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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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The Old Hack

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Everything posted by The Old Hack

  1. Story: Friday 24 Feb 2017

    I was mainly supporting your point, namely that humans are all too fallible. As a matter of fact, that lovely list came from a discussion in which someone had claimed that the Bible hadn't changed since it was put into writing. We found that claim somewhat optimistic. >.> (This is not even mentioning translation inaccuracies and errors, which make matters still worse. And the way even the same language may change, causing a particular statement to have a different meaning even if it is written exactly the same way...)
  2. Sweveham, I've enjoyed having you and your contributions here. You will be missed but I hope you will find pastures greener elsewhere. And if you feel like peeking in from time to time, you will always be welcome.
  3. Story: Friday 24 Feb 2017

    Longer texts? I sometimes have trouble making it all the way through a sentence without messing it up somehow.
  4. Story Monday March 6, 2017

  5. NP: Monday March 6, 2017

    Yeah, it's a dog's life, for payback is a bitch.
  6. Story Wednesday March 8, 2017

    That is a good strip. I always love Susan.
  7. Story Wednesday March 8, 2017

    Weirdly cheerful. Not wildly.
  8. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    SF Debris has a very entertaining review of it here.
  9. NP: Friday February 24, 2017

    Sharknado notwithstanding, generally speaking sharks present the biggest problem while one is in water.
  10. Story: Friday 24 Feb 2017

    I am sure I posted this one before but darn it all, this is the best thing ever when it comes to unintentional differences while creating copies:
  11. Things that make you go WTF

    Admittedly true. Even in that business, humour that morbid would likely not be appreciated.
  12. Things that make you go WTF

    Possibly your mortuary or your brand name for your coffin and sarcophagus franchise.
  13. Things that make you go WTF

    Military acronyms have infested my life. For example, it has made me wonder whatever could have possessed any car firm to use the brand KIA. And further made me speculate if maybe this is only part of a bigger corporation that also includes MIA repair services, AWOL insurance and legal assistance as well as DOA health care and ambulance transport.
  14. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    No, Sam's full name is Sam-I-Am.
  15. Story: Friday 24 Feb 2017

    The store downstairs works perfectly when their main database is down. They just pick it up off the floor, dust it off and put it back on the table. Admittedly it is a furniture polishing and repair shop, and they use old fashioned paper books to keep track of their customers. This saves a great deal on downtime, antivirus and annoying upgrades.
  16. NP: Friday February 24, 2017

    All the humans. Pay attention to what is going on. The dolphins are a client species of the humans. In other words, the humans are responsible for their behavior. They serve as adults, educators, mentors and role models rolled into one.
  17. NP: Friday February 24, 2017

    Yes, that was what the book was about.
  18. NP: Friday February 24, 2017

    Hyper awesomeness would be all three at the same time.
  19. Things that make you sad.

  20. Story Monday March 6, 2017

    Who knows what neutral lies in the hearts of men!
  21. Ellen's Magic - Facts and Speculation

    I was amused because it was the opposite of the normal error. >.>
  22. Ellen's Magic - Facts and Speculation

    Oh, I thought that might be better since you prefer a canon to an actual cannon. O.o
  23. Ellen's Magic - Facts and Speculation

    Such as the script for the first season of "Avatar: the Last Airbender"? o.O
  24. Things That Are Just Annoying

    A friend of mine used to work computer support in one of our big breweries. One thing that would always annoy him on the occasions where they had to call for outside support was that they always started by asking if all the cables were properly connected. He had worked with computers for decades and felt it was a stupid question to ask someone like him. One fine evening his modem didn't work properly. He couldn't get it to respond. He spent two hours running all sorts of diagnostics programs and tests. Then finally he noticed that somehow the connecting cable to the modem had come loose. He fastened it properly and then the modem worked fine. He never ever complained when anyone asked that question again.
  25. Story Friday March 3, 2017

    Calm down already, Pharaoh. These days some of us have lockers made of aluminum or wood, not carved out of stone with five-tonne marble slabs for doors.