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I thought this strayed from the weather thread.

What seperates attractive & hot for me is confidence and no concern for how others see you.

Most of the time that leaves Susan, Amanda & Brownie.


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Lavender is also not "cute" in the sense that the kids are.  She's an attractive adult, which is different than being a cute teen 

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I currently consider Rhoda the hottest of the cast, at least since she gained her self-confidence.

Second place would probably go to Tedd when she's in a feminine or androgynous mood.

For many years I considered Ellen to be the hottest of the cast, but she's been surpassed in recent years; she still ranks a solid third.

Nanase would be next, though her hotness-factor was temporarily reduced quite a bit during the phase where she was wearing that sweater all the time (not so much because of the sweater as because of her attitude, though the sweater certainly didn't help).

Grace and Sarah both have their hot moments; I'd lean towards Sarah as fifth place if only because she seems to have a stronger libido.

Finally, I find Susan quite attractive, and really like her as a character, but I'm reluctant to call her "hot" (even out of her earshot) when she isn't interested in sex or romance. (This isn't about whether she "available", it's just that to me hotness implies not just passive attractiveness but actively "advertising" oneself, even if only to an existing partner.)

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Nanase has moments and her fairy form she used at Ashley's party was hot.  Also most of her shoulder angels have been as well

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Yesterday's strip made me realize that part of the reason why I find Jay hot is because of her clothing. Her ready for bed, gripping her pillow tight*, isn't nearly as hot as her day time wear, this might also explain why I don't find Pizza Girl Jay as hot.

*Your welcome for that ear worm.

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22 hours ago, mlooney said:

. . . I don't find Pizza Girl Jay as hot.

Sad, that; no hot pizza delivery for you.

Introducing Jay, the warm pizza delivery girl!

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Oh yeah, she's a drama llama.  Might not all be her fault however, don't forget her family is a bit dramatic.

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1 hour ago, mlooney said:

Oh yeah, she's a drama llama.  Might not all be her fault however, don't forget her family is a bit dramatic.

Re: fault, it does not matter. My ex could never grow beyond her conflicts with her mother. While not ultimately self generated, it was her call to either leave it behind or let it smother her; she chose to be smothered. The best I could do is attempt to hold an exit door open and hope she'd use it.

We have kids. Most of them will no longer talk to mom. One that does was because I encouraged it. Some days, I have mixed feelings about that; mom is becoming a shadow of her own mom, and is not entirely healthy to contact. But said daughter is an adult, and is in a good place, so I guess I have no cause for concern.

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Technically we don't know that Jay is related to AJA via her mother. Could be be AJA son's child.  GIven thing said in the comic it's unlikely but possible. 

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