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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!
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Comic 4/7/18 - "Halloweenie"

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Dodge isn't just a jock; he's also a fashion critic. But Necros can hurl more than dodgeballs and quips...!

I'm not sure which I came up with first: Necros or the Necrobots. I honestly wish I could say I remembered how I came up with Necros' design, or why I decided on a skeletal theme, but I don't. However, they do remind me of a previous villain I drew up. When I was in junior high school, I came up with a superhero named Sidney the Mutant Scarab Beetle (I may put some form of him in the comic someday... unless you count a low-detail version of his face appearing on the top-left comic book cover in this strip: http://www.theheroesofcrash.com/2010Strip04-06.htm ). His foe was a mad scientist spider named Dr. Achnid, who had an army of spider-bots. The spider-bots resemebled their creator, much like the Necrobots resemble Necros with their triangular eyes, stripes, and skeletal theme. They used to look a bit more humanoid like Necros, too, until I changed their design to look scarier and more animal-like.

The top three panels' backgrounds were initially a bit more sparse. When I saw how dull they looked, I added gradients to the first two panels. I didn't want to add a background, lest it distract from the action, so I used the gradients to bring focus to it instead. The dark edges of panel 3 were the result of me experimenting with a spray-paint tool in my program that I'd never tried before... I liked how it looked, and stuck with it.

By the way, if you've been enjoying my comic, why not enter my contest? All you need to do is some artwork or a video game avatar based on my characters, submit them by May 19th, and you'll get some art in return! If your entry is the best, you may get a grand prize! The full rules are at TheHeroesOfCRASH.com, so check them out!

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