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Everything posted by InfiniteRemnant

  1. Terrible movie thread

    Cardasian satellite canons were developed during the war, and are a PAIN to get rid of, given you have to find and destroy a hidden control center while being bombarded from all sides. Cardasia itself may be in a million pieces, but the tech still exists. If/when they rebuild they'll have access to it. Most of what's wrong with insurrection boils down to people acting out of character, and doing dumb things. I'd put it more in the "meh, Bad but could be worse" category than in with the absolute crap. ST-V:TFF is only redeemed by the fact that it technically never happened (see: dream theory. as ass-backwards and stupid as said theory is, the possibility that those events actually happened is worse.), and gives an interesting (read: horrifying) insight into how kirk sees his shipmates. ST:TMP... is irredeemable. the uniforms are bad, the new cast members can't act, the direction is questionable, the bit with the navigational issues near the start is a throwaway scene that serves no purpose, the premise is a rehash of a TOS episode that they padded out with artsy set pieces instead of writing longer scenes, and while it has the honor of being the thing that introduced rubber forehead kningons... it never bothered to TELL US THAT. it just shows a ship from a race we don't recognize getting wrecked. yeah, real helpful movie.
  2. Terrible movie thread

    Remember that all characters were basically under influence - specifically, influence of teenager hormones. That explains a lot. that's a worse excuse than the theory that Startrek V is just Kirk having a drunken daydream/dream while on shore-leave. Also it doesn't explain why data is acting just as dumb as riker and picard.
  3. Terrible movie thread

    the comic claims the ship should be able to self repair and self improve, it is BORG technology after all, you know how well they adapt to threats. that shouldn't be an issue. the klingons were never on the side of the dominion. they invaded cardasia because they thought cardasia had been taken control of by the founders, then fought the federation because they thought the federation had sided with cardasia against them, then after finding out they had a changeling mole in their upper ranks sided with the federation and spent the remaining 3/4 of the war fighting the dominion itself alongside the federation. besides which, who they were fighting is less relevant than the fact that they were. Historicaly, periods of active combat tend to accelerate advances in military tech through virtue of necessity. Also, the vast majority of klingon ship classes re-use bird of prey hull geometry on varying scales, appearance means nothing. The K'Vort class dwarf galaxy class ships and are considered battlecruisers, despite using bird of prey hull geometry. re using an old hull shape doesn't mean the ship hasn't had significant shield and weapon upgrades (look at the akira and steamrunner classes, they reuse most if not all of the old NX class's hull design elements, especially the akira, but are centuries ahead of it.) over the course of the war, which they would have had to have had given everyone else did and they were keeping up with them.
  4. Terrible movie thread

    Trilithium actually CAUSES the star to became supernova. It's possible that it would make the situation even worse (or same, just sooner). If you accept the idea that supernova explosion affects other solar systems (which it actually does ... but, like, years after the explosion, because the shockwave is slower than speed of light ; also, I think shields will be enough to protect from that.) based on what the comic described, the problem wasn't the supernova itself, (startrek has used supernovas as plot devices before.) it was the fact that this one was unusual and was absorbing planets and other stars in a way that would cause a cascade reaction across the entire galaxy, that was the issue. the point of the black hole was to interrupt/halt that process. collapsing the star early would also have interrupted the process. and romulans being the paranoid egotistists they tend to be, would have tried their own gizmo long before even considering asking for help.
  5. The Association Game

    Videogame announcers
  6. STORY: Monday, May 16, 2016

    and then as a twist (almost) nobody sees coming, Sister 3 turns out to be about Grace and Vladia.
  7. NP: Friday, May 20, 2016

    okay, tracked down a copy online, but that only actually answers the bizarre hull geometry question, and in the process raises other worse ones that only compound the issue: -the pre-refit design of Nero's ship still has unnecessary spikes I've never seen on other romulan ships. even the Reman Scimitar Class has a smoother hull profile than that, and it was intentionally designed to be intimidating. No explanation is given. WTF? -A TRILITHIUM BOMB WOULD HAVE WORKED JUST FINE IN COLLAPSING THE STAR LONG BEFORE IT BECAME A SUPERNOVA. THIS ENTIRE SCENARIO DIDN'T NEED TO HAPPEN! not only that but it's a waste byproduct of warp technology, making it abundant unlike the raw material to make RM. thirdly, it's a romulan invention that Tolian Soran STOLE in Generations, they even attacked him over it. They wouldn't need to run around asking other people for help, they could make the thing themselves. -that ship was able to effortlessly mop the floor with Post-Dominion-War 24th century ships. How the hell did kirk even scratch the paint?
  8. The Association Game

    johnny cage
  9. NP: Friday, May 20, 2016

    Two of the most glaring continuity fuckups in ST11 are both pre-timetravel. -The escape makes no sense: Rurapenthe does not have a habitable surface, and no amount of terraforming will ever give it a habitable surface; it's a rogue asteroid, there's no star nearby to keep it warm. you need to march over a mile through the snow in -100 to get to a beam-out site how the hell did dumbass escape? Kirk only got out because the guards deliberately let him reach the edge of the shield so they could kill him in a way that wouldn't raise suspicion. -The ship makes no sense: A romulan civilian owning a ship is UNHEARD OF. All romulan ships are military property either directly or indirectly. (admitedly, i'm pulling this from the books since it's only implied not stated in the shows, but still...) How did he get one? Maybe that explains why it looks more like a Breen design than a Romulan one, oh wait, no, the Breen HATE the Romulans and would never build a ship for one, and no one else in this quadrant builds ships with asymetric spiky hulls. and that's without even starting on it's absurd interior design or unnecessary dril arm thingy.
  10. NP: Friday, May 20, 2016

    wouldn't know, i refused to watch it. currently boycotting the series till Abrams is gone, remember?
  11. NP: Friday, May 20, 2016

    Oh, yes. Noone was supposed to SEE Romulans before TOS. and klingons. according to Picard first contact with them went so badly it started a war, yet archer runs into them all the time.
  12. NP: Friday, May 20, 2016

    Unlike Susan, I don't think two continuities would be enough. okay fair enough, but the point i was trying to make is that ST11's discontinuities are an entirely seperate league of WTF from the other movies.
  13. NP: Friday, May 20, 2016

    The continuity issues between the original 10 movies and the shows are no worse than the continuity issues between the shows themselves. They're just more visible because it's 2 hours of movie, not 100+ hours of television you have to sit through to find em. There are numerous equally problematic discontinuities TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, and even episodes within the same series (TOS kningons vs TNG klingons, Worf's love life,TNG cardasians compared to DS9 cardasians, Tom Parris in general, Belana being of similar age to Worf yet half klingon, the ever-changing list of things you can and can't do with a deflector dish, Moriarty vs the EMH, Data's legal status vs the EMH's legal status, Voyager's deuterium issues in seasons 1& 2, section 31 in general, anything from Enterprise involving Romulans or Kningons, etc.). The worst being the inconsistencies with TAS getting so bad that TAS was officially stricken from canon altogether. But even for those of us who accept the movie's faults, there's only so far acceptance of discontinuity can be pushed, and ST11 is so far past the line it can't even find it. EDIT: Correction, apparently TAS was declared non canon first and the discontinuities came after. Whoops.
  14. NP: Friday, May 20, 2016

    I don't think the number will be so high. I mean, Guinan was able to feel the change, but other characters were only able to notice the difference if under effect of the time travelling - otherwise, their memories changes as well. the sanctuary district incident (DS9), the dozen or so incidents in Krenim space (Voyager), the crew of the enterprise watching earth be retroactively assimilated (First Contact) are the ones that come most readily to mind, but I know there were others. Yesterday's enterprise was the exception, not the rule. and even then someone was aware that it was the present changing, not an entirely new world. There are a dozen different engines capable of breaking the sound barrier, some liquid fuel some solid fuel, some turbines, etc. but that doesn't change how the physics of supersonic flight works. once a series establishes that physics work a particular way in their setting, those rules are imutable and anything that contradicts them is a plothole. Also, mirorverse has nothing to do with time travel, the mirorverse is the result of a reality where Zephrem Cochran was a xenophobic dickbag who shot and killed the vulcan survey team and founded a galactic empire using their stolen tech. No time travel involved. Startrek acknowledges the presence of the multi-verse, but clearly treats it as independent of temporal mechanics as plots involving the two have only once overlapped before ST11, (the Constitution class version of the USS Defiant winding up in the (already established) mirorverse 50 years out of sync) and even then the two plot devices were not treated as connected to each other in any way.
  15. EGS Strip Slaying

    someone needs to make edits of this.
  16. template.png

  17. Index of ongoing plotlines

    the two unaccounted marks are most likely luke's two marked friends.
  18. NP: Friday, May 20, 2016

    Well the Star Trek had a camera with worse lens flare than the original - oh wait, that was added deliberately. But yes, I would ignore the lens flare if they would put technical errors AND plot holes in ... if the new Ghostbusters will be like new Star Trek, then it's not worth seeing. From a technical standpoint the startrek reboot was an improvement. From a visual standpoint the movie would have been an improvement had it not been for the excessive lens flares, unnecessarily dark choppy space-scenes, and absurd ship interiors. (what happened to having guard rails and bulkheads? did someone decide the safety regulations that were already in place in Archer's day were too much?) From an acting standpoint the cast are acceptable, though I suspect that's largely due to Leonard Nemoy having been on hand to give the newbies pointers. From a writing standpoint the premise being a poorly hand-waved or thought out blank cheque to disregard canon was unforgivable. (The setting already had trilithium, red mater was unnececary. The setting already had FOUR canon AUs (main (TV/Movie) universe, Mirrorverse, Literary AU, Game AU.) another one is unnecessary and annoying. but biggest of all, it is thoroughly established in all previous versions of canon that paradoxes do not create new realities, they DESTROY the one they occur in and REPLACE it (how many times have the cast witnessed reality be overwritten right in front of their eyes because the past was changed? twenty? thirty? more?). which makes the "it's just an AU, relax." argument ring false no matter how much the 11th movie claims otherwise.)
  19. NP: Friday, May 20, 2016

    judging by the trailer the writers are asleep at the helm. they could cast it as all male, all female, an even mix, or all kangaroo, and it wouldn't make a lick of difference. ...actually all kangaroo might be better just because kangaroos can't make cringe-worthy exorcist references.
  20. NP: Friday, May 20, 2016

    A reboot that makes radical changes is hit or miss to start with. some will love it, others will declare it the antichrist and boycot the series until the next change of director. (see: startrek) A reboot that makes radical changes, and decides to have the new characters be played by people who clearly can't act? who's effects look worse than it's predecessor despite a multi-decade time-gap? (how did they even do that? i had to go back and re-watch a few clips of the old one to make sure it wasn't nostalgia blindness...) who's inability to come up with a proper title makes it clear just how lazy the writing will be and has gotten it slapped with an embarrassing nickname? ...yeah, there's no saving that.
  21. NP: Wednesday, May 18, 2016

    Nah, Bay's work might be monumentally stupid, but it atleast tends to be mostly origional stupid. thinly veiled carbon copies of other movies made with no understanding of what made the other one work or not work is more J.J. Abrams style.
  22. EGS Strip Slaying

    how to tell a Brick joke that's not actually a brick joke.
  23. EGS Strip Slaying

  24. oops.png

  25. NP: Monday, May 9, 2016

    it was 75 years not 80. 80 would have put scotty's crash 4 years before the launch of the enterprise B