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Everything posted by Dabat

  1. Story: Monday February 13, 2017

    Without trying to take this thread to far off topic, I understand. I've done foolish things out of jealousy too. They are perhaps my biggest regrets. For what it's worth, in all I've seen in all of my lurking, you seem like a pretty good person. Back on topic. Maybe the reason Tedd isn't telling all of this to Grace is because she's worried she'll say something out of jealousy. Once you say things you can't take them back.
  2. Story: Monday February 13, 2017

    That's the first thing I saw too. I saw the rant coming (I'd be ranting too), so the seemingly much larger breasts drew my eye. I still want to give her a gigantic hug, I'd be at least as pissed in her shoes. Plus Grace wont be losing her magic. She'll be one of the only people on earth who wont be. It's also been heavily hinted (I thought it was stated, but I can't remember where) that she is much more powerful than most hybrids or Uryuoms, so she will potentially be one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful, person on earth if Magic decides to take its ball and go home. I don't think Tedd blames her for this at all, but I would be very jealous in her shoes. As for being more female... I just read the card game storyline a few days ago, I think Tedd is much more, um, "Top-Heavy" in this comic then she was in that story line. I agree that it's likely that she is accidentally using her mark... Or perhaps her mark has reacted with the TF gun somehow to give her even more abilities. Not likely, but possible.
  3. Story: Friday February 10, 2017

    I don't know if Tedd has thought this through entirely. If she has i would guess that she is assuming that she is so androgynous anyway that anyone who doesn't know her well wont be able to tell the difference. She even seemed surprised that Elliot could tell she wasn't male.
  4. Story: Friday February 10, 2017

    That was exactly my point. Grace will want Tedd to be happy, and will love her no matter what. But for all of Grace's good intentions this is something she can't relate to. Elliot can.
  5. Story: Friday February 10, 2017

    I could see an argument being made for Grace, but she'll love Tedd no matter what, and would tell her so. "Do whatever makes you happy" doesn't help much when even Tedd doesn't know what will make her happy.
  6. Story: Friday February 10, 2017

    Kind of. For me it was an inability to express myself, and not wanting to attempt to do so until I knew more, rather than locking it away. I just ignored what i couldn't deal with and concentrated on what I could. I can't honestly speak for Tedd, or anyone else for that matter, though.
  7. Story: Friday February 10, 2017

    I've been sitting here almost since the instant you posted trying to think of how to respond, but nothing sounded right. I too am very very glad she has Elliot to support her. I've had a similar destruction of what I thought was my place in the world, and it is nothing to go through alone. As much as Mr. Verres loves his child, he would not be a person Tedd could turn to.
  8. Story: Friday February 10, 2017

    There's a type of freaking out that's so deep that often other people can't tell there is anything major wrong. I've seen in in cancer patients, their whole world is (or might be) so suddenly and rapidly falling apart that they can't process it. They just go about their life doing what little they can, with whatever control they have, until they can process it into words. EDIT: A word.
  9. Story: Friday February 10, 2017

    I can't be the only one who wants to give Tedd a big hug right now and tell her it's all going to be ok. Dysphoria is literally indescribable to someone who has never had to live it. The thought of being granted a 'treatment' (don't know what else to call it) like Tedd's mark and then being told my every use is risking it's loss would be devastating to me.
  10. The Association Game

    Owned by the Mafia.
  11. Story: Wednesday, June 15, 2016

    Wow, I picked the right time to return to EGS after a hiatus. I am an openly poly person, and as a poly person I support all the pairings shown in this comic. I also am glad that Dan attempts to show several different kinds of relationships and love in EGS. I don't really know what else to say, but i read the most recent comic after catching up and it made me want to say something about it, some kind of thanks, even if Dan never actually reads this.
  12. The Association Game

  13. Story Monday March 28, 2016

    Is this a "My 'ship has not yet sailed" moment?
  14. NP Monday March 28, 2016

    No-kill runs are some of the most fun to watch, while at the same time being the most frustrating to watch. ^I might have hundreds of hours watching let's plays...
  15. The Band Game

    Nine Robots a Beeping's first album, Dance Statue Dance, went over like a lead balloon... Surprisingly well as lead balloons actually can fly. My new band is Disciples of Caliban, we do love ballads set to grindcore tunes.
  16. The Association Game

  17. The Association Game

    Because you don't blink. Don't ever blink.
  18. The Association Game

    To the sound.... Of silence...
  19. The Association Game

  20. We have a chat room!

    It worked for me, obviously, since you and I talked.
  21. The Association Game

    "You require more Vespian Gas"
  22. What's in the Lost and Found?

    Ten thousand voices set in stone.
  23. NP Monday March 21, 2016

    How? She doesn't have any hair below her neck, remember?
  24. Story Monday March 21, 2016

    I posted something similar to this in the last incarnation of the forums. The Immortals pointing Susan and Nanase at the Vampire in Paris, assuming they are the Immortals Mr. Verres contacted after he ran into Pandora in the woods, makes a certain amount of ruthless sense. Either Susan and Nanase gain abilities are are more likely to Awaken and the people around Moperville are that much better able to defend themselves from whatever is coming, or the two girls die and the world is not worse off then it was before. Like I said, ruthless, but with a certain kind of logic behind it.
  25. NP Friday March 18, 2016

    I at first thought this story took place after New Years. but reading what you said, I think you are right that it takes place a day or two before. I don't recall any mention of school or Eliot getting a new gf, or anything that should have happened in the week after.