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Darth Fluffy

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Everything posted by Darth Fluffy

  1. Story Wednesday, July 3rd, 2019

    If you want to cool Venus down, you need to remove the greenhouse effect. To do that, you either blow the atmosphere off (not completely, you're not going to be that efficient anyway), or put it in containers, a little bit at a time, and move it. Think gas bottles, but larger; railroad cars designed to move gases, for example. Scale up from there. There could be chemical alternatives, that would require shipping a lot of material there. 999,999,999,999 bottles of SO2 in the air, 999,999,999,999 bottles of SO2, Pick one up, ship it to Mars, 999,999,999,998 bottles of SO2 in the air.
  2. Story Wednesday, July 10, 2019

    Good point; Tedd knows Susan has magic. I do hope your tongue is firmly pressing against your cheek. I haven't, nor intend to, memorize every detail of EGS nor any other comic I read. That space is already full of "Kill the wabbit" and such. I could see him adding it as a feature to the glasses. At the very least wearing the spell as a watch. I'd bet cookies that there will be a loophole and Tedd will cast more. Of course, they'd be here, so I'd probably eat them anyway.
  3. Story Wednesday, July 10, 2019

    If I recall correctly, Tedd was the subject of a few hammer retrievals (and subsequent whacking). I don't recall which way he was facing, though, I suppose he could have missed the retrieval. Seems like he should have. Maybe he has to be aware that he wants to; actively analyzing, not passive knowledge. I don't think either has been stated.
  4. Story Monday, July 8, 2019

    It's not core requirement in US high schools. You probably won't see is as a for-credit course here until you hit it in a Political Science or Law program later.
  5. Story Wednesday, July 3rd, 2019

    I kind of agree with you about your specific point, but there is an undercurrent of "We'd never do anything we knew was dangerous", and in a broader sense our track record says that we will do quite a bit without fully understanding what we're doing, particularly if the effects are long term and don't kill us right out immediately. Technically, you'd still be correct, we didn't know it was dangerous. Check out early use of x-ray devices (may need to find "fluoroscope"), early work in chemistry with radioactive elements, "Radium Girls" painting numbers on clocks with radium paint, and health effects on troops handling chemical weapons. LHC has never personally bothered me, and people do get worked up over nonsense, but on the other hand, our own ignorance combined with our inherent hubris tends to be deadly. "You mean the historical documents?" ... "Surely, you don't believe Gilligan's Island is a ..." "Those poor people!" . . . "... and don't call me Shirley!"
  6. Story Wednesday, July 10, 2019

    You're right, from Tara's reaction, Diane must have some kind of aura. I would be curious to see what Luke sees as a panel. If I have this straight, Edward was the head of what Arthur is now; he's been moved sideways to be an "ambassador", but that does not seem to mean, "Left the FBI and joined the State Department', in fact appears to report to the same guy, and Wolf and Cranium haven't been moved at all, at least that we've seen. His new duties are not described in any detail, it almost seems like he has carte blanche to do whatever he deems necessary, that or he's gone rogue and is frequently acting on his own authority, aided and abetted by former underlings. The only real effect of the status change that we've seen is he wasn't the figurehead on TV. Arthur, on the other hand, does his department head job, but does not do hands on missions, kind of less of a magic cop and more of a savvy figurehead. So why are Edward, Wolf, and Cranium not magic cops but Arthur is? It does seem odd that Edward was able to involve himself with missions if he was the organizational head. We don't know the size of the organization, we only know of a few employees, always the same ones, but they could be the Moperville Hotspot branch. The size of the junk magic items warehouse seems to point to typical large government organization. Oh, we've seen his meetings, there's more people, and Lavender, who's not an alien ... actually, he still has his meetings ... still a magic cop. I think it's canon that they can do that, I recall someone making an off-handed remark that they could have, but I may be mistaken. If I find it, I'll post it. She seems to be past obsessing about Elliot, if that's what you mean. She seemed to think Ashley was more suited to Elliot than she herself was, and now she's pretty committed to Lucy; first date, but they've been friends for a long time. She wouldn't leap to that conclusion. She knows they can be difficult to spot (I think they all have been?), and that you might not be aware you have magic. She actually knows quite a bit.
  7. Story Wednesday, July 10, 2019

    Ah, that did not seem significant at the time, but yes, in retrospect ...
  8. Story Wednesday, July 10, 2019

    The third conversation about magic is not going to happen yet, I don't think. They have a lot on their plate, coming out to each other, getting to know one another in a new light, and establishing their relationship. I expect that magic will be a topic someday soon, but not on their first date. Lucy potentially has some exposure to magic; she knows Nanase, we don't know the extent of who has witnessed her floating. Apparently, it is not common knowledge. You've got to wonder why, if a few people have seen it, has it not become a pervasive rumor. She's also a bit in tune with accepting it, she plays fantasy video games. Seems she also hides what she's thinking; this could be a fall out of years of association with Diane, and Diane being both insightful and judgemental, although Lucy seems to share those traits, particularly being judgemental. Would she believe Diane, if Diane related events? Diane seems to have a handle on "Keep it on the down low", would she spill the beans? She's met the magic police, has probably been debriefed off screen and warned to keep quiet about what she's witnessed in lieu of a memory wipe. They may even have wiped some of what she'd seen, we really don't know. Would seeing the mark tell her much? I guess it could lead to "What is your magic?", but she doesn't know that Sam is aware of the mark nor what it grants him. She knows from her own mark that even knowing that she has it and what they do in a general sense, it was quite a bit of effort to figure out what her magic was, and she needed help to pin it down. Sam's is more clear cut, but she doesn't know that. (She might know that in general, other people's marks are more straight forward than hers.) Actually, I don't see them being honest with each other, either. Sam's mark is tied to Sam's gender identity, and Sam does not want to come out again; Sam is not going to speak up. And Sarah has been warned to not tell Edward, so she's probably going to withhold information on general principles. Sam is pretty much just an acquaintance she's interested in, not a trusted friend. She knows they're less close than she wants them to be.
  9. Life's great mysteries.

    I just saw this recently on the big screen. Was a double feature with Trading Places. Retro Night.
  10. Life's great mysteries.

    Why is Pho pronounced Phuh? ... maybe a better question is why is "Phuh" spelled (transliterated as) Pho?
  11. Monday, June 3, 2019

    If I heard this fantasy expressed by a friend of mine, I might advise her to get counseling based on she may be suppressing the memory of an event. I know a woman who we have reason to believe was raped by an uncle when she was young. There were other indications, and her uncle has a track record. Her response when asked about it was to lash out at those asking. If it never really happened, you'd expect a straight forward, "no".
  12. Story Wednesday, July 3rd, 2019

    I've heard the same thing, and similar things about other things we've tried; the Large Hadron Collider comes to mind. In reality, not having nuclear capability in a nuclear capable environment is hazardous, surely Germany would have used them if it had them at the time, and a reasonable person with knowledge of the field might have accepted the risk. I can't say that the Large Hadron Collider is as pressing a need, but it hasn't killed us yet. Maybe this has something to do with why SETI keeps coming up empty. Maybe as soon as a civilization figures out how to synthesize a black hole, it vanishes. Back to Dr. Strangelove, are we? Or, to put it another way, Liz has a point ... Hell of a long drive to wipe out our planet. I hope they have a damn good reason. She meant "nuke" as in "use a nuke to wipe out everything in the area". I would chalk that up to common knowledge of what a nuke can do, not to expertise. She is not a weapons expert, is not there to be one, would probably not know how to arm the nuke herself (if we go by today's standards, it would not be trivial, no reason to think that's changed in the future), would probably not know how to aim nor launch it, even kind of screwed up driving the assault vehicle; got the remainder out safely, but burned it out. She is acting in her role as an advisor, with knowledge of the xenomorphs, and correctly assesses they are too dangerous to fight. So while your statement B is a true statement, it is a red herring,her lack of expertise has nothing to do with she actually meant "use a nuke". She expressed her opinion as an advisor, and trusted the marines to follow through. They had every intention of doing that at that point in the film.
  13. Story Wednesday, July 10, 2019

    Her negative assumptions about people in general that caused her to isolate herself initially. Surely you didn't miss the question to Tom Sewell, "Are you counting Lucy as the third ?" I don't recall that Justin has any reason to think Diane has seen magic in action (not recalling if the New Years incident is common knowledge for the group) but he is close to both Nanase and to Susan, either of which would be likely to share stuff with him. Nanase in particular would have had reason to comment to Justin about observations of Diane. Plus, they go to the same school and have lunch together, so it's a topic to take up time. Sarah is close to Susan, but Susan shut down a bit after the mall incident. She doesn't have as much contact with Nanase. Unless she learned something from Ellen, she probably does not know. ... She may not even be aware of Diane as a person. Have they crossed paths?
  14. Story Monday, July 8, 2019

    Fair enough; Ellen was not post her trauma, it was pretty much looming in her face.
  15. Story Wednesday, July 3rd, 2019

    If you mean science fiction tropes, yes. IRL, not so much. Actually, her statement means what it says on the tin, but she's not a weapons expert. She was brought along as an advisor because she had familiarity with the xenomorphs, at least more so than anyone else available, key qualification, still living, and had to be shown how to use Hick's good friend. Any sense of scavenging the atmosphere into storage for potential reuse later.
  16. Story Wednesday, July 10, 2019

    Justin has magic, Luke knows this, Luke sees auras, Justin knows this. Sarah has magic, Sam doesn't know this. Sam has magic, Sarah doesn't know this. There's two. Diane is a potential vampire hunter, but we've not seen any magic on her part, yet, although she's witnessed quite a bit, and is now aware of her heritage, although probably not so much what that means. Lucy doesn't know any of this. As far as we know, Lucy has no magic, yet. Not much for Diane to know. Are you counting Lucy as the third?
  17. Story Wednesday, July 3rd, 2019

    Granted, if you want to terraform Venus, blowing off much of the atmosphere might be a good move, unless you had the means to bottle it, and use it elsewhere.
  18. Story Wednesday, July 3rd, 2019

    You don't use even a moderate sized asteroid as a projectile if you plan on using the planet afterward. The asteroid is your launch platform and provides material for projectiles. I think an iron one would work better, but in a pinch, rocks could do the job. She seems more interested in him than he does in her. Could be for a number of reasons.
  19. Story Monday, July 8, 2019

    I think you overestimate even a late teen's ability to overlook an offense of this scope. Eventually, yes, but he's still young. He will engage whole new levels of "WTF, Mom?" as he becomes more aware of parental responsibilities before he gets past it. And, good Lord, if she left over Tedd's not showing any magic potential, she doen't deserve him nor Van. If she's still fully human, it's not possible that she doesn't give a rat's ass about Tedd. If she;s just looking at the power of her offspring, that pretty much puts her in psychopath territory; no empathy whatsoever. I'm betting it had something to do with, "The safety of my family". Not that it wasn't ill-advised. "His Mom's a Wizard" - is that canon? I recall "Very powerful magic user and monster hunter", did I miss something?
  20. Story Monday, July 8, 2019

    You make a good point, she thought she was going to die soon. I would take issue with, you don't have to be skilled at being crazy to be crazy. You don't need experience to be crazy, but you can still show different levels of craziness. Not counting the first few moments, she didn't show any visible craziness at all, actually - it looked like she's trying to be evil twin quite deliberately. I don't see "trying to be an evil twin deliberately" as a realistic motivation. I believe that for the most part, Dan keeps the motivations real enough that you can see some segment of society doing the whatever; this particular section always seemed a bit off. My problem with it is, at their core, people don't really do that. People don't align themselves with D&D "Evil", they rationalize how what they are doing is OK. Superficially, maybe she's trying to do that, deeper down, she's hurting and reacting. Crazy, in other words. PTSD. Can't handle the eminent loss. But not "Embracing evil"; even those folks rationalize it.
  21. Story Wednesday, July 10, 2019

    All true. Panel 2 seems to be a bit of accepting at face value. Panel 6 appears to be "I didn't see it that way". Leaving in the next comic seems connected to that, "I trust that you're going to do the best you can to not hurt her." Befriending Ashley shows Liz is capable of making adjustments. She is ballpark as distant as Susan was initially. In panel 1, a bit of embarrassment over having smoked (no eye contact), in panel 5, a bit of appreciation, "She didn't even know my name yet". Aligning one set of observations with new ones; gotta love that expression ... Weak, as I said, subtle. I expect she'll change over time and become part of their crew, especially if Pandora marked her. Or, who knows, maybe she'll be a major antagonist. For now, if this is in any sense a coming of age story for Elliot, she's helping push it along. Agree. Panel 7 says, "I don't believe you, but I'll drop it."
  22. Story Monday, July 8, 2019

    That works, although at this point in Tedd's life, he seems capable of handling the information, and Edward is being overly protective.
  23. Story Monday, July 8, 2019

    Oh, good call. That makes sense, too, that Edward is reacting to Noriko. I don't see why Tedd or even Edward would be aware of this, though. It could be subconscious. If they are aware, they should have talked it out. Tedd has said that he believes that his dad is uncomfortable with his being female, and has never mentioned looking like his mom in this context. It may be that Edward avoids vocalizing his concerns to Tedd, but that does not seem to be the case either. He is capable of talking at great length about what concerns him, we've seen this, nor does he hold back if he's aware of the situation. If this is what's going on, they don't know it yet. I think it's been foreshadowed that Noriko has a bigger role to play than she's been given thus far. Surely we will see more of Van.
  24. Story Wednesday, July 3rd, 2019

    All true, but "Rods from God" AKA Project Thor is Earth orbital kinetic weapons. I think you could do wonders by moving a smallish asteroid into earth orbit, and mine it for material for iron rods, which while less effective than tungsten has the advantage of already being in space, and using a rail gun to launch them. You could move the asteroid with sails, but it would take a long time. Maybe park the thing at one of the Ls. Bwa, ha, ha ,ha; I know how I'm going to spend my retirement years. Ah, I suppose that accounts for the lack of dragons. Difficult to attract them when you have no coverage. Bringing new meaning to the term "Flash mob". Shout out to Girl Scout Cookies: "I ordered a children's meal. There's no children in it!" "No, I don't want a pizza. Just a delivery."
  25. Story Wednesday, July 10, 2019

    He does make her think. It's subtle, but he's shaking her assumptions.