Welcome! 03/05/2016
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NP Comic for Tuesday, Nov 12, 2024 She is cute in goggles and an overall. I like The Device. It beeps and boops.
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/epiccc-012 So Dan lives in a town where everyone looks like Tedd. Or maybe has a delusion such that everyone Dan sees appears similar to Tedd? Either way, the lack of Hairstyle Magazines in the town may explain why changes to cast hairstyles are quite rare and often accompanied by several pages of the comic covering the event.
NP Comic for Tuesday, Nov 5, 2024 Elaborate chart ==> Small conclusion, only slightly related to chart.
Comic for Saturday, Nov 2, 2024 Move along, not much to see here . . .
NP Comic for Tuesday, Oct 29, 2024 Dan has injected himself into his character's world; it appears they can do likewise. Tedd is the cat girl Dan wants to be. This might be the most meta of Dan's comics.
NP Comic for Saturday, Oct 26, 2024 Yep, it's a comic. Dan, who appears to be female in the comic regarding minor boobage, is shy about wearing a dress. Minion says what I'm thinking.
NP Comic for Tuesday, Oct 22, 2024 Dan, musing and rationalizing his future design, with a warning in the commentary, this will happen again.
NP Comic for Saturday, Oct 19, 2024 Got to be honest, this 'Babble-on' is not my favorite NP arc. Minion's name should be Phil. Phil, a minion.
NP Comic for Tuesday, Oct 8, 2024 Mind boggled. I thought at first that Dan was Tedd. But, primarily, why does Minion have a ponytail when he does not have hair?
https://egscomics.com/egsnp/pizza-09 Of course the story is about Pizza Everything is about Pizza Pizza is All and All is Pizza
http://egscomics.com/egsnp/pizza-01 Soooo, this storyline is canon? Even Nanase Craft had the characters mostly in-character. I'm not sure hanging the lampshade over the uncanny valley will help.
http://egscomics.com/comic/qa8-09 ... I'm not entirely convinced the last two panels were enough to warrant whole page spend on this ... Also, apparently there are still people who were surprised by yesterday's page, as otherwise Dan would receive that list of indicators sooner. (What? Taping my foot is supposed to be relaxation?) (Didn't have problem tuning out people in computer lab ; but I do find hard to sleep with electronics humming around me ... and I sometimes have problems hearing what people are saying which seem more serious than what would match my general hearing ...)
http://egscomics.com/egsnp/assorted-18a-017 Dan, look behind you. That ship might be already returning from her voyage around the World. Also ... it's probably looking more like this:
http://egscomics.com/egsnp/assorted-18a-006 ... this reaction was really overboard. Of course, I'm assuming that's the point. I just hope I won't be forced to create some account somewhere just to see something. On the other hand, Dan really needs some easy way to post nudity without worrying about it so much ...
http://egscomics.com/egsnp/assorted-18a-005 [I don't think anything I have to say counts as a spoiler, but it's still probably better to read the comic before my comments, so I'm including a space anyway.] I feel bad for Dan about this, as the 18+ rating will doubtlessly result in some people being scared off from Dan's Patreon and maybe even EGS in general, reducing Dan's income. On the other hand, it would be awesome if Dan took advantage of the situation to go a bit further in the sorts of things he posts. In particular, I'm sure Grace would appreciate being able to walk around naked without being censored.
http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=477 So, basically the crazy taxi of pizza? Also, i'm the first one here? I'm NEVER the first one here... WTF?!
http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=464 And now a return to not returning to form.