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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Everything posted by Vorlonagent

  1. The Album, and Other Music

    The same way anything with mass approaches lightspeed...
  2. Story, Monday March 12, 2018

    I went back through Sister to see if Dan ever showed the parking lot so we know what a "normal" night was like. Dan didn't.
  3. Story, Wednesday March 7, 2018

    Nope. We seem to be in agreement here...
  4. Questions for Q&A 8

    How many Immortals can dance on the head of a pin?
  5. Story, Wednesday March 7, 2018

    I never claimed it was rational, just that ADHD meds were over-prescribed..
  6. Story, Wednesday March 7, 2018

    There is the opposite side of the coin today. The patient sometimes, rightly or wrongly, demands the medication. Sometimes that's good for exactly the arguments made above. Other times, not. If a kid is genuinely affected by ADHD, sure. But normal healthy kids are active, energetic, and pushing boundaries every minute of every hour or every day. Sometimes the kid is medicated because the *parent* can't cope...
  7. NP Wednesday Feb 28 2018

    You win this round....
  8. NP Wednesday Feb 28 2018

    Not what I expected. I thought you meant...
  9. NP Wednesday Feb 28 2018

    ...and fans of the 80s would definitely consider Nanase to be a "fox"...
  10. NP Wednesday Feb 28 2018

    That's a Bowman's Wolf. totally different critter. But you are correct. There are exceptions, but they're Japanese.
  11. NP Wednesday Feb 28 2018

    They're also rather gmoneic. Very few stand as tall as your average human. The really skinny ones are the agnomics...
  12. NP Wednesday Feb 28 2018

    Ergonomic is sadly not foxonomic. The world biased against the fox-handed. Especially those who are nomic when it comes to mice...
  13. Story, Wednesday March 7, 2018

    because the only medication more over-perspectibed than antidepressants is ADHD meds..
  14. NP Wednesday Feb 28 2018

    Constantly revising one's Mouse Contact List is just the price one pays for being a fox...
  15. Story Wed Feb 28, 2018

    It would be interesting to hear Arthur tell Ed Verres how he knows about Tedd's research. And perhaps other more personal things he learned about Tedd...
  16. Story, Wednesday March 7, 2018

    There's still a lot of factors to control for. And that's before the possibility of bias rears its head. The things I'd look for in developed countries would be return on various advertising strategies. Are strategies that appeal to the unhappy more or less successful? Especially useful if the same ad campaign is localized into a number of different countries. Also take advantage of the ubiquity of Google. People type the craziest things into google's search bar. Sometimes their darkest fears and angriest feelings. It's as if Google is the confessor of the 21st century. I just use it for searches myself...
  17. Story, Wednesday March 7, 2018

    "There you go, Dennis, bringing class into it again..." Elitism is a creeping crud that the US currently has entirely too much of.
  18. Story, Wednesday March 7, 2018

    The Guide does state that missing is the hard part... It's one of those rare "proud to be an American" moments. Not that the airplane is listed as a US invention but that a couple of nobody bike shop owners from middle-America beat university professors and other better-funded world luminaries to powered flight. One of the US signature attitudes is that regular people rock and elites and elitism is overrated. The Wrights are a case in point.
  19. Story, Wednesday March 7, 2018

    And gilder testing. And inventing the wind tunnel... Just jumping off a cliff straight away? To quote Zaphod Beeblebrox, "!0 out of 10 for style but minus several million for clear thinking"
  20. Story, Wednesday March 7, 2018

    You've covered about any reply I could make...
  21. Story Friday 9, March 2018

    A lantern carved out of a strange green meteoric material and matching ring...
  22. Story, Wednesday March 7, 2018

    Not surprised in the least. Just waiting for them to try it with people.... IIRC, 19th Century Germany was really good at uniting against A. anybody trying to attack them and B. any German leader who tried to unify them permanently... There's SF fans and then there's the muggles of the general public... I thought to myself, "Being mutually telepathic would help, right? Improved communication can't be a bad thing..." Then I remembered the internet... The first time through is always going to be the hardest. Lots of trial and error, with the emphasis on the error, maybe the occasional creation of a hellish mutant monster as nature's punishment for human arrogance... History shows again and again how Nature points out the folly of Man...Godzilla!
  23. Story, Wednesday March 7, 2018

    I was hoping for the whole "working together to save humanity" thing... There are stories of exactly that happening. different parts of Earth blasting off for different parts of the cosmos. I think it was the co Dominium universe where everybody had to get off Earth and the white South Africans secretly outfitted the entire city of Cape Town for space travel and went to find their own world, which turned out to be really, REALLY monster infested. They made a go of it and they're holding their own, but whenever the co-Dominium has spare unwanted people, they get sent to that world. "Crunch all you want, we'll make more." We shouldn't be too far off from attempting to fuse 2 ovum or extract the genetics from one and put it in the other.... That's what I thought too, though ideology divides might still exist.
  24. Story Friday 9, March 2018

    Over 1492 served It's one of those chicken guns used to test airplane cockpit glass for bird impacts. Remember to defrost your bird before firing...
  25. Story Friday 9, March 2018

    "Fouled", of course.