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NP Comic for Thursday, Jan 23, 2025 Speaking of snake-like, Bishop appears to be working on unhinging her lower jaw. She's a bad parent, imagine that. Life is full of surprises.
NP Comic for Tuesday, Jan 14, 2025 Why? The raven seems accurate. I don't think they can squint like that, though. Will this be the fairy god raven?
NP Comic for Saturday, Jan 11, 2025 Ashley already had the perfect name to do the fireplaces.
NP Comic for Thursday, Jan 9, 2025 I show up at the end of the day, and nobody has posted this thread. I can see we are all consumed to find out what happens. Is it possible to cross a canine with a reptile? Because she's a real b!7c#.
NP Comic for Thursday, Jan 2, 2025 First and second panel, she's not wrong. (That is something less than correct, in this case tends toward uncharitable.) Third panel explains it all. She's part Klingon. Also, she looks at Tedd as someone she could use, an object. This version of Cinderella posits a stepmother whose outlook on the individual, her lack of respect, is a good portion of her problem. She is not nurturing, but nor is she as odious as the Disney version.
Comic for Monday, Dec 30, 2024 Susan is giddy. Is this a good thing? Elliot's in yet another female form, which (s)he may have used before. (S)he and Ashley are out with Liz, talking about magic. 'bout time Liz gets face time. She must be hard to write for, preventing her use. So, even with graduation, they may continue doing reviews. Good plan.
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/fox-069 I wonder if the comic will ever advance far enough for us to see the future Tedd mentions in this strip? It certainly could lead to some fun stories!
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/fox-068 Everybody should have cat ears. Well, except bunnies; the long ears are a distinctive part of their look and are cute (but cat ears are still cooler).
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/fox-066 I believe I will enjoy the consequences of this conversation. Also, it's not a background, but yay for power-up effect that is probably just artistic license in panel two!
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/fox-065 So Ashley is in Magical Kindergarten? Sorry. Kittengarten. . . . . Several million years from now, paleontologists will examine the fossil records and determine that primates and felines were at one time distinct and unrelated mammalian families. But some how in the late Anthropocene era, a chaotic event caused the two groups to fuse and become the adorably dominant life forms on the planet.
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/fox-064 Hopefully the pony doesn't eat all the pizza and candy.
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/fox-063 Yes, Ashley. Yes it does.
I just noticed that no one has created any NP threads this week. Rather than making several threads I figured I'd just do one for the week. Tuesday, Feb 13: https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/fox-060 Thursday, Feb 15: https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/fox-061 Saturday, Feb 17: https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/fox-062 Space for kinda-sorta spoilers: I like Ashley's form in Tuesday's strip. It's funny both she and Kevin are acting like she was being naughty, when random TFs are par for the course in Tedd's basement. Someone pointed out elsewhere that it's kind of funny Ashely's worried in Thursday's strip that she'll get TF spells instead of the healing spells she wants, when Pandora decided not to give her a mark because all she could give her was healing magic. As for Saturday, all I have to say is: Chibi!
NP Comic for Thursday, Jan 25, 2024 This has got to be a fantasy in Ashley's head. 'A spell trade off with no downside', for a specific set of circumstances. Would not work to current Nanase's benefit. Ashley's taller elf image is cute.
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/fox-052 So we aren't going to see a nine year old Nanase with a thirty six year old brain? Or a fifty four year old Nanase with a six year old brain? That's too bad. I figure if she was one hundred eight years old with a three year old brain, she would be perfect for current politics.
NP Comic for Saturday, Jan 20, 2024 In the commentary, Ashley gets the blame, but they are both thinking about it. Should say "Of course their minds go there." Kevin states an obvious thing they've done before, and probably should have thought of. He offered a good suggestion! WoD at the bottom of the commentary is that Kevin, not Tedd, said that because sticks are easy to draw. This I can believe.
NP Comic for Saturday, Jan 13, 2024 Aw, @#$%&, Oh, goody, another comic featuring Scrappy Kevin, my favorite piece of firewood stick character in the EGS comic. I need a laugh track device that I can play whenever I read his lines, to take the edge off. Someone mentioned characters that were a stand-in for Dan. Kevin. Not the only one, not even the main one, but that's really his only purpose. Gadzooks - I was guessing verb noun, but no, possessive plural noun. Also explains why you never see singular Gadzook. So, since WoD is WoG for the comic, Kevin could have said, "Danzooks" (except, presumably, Dan has never been crucified, at least not physically). Since there is no nail count involved, 'Danzook' should be sufficient. There is the answer to your 2nd panel question, Ashley. Also, Ashley, you forgot to mention to Kevin, the Stick of Instruction, that Tedd's device uses uryuom tech that is outside of his bailiwick, not that it really matters for his exposition. I think the comic is missing out by not making more use of Kevin for comedy relief. I could see this as a sub-genre, 'How can we abuse Kevin this week?' I think making use of Kevin's single outstanding physical feature, he's a stick, while he's 'sleeping' could add so much. Tedd needs to stir cake batter, Kevin is handy. Oops, Kevin has cake batter all over him, run him through the dish washer. Susan gets a puppy. Let's play Fetch! Nanase and Ellen are babysitting Akiko, and they give Kevin a makeover with pain and glitter and glue on googly eyes, so he looks more like Clippy, another beloved character from a different genre. During a camping trip, beavers abduct Kevin and he becomes a part of their dwelling. Such a delightful character.
NP Comic for Thursday, Jan 18, 2024 Ashley made herself tall. No one appears surprised.
NP Comic for Tuesday, Jan 16, 2024 "Where's the beef?" - 2nd panel, lady. In EGS logic, this kind of makes sense, although I wonder what prompted Tedd's cryptic animal form comment. Ashley is being Ashley.
NP Comic for Tuesday, Jan 9, 2024 Beefy Fox still looks threatening flexing and Nanase looks apprehensive. Why is Fox focused on her own physique? This seems like a subversion of what she's all about, a decoy or assistant. The big question is foreshadowing trouble or merely dramatic presentation. Even in the best case, she still seems like she is a bit more out of control than normal. And Fox does have a history of being competitive with Nanase in the video games. It seems to be part of her personality. So is each Fox basically a new temporary person? Or do they share some common thread? Does a new Fox remember experiences of previous Fox. It is implied they do; early on Fox made some error in front of Mrs. Kisune. She has not been shown repeating that error, needing to relearn each time. What are the moral implications of terminating a Fox? It seems that for Nanase, there are none; it is an understood aspect of having the Fox spell for her own convenience, pretty much like terminating a fairy doll is for Susan. What if someone deliberately kills Fox? Is it murder? Does the next Fox remember? Does that become a psychological burden? Does it harm Nanase? She felt some pain when her fairy dolls were terminated by Abraham. If Nanase is in her angel form, would using the Fox spell create an angel form Fox? Sadly now, I realize, I am hoping for more information. Yes, I am looking for Fox news. This is truly a sad situation. Ashley is the group's resident airhead. I find it difficult to care what she is thinking, because in a minute or two, 'Oh, there's a squirrel I should chase'. I might love my cat or dog, but generally would not ask them for actual advice. (They could be a sounding board for my own thoughts.) She did OK in the mall, though. I guess under duress she is more grounded.
NP Comic for Tuesday, Jan 2, 2024 Nanase looks muscular enough, don't get why Ashley would question it. The commentary says Nanase weights in the first panel appear to be about three pounds. I think that's way off, I'd say about ten pounds. I forgot that Ashley does ballet, which seems like an unnecessary embellishment for this comic; holding her aloft would be impressive even if she did not. I guess she would not be able to stay rigid in the last panel without some practice. When do they teach that? A friend of my dad's had a daughter near my age, and when we were little she took ballet classes. I'm pretty sure they didn't do that. I didn't observe so I guess they could have. My only other connection to ballet was that they played the Ballet of Davy Crockett on the radio a lot around then. Disney made a few shows about him wandering the wilderness in his coonskin cap and tutu. Fess Parker, who was Jed Clampett a decade later, played his sidekick. He killed him a bar when he was only three. Probably got the whiskey contaminated, then got chased out of town for poisoning the patrons, and had to wander the wilderness, until he got elected to Congress. Then, he told them, "You can go to Hell, I'm going to Texas.", and yeah, I can see a rough equivalence, although, most of the time Texas has a milder climate. And Hell is not know for it's tornadoes. But it is known for Willie Nelson, who may have known Davy Crockett. He's been around for a while.
NP Comic for Saturday, Dec 30, 2023 Wouldn't her muscles be evident all the time? Not sure if the last panel means lust or fear.
NP Comic for Thursday, Dec 28, 2023 Nanase wants to tweak the spell s'more. "She's not my maid" sounds like denial to me. Tedd's big eyes in the second panel are amusing. I am curious what particular aspect of Nanase getting bigger amused him. Or was it her verbal response? Ashley is true to form.
NP Comic for Tuesday, Dec 12, 2023 Don't let that get out, Nanase, your employer will expect you to be in two places at once. I don't know if it is poker face so much as Ashley has had her brain explode so often lately that she''s used to it. The smoke is a nice touch.
NP Comic for Thursday, Dec 7, 2023 Tedd is shocked that Ashley threw Kevin the Insulting Stick at the golem. I'm shocked that Kevin made it back. Tedd seems to see Kevin as a bit of an oracle, so is presumably learning from Kevin. Kevin is designed by Arthur to instruct new agents, as such has a reflection of Arthur's knowledge. To me this says Tedd could do with some magic instruction from someone who could guide him <sarcasm mode> . . . if only there were such a person available </sarcasm mode>.