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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Everything posted by mlooney

  1. Mass shooting in Copenhagen

    I've always been partial to "multiple" instead of mass.
  2. Mass shooting in Copenhagen

    That does strike me as weird. Also it's not really a defined term. Some places say "4 killed or injured". The FBI doesn't even have a definition, they just have "mass murder" which doesn't care how the victim were killed. So, if you use the "4 or more killed or injured" definition this attack counts. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/06/05/mass-shooting-defined-meaning/7481731001/
  3. Deep Thoughts

    EGS: The glass changed gender!
  4. Comic for Monday, July 11, 2022

    I miss being able to take Alca-Seltzer, but original has aspirin, which is off limits for me. Bummer. Of course I don't need it as much as I did back when I got hangovers.
  5. Comic for Monday, July 11, 2022

    Sounds like an adult version of "will it blend?"
  6. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    Explorer has been scratching like she had fleas. I got some Frontline II and put it on her yesterday noonish. She hasn't scratched today. This is good.
  7. Deep Thoughts

    Engineer: The glass is twice the size it needs to be.
  8. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    Explorer's normal reaction to seeing a camera is to either turn her face or run to right next to me so I can't get a good shot at her. If the lens wasn't so crappy on my phone I'd start using it to take pictures.
  9. Deep Thoughts

    I yam what I yam - Popeye the Sailor
  10. Comic for Monday, July 11, 2022

    I'm wondering if twice normal is enough for watches to still work.
  11. Other Random Comics

    That's funny because it is true. No, that's the team version. This is single player per side golf.
  12. Star Wars Rebellion

    Well GW has come along way from the days that they showed you how to make a grav tank out of a empty deodorant case and a plastic spoon. And not is a good way.
  13. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    "The tea's not made, so I can't be in the way. Tell you what, I'll get in your lap for a while, will that count as 'out of the way'?" - Explorer the Cat.
  14. Deep Thoughts

    Opportunist: Glass will be empty in just a moment. TTRPG Gamer: I drink it, what happens?
  15. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    I hope that they will do them at home. And I hope that they will finally do something for you.
  16. Star Wars Rebellion

    And then, to rub it in that Epic was dead, they came out with "Apocalypse", which was "mass battles" in 28mm scale. Even assuming you had 100 minis, that's only 20 stands of Epic, which is a small to medium army. I am opposed the Apocalypse on something close to moral grounds.
  17. Deep Thoughts

  18. Pennsic

    An overview of the Pennsic War.
  19. Other Random Comics

    True Story. Should be a contact sport.
  20. Star Wars Rebellion

    15 or so years. I still haven't finishing painting my figures. :-)
  21. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    "What does 'Available Light' mean anyway? At least the flashy thing didn't flash. I like that" - Explorer the Cat.
  22. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    "The Human is up early this morning. It's not as hot as it has been, but he's still drinking the sour stuff. He needs to make "Good Tea" when he gets up in the middle of the night" - Explorer the Cat.
  23. Patreon Jul 8 / Sketchbook Jul 9 2022

    I suspect that Tedd only kept the "FV1" form as Tedd needed a baseline "Female" form, that they could build on. It's obviously just a change to female, witness how long it took Elliot to notice and Elliot not noticing that Tedd had changed back, right before Elliot getting zapped with FV5. Plus the default girly state of his spell is almost exactly the same as Tedd's male form, enough so that Sarah had to ask if Tedd had changed.