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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!


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Everything posted by ProfessorTomoe

  1. Things That Make You Happy

    Probably, unfortunately. They're located in Plano, which is a large suburb on the north side of Dallas. I live in Garland, a "blue collar" suburb on the northeast side of Dallas.
  2. Things that make you worried.

    Tad bit worried here. Big time service of the 2007 Honda Ridgeline RTS going on today, way beyond oil change/tire rotation/transaxle fluid change. They're doing the 100k mile service, which includes expensive things like the timing chain. They quoted me over $1,200, parts & labor, with no loaner car—just rentals at $40 a day. This sounds bad until you toss in a couple of wild cards. Number one: a 20% discount card on labor, mailed to me from the dealer themselves. Number two: the Takata airbag recall on both my steering wheel and passenger side airbags. Number three: since it's a recall, they can put us in the rental car for free. Quote reduced to around $1,100. It's still a lot, but it's a lot for a bunch of fixes that should help the Ridgeline go a lot farther for a lot longer.
  3. Things That Make You Happy

    My pain management doctor. I've been getting my monthly hydrocodone prescriptions from CVS. You've probably heard the news about them limiting prescriptions to 7 days. Thankfully, my pain management doctor has an arrangement with a local mail order pharmacy where patients call them, they verify everything with the doctor's staff, and then the full month's prescription gets mailed to patients. He says they're Blue Cross approved. Bye bye, CVS, at least for this. I hope my first fill goes smoothly.
  4. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Good thing you're getting it treated. I'm a poster boy for "don't use Bic pen caps to clean out your earwax." Used to do that all the time, until my left ear suddenly went deaf-ish. Saw a doctor—turned out to be an infection that caused a blister to form on the eardrum itself. Almost lost my hearing. After antibiotic drops, he literally pulled the blister off of my eardrum while I was awake. Not recommended. Total healing time: approx. 6 months.
  5. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Mine had a portion of the paperwork devoted to this. You could have them do a really full body check, or you could opt out of certain areas. I didn't opt out, but the nurse asked if I wanted a full check first off. I told her no and said I just had a couple of spots I needed checked, and that's all they looked at. I don't know anything beyond that. I don't know ... I doubt it, because they injected it into the area around my cartilage (if not the cartilage itself). I can't be sure why it screwed me up. Probably threw my blood pressure to my head off due to a small case of shock. I wasn't expecting it to hurt so much.
  6. We got to install microwave ovens

    I just realized that I should have included the "kick in" address in the last post: https://PayPal.me/Leejacksonaudio/ Anything from a dollar on upward would be appreciated, more than you know. Thank you!
  7. Trail Camera and Other Nature Images

    First of all, both mama and baby need to be sterilized. Contact your local Trap-Neuter-Return program and talk to them about what to do. That'll get the hormones out of mama and stop her from seeing her offspring as competition. Second, if you have *really* been socializing the kitten, it's time to make a decision about whether or not you want to bring it inside and keep it as a pet.
  8. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Bleaugh! My right ear is ugly. I'm not putting a picture of it online, thankyouverymuch.
  9. We got to install microwave ovens

    Nightly total of donations for 20170921: $100.00 We're close—please kick in!
  10. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Thanks. Although, the numbing shot they gave me in my ear cartilage made me feel legitimately unbalanced and woozy. I stood up from the exam chair, took a couple of steps, and had to sit back down for a minute or so. The nurse put a wet towel on the back of my neck to help. Wasn't much help, but I did eventually get my brain back in shape, stood up, and walked out of the place with Mrs. Prof watching to make sure I didn't fall.
  11. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Just got back from the skin cancer doctor. He wasn't sure what to make of the arm, but he was sure it was healed. No action needed. He took a biopsy of my ear sore. I'm supposed to call back a week from today. No other nasty spots found.
  12. We got to install microwave ovens

    Done and done. Thank you!
  13. We got to install microwave ovens

    I promised a nightly total of donations, so here they are. Wednesday 20170920: $50.00 I'll be able to make my own donation when my disability is deposited. Please contribute!
  14. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Don't get me wrong—that picture is from 2013. All of the yuck is gone now. The only thing that remains is a white spot. The brown spot is not in the photo and just appeared within the last couple of days.
  15. We got to install microwave ovens

    ... and it's pronounced "Nikto." Not "Nechtkhafo."
  16. We got to install microwave ovens

    BTW, thank you, @The Old Hack, for getting the ball rolling! Please, fellow 4umites! Drop a few bucks into https://paypal.me/Leejacksonaudio so we can get @mlooney his housewarming gift!
  17. We got to install microwave ovens

    I guarantee that whatever is ordered will not be capable of the summoning of elder gods.
  18. Story, September 20, 2017

    The appearance of the fake Cheerleadra.
  19. We got to install microwave ovens

    Very well. Please, everyone, if you can spare some cash for this effort, log on to https://www.paypal.me/Leejacksonaudio and contribute what you can. I will provide daily updates on the progress we've made. Thank you!
  20. Story, September 20, 2017

    Apocalyptic scenario example. No one wants a Deathless Army of Rage on their front lawn.
  21. We got to install microwave ovens

    I have little else to do, so I could set it up. I think. I could hold the funds and provide public accounting if anyone wants it. If we have change afterward, I'll redistribute after the purchase. If there is a lack of trust in me, I'll step aside and let someone else do it. Either that, or research a GoFundMe setup. Don't know if they do it for things like this.
  22. We got to install microwave ovens

    Yeah, I'm definitely going to have to be among a group of contributors for either one of those. Mrs. Prof might have my rear in a sack if I paid solo. How many people do we have willing to kick in on this?
  23. We got to install microwave ovens

    You'll have to remind us of your wish list name as well, if you don't mind sharing.
  24. We got to install microwave ovens

    Very well, good sir! Anyone want to volunteer to be the nexus for collecting funds? PayPal, I presume?