming powerful because they took the time to watch someone or something, and if that person/thing is an enemy then it'd be more difficult.
  18. Syndicate of Colour

    So, I'm curious, how do people go about recolouring an image? Like taking a greyscale original and giving it colour. It's more than just using the fill tool right?
  19. STORY: Wednesday, May 25, 2016

    Yeah the diamond definitely messed with his magical profile. It caused magic to overcompensate how Elliot and Ellen would awaken and what spells to give them. Edward and likely other leading scholars of magic would of course explain that improper awakenings cause buildups, but did he actually explain why it would cause buildups? Like the actual mechanics of buildups and why frequent use of magic would help fix them? Tedd explained later that while Nanase was burned out, she was still generating energy which was then being expended by causing her hair to grow faster rather then just build up and possibly become dangerous to herself. Sure that can easily be explained by saying it's because she awakened properly, but still there had to be something deeper that explains why this mechanic exists.
  20. STORY: Wednesday, May 25, 2016

    The hammers, while at the time were usable by any female, they were still a magic spell that would have used energy, so it would have helped. Also Susan apparently did use the hammer fairly often considering at one point she was juggling 3 of them while holding a lunch tray, that's pretty skilled there.
  21. STORY: Wednesday, May 25, 2016

    I'd tend to agree. Susan has no reported magic buildup issues. She was probably ready to be awakened for a while, all she needed was something to trigger it. Elliot was probably close to awakening, but not quite, when he touched the diamond, so it prematurely awakened him and Ellen. Hmm, maybe awakening naturally isn't just about having enough magic energy, but becoming accustomed to how energy flows, like Elliot would have been using energy in the martial arts training, and the regenerating it over time. If Elliot hadn't developed the use and recover rhythm well enough, it could account for out of whack energy buildups, so his needing to control it by using his abilities more often than normal would allow that rhythm to settle down.
  22. More Speculation.

    Just had a thought, we know Diane and Susan were born December 31st/January 1st, do we know when Tedd was born? If Tedd was born January or February of the year Diane was born (Susan's birth being considered the next year) that could give Noriko time to have an affair, maybe Adrian knew about it and didn't tell Edward, he probably even used illusions on her to hide the fact she was pregnant. When Edward did eventually find out, it would be a very good reason to end his friendship with Adrian. I don't know if he would have been involved in the decision to have Susan and Diane split up and put up for adoption but if Noriko didn't want to stay in Moperville but couldn't take the babies with her then I can see her doing that, maybe she did that right after their birth as part of her attempt to keep it secret from Edward, she might have hoped to be able to mentor for them when they got older but it didn't work out that way. This really depends on how Edward responds when Nanase and Elliot asks about whether Susan is adopted or not, I would assumed that if they are Noriko's illegitimate daughters, he likely doesn't hold it against Susan as it's not her fault she exists and it would make her Tedd's half sister (another reason for the story arc being named Sister 3?) , it would also explain why Jeremy likes Susan so much (smells like family?).
  23. STORY: Wednesday, May 25, 2016

    I gotta wonder of Tedd would even be able to shake off what would normally be considered permanent? Like if Tedd saw the spell that would change his default form, he'd know how it'd work and theoretically be able to counter it in some way? I would also imagine that if Tedd saw a fireball thrown at him he'd be able to brace himself which could negate the spell. Not sure I'd want to see that tested in case it doesn't work like that though. Pretty sure that's Tedds Mom : http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=1690 Given the similarities (silhouette, floating swords) I'd agree too, though the figure does look like it could be Susan, I'm sure if she doesn't already have a spell like that yet, it would be a spell she could get considering her innate talents. Hmm....this is more fuel for the Noriko= Susan/Diane's mom theory, doesn't it?
  24. STORY: Wednesday, May 25, 2016

    Well yeah, Tedd's ability to see how a spell works is doubly dangerous considering his work in magitech devices, but there's gotta be something more to it. Even though Amanda says that none remember the last time someone with this rarity existed, it should be noted that the Whale seemed to know what it was. I do wonder if the people from the Griffin's half of the world know about it too, Tara and Andrea saw Nanase's potential as being extremely potent which lead them to believe she was of royal blood, what would they say if they looked at Tedd?
  25. STORY: Wednesday, May 25, 2016

    We saw Justin's mark at the end of "New and Old Flames", but sadly he or any of the other characters saw it before Pandora awakened him. We've also seen Rhoda's mark at the end of "Death Sentence", but it also appears she or anyone else has noticed it either. We haven't seen Catalina's mark yet, at least, we haven't been shown Catalina actually having it yet, Grace assumes she has one based on her dream but that's about it. I'm guessing Rhoda and Catalina haven't gotten to the point in their relationship where they're taking off each other's clothes or else they would have noticed by now, or maybe they have and just haven't told anyone yet because they don't know who to tell.