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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. Story Monday May 22, 2017

    The only other possibility for Magus to be from Lord Tedd's universe is if Magus' supposed death at the hands of Terra caused her to become Lord Tedd. Like you know how our Tedd is genderfluid switching from male to female a lot, Terra could be similar and switch from female to male. Of course there isn't much to support this as Terra isn't seen going mad with grief or anything, I do wonder what the aftermath of that was though. Best guess is they were having a magic sparring match similar to how Elliot and Nanase sparred, complete with over the top taunts and such and Terra expected Magus to be able to block her attack easily but didn't expect anyone to try to sabotage the fight. If this was on school grounds, what would Terra's teacher's have done, expel her for Magus' death? Would they be able to tell what exactly happened and know it wasn't Terra's fault? Would any of them know that Magus wasn't really dead, just displaced to another reality, in which case Terra might be trying to find him herself. Guess anything could be possible there.
  2. NP: Monday May 22, 2017

    Nioi had only ONE nose beep ready. Unless she can somehow use one nose beep on two people. And as I mentioned, what would we do with another female Elliot? We don't have any other lesbian to pair her with. Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but if Magus succeeded in getting Ellen to zap him into Elliot and then get Elliot to touch the diamond to split them, there shouldn't be any need for nose beepery because technically Magus is the soul if we go by Nioi's explanation. If we don't consider souls, the other reason for Ellen and Kaoli to share a second life growing up would be to have a set of memories that are separate from Elliot's and Nioi's so that they a draw from different experiences which would help them differentiate themselves better. I still think that would be temporary if it does. Elliot should be able to just morph back, or Magus should be able to resist it enough to shorten the duration so that Elliot's male again before Magus has him touch the diamond. That "FV5 for a month" bit was before Tedd figured out that a person's resistance can shorten the duration. If Tedd hadn't said anything about how long it would last, Elliot probably would have turned back to normal well before school the next day.
  3. Story Monday May 22, 2017

    Well, if Magus is the Elliot of his universe (a theory I have subscribed to and may have even originated), yes, Terra is a good candidate for a Tedd. Too bad we don't know if she has purple hair. But... I just noticed. The pre-cursed version of Magus has hair that does not look like it could be brown. Or red. Or any colors except white or blond. Maybe Magic did an Ellen on him for dramatic effect? Terra doesn't need to have purple hair to clinch it, she could have green or blue hair. What really makes the resemblance is the hair style resembles Tedd's pre-cut style, plus the head and face itself is very Tedd looking. If we look at Magus, yeah his hair doesn't match Elliot's current style either, but if we look back at the flashbacks, there is a very strong resemblance there as well. Alternate versions of characters don't have to look exactly like the character in question, for example we have 2 alternate universes where Elliot is Ellen (Beta Ellen and Second Life Ellen) also we have other versions of Tedd (Beta Tedd that wore square glasses instead of round ones, Second life Tedd that was apparently shorter when Second Life Ellen met him and then got taller than prime Tedd in hight school, and of course Lord Tedd) so If a female alternate of Elliot named Ellen can exist, why couldn't a female alternate of Tedd named Terra exist, as well as an alternate of Elliot named Magus? Another thing to consider with alternate universes, is that in the universe of Terra and Magus, it wouldn't be that they live on the other half of the world where magic is more common like Tara and Andrea in the prime universe, but that in the alternate universe which half of the world where magic is common is switched, or Magic hasn't restricted either half.
  4. Story Monday May 22, 2017

    Like I said, what Tedd's been researching up to this point might not be anything new to the Paranormal Division, it's probably why Edward's been ok with Tedd working on it, maybe Edward hopes that Tedd would one day work with the Paranormal Division and the stuff Tedd's researching has been part of the training program for ages so Tedd would essentially have a head start. Edward might not have been sure when he first let Tedd work on the TFG but later on he might have become hopeful. As far as the Magic change goes, Tedd himself doesn't know that he's a seer and that he may be the key to figuring out what the changes were, Edward doesn't seem to know either and it's likely that Pandora may want to keep Edward from finding out as well for the same reason she didn't want Sarah telling him about her spell. One can only imagine what things would be like if everyone lost the ability to cast spells and a select few knew that Tedd could help them get an early advantage. Edward may be powerless to do anything to keep Arthur or Leifeld from strongarming Tedd, or maybe Edward would agree that it's in everyone's best interest if the Paranormal Division regained the ability to use magic before some other group did. Wild theory, but somehow I get the feeling that a system change and an attempt to strongarm could have resulted in Lord Tedd, not sure exactly how General Shade Tail fits this scenario but considering Edward's infiltration of the organization that created Grace, I wouldn't doubt that Alternate Edward or the alternate universe's version of DGB had a connection to General Shade Tail.
  5. NP: Monday May 22, 2017

    Not so much like Question Mark 2, but kinda in the same category as the Grace playing with change blindness in the previous NP, as in what Grace was doing was completely within her abilities in canon, just that everything else that was happening wasn't canon. This seems like a similar situation but without any story elements. Well Ellen did say all of her other beams had cooldowns, it's more likely she might have stuck with what was best to help Grace train with.
  6. Story Monday May 22, 2017

    But the thing is though, if Tedd doesn't want to work with the paranormal division, they won't just let him go so easily, it's not like they'll allow him to keep any secrets about the new system between himself and his friends, they'll try to strongarm him into it, even if Edward's a VIP in the paranormal world, Arthur and Leifeld probably have ways to use the law to get what they want, Tedd may be forced to fight them if they try anything.
  7. What was the reasoning for the link between Diane and Ashley? Was is simply the fact that Diane saw Ashley as competition in her pursuit of Elliot? The interesting thing is, Dan doesn't seem to be afraid of selfcest material as we have Nanase+Fox as well as Sarah+AF04Sarah pinups and Dan's even hinted at Nanase having a bit of a kink for Fox in canon. Ellen is a magical clone of Elliot, but what separates her from Fox is the fact that Ellen is a living, breathing person with a free will, so I can certainly see Elliot+Ellen being off limits because it's in their character to not think of themselves as anything but siblings so it would be considered incest, and since this relationship chart only deals with canon relationships then we can't use examples of alternate reality characters being involved with main line characters. Note: Not trying to argue semantics here, at least I hope that's not the impression that I'm giving, I very much agree with you here. I'm guessing "tasteful" would apply to all aspects of this thread, I just have a feeling that what's considered tasteful is somewhat dependent on what Dan decides to make canon. I'll certainly try to avoid anything explicit, I'm just hoping I didn't already cross that line with the above examples.
  8. NP: Monday May 22, 2017

    Playing with Dolls 2.
  9. NP: Monday May 22, 2017

    Yeah, considering Dan stated in the commentary that many of the new spells were also female form transformation beams, there's probably not much of an opportunity outside of "sexy times" for them. Gonna predict that one of the new beams might be similar to Elliot's standard morphs, in that Ellen can change someone into whatever form she's thinking off, with a similar chance of sabotage.
  10. Story Monday May 22, 2017

    While Arthur does seem to know about Magic resetting if too many people know about it, the real question is does Arthur know that Tedd is a seer? If not, then Tedd is probably safe, but if he does, then there's probably a chance that if Magic did reset, DGB would be knocking on Edward's door "requesting" that Tedd help them figure out the new system so they could get a head start on re-equiping the paranormal division. Well, MNHS's mascot is a turkey, close enough, right?
  11. Story Monday May 22, 2017

    It really depends on whom is in charge. If it is a ham-handed control freak, the harsh method might be the default setting. On the other hand, a more intelligent leader will weigh options more carefully first. It's not just that, but the worry is that someone in the government would want Tedd's work secured to prevent other countries/organizations from getting a hold of it. Or maybe they want to weaponize it somehow which would go against what Tedd would want, it'd be even worse if they forced Tedd to weaponize it. Tedd's dream was to get it so that people could be able to defend themselves against the harmful magic so that the good magic can be used freely, but DGB might not want people with high magic resistance because it would make it difficult to deal with anyone that tries to cause trouble, how do you subdue a person with magic if they can resist it, conventional methods would probably be riskier.
  12. Story Monday May 22, 2017

    If magic changes, the government (at least the paranormal division) could likely take the TFG and related material away from Tedd, Tedd's been mainly using it to research how transformation magic works and making his own devices, but there's got to be people in DGB that knows as much if not more than Tedd about Uryuom tech, like Uryuoms. I don't believe for an instant that there's no one else tinkering away with stuff like that, and would love to get their hand's on Tedd's work. As for what Ellen said, most of it was what I thought, she's worried that taking action would cause more problems, and even cause more people to learn about magic which would increase the chance of Magic changing. What I didn't expect was Ellen suggesting the person was lying to get Elliot to reveal himself and tell them how to use magic for other purposes, Ellen's right in that it's possible that someone might try to take advantage of someone in that way but I don't really want to believe that's the case here, especially since I still want that person to be Sam.
  13. NP: Friday, May 19, 2017

    Still, they didn't remain a couple and while the broken heart bit passed and Grace's relationship sense must have said they wouldn't remain a couple, she probably wanted to be wrong though. Getting Sarah pregnant would be one of the things Elliot would consider friendship ruining, and yes that would apply to everyone, even Ashley, though Nanase's "or, you know, being the same sex." remark would at least help in Elliot's case. Yeah, Nanase wasn't too worried, even if she did want to go that far with Elliot, she probably wouldn't have because she'd be afraid of what her mom would say if she got pregnant before finishing high school. It is strange that while Elliot and Nanase apparently had that talk, but it doesn't seem like Elliot talked about it with Sarah.
  14. Story Thursday May 18, 2017

    Well yeah, though I imagine Elliot's female side being blonde was Ellen's answer to "Black or Blonde?", I have a feeling Ellen had a snarky comment about it too.
  15. Story Thursday May 18, 2017

    You know, I was just re-reading "End of an Era" and the contrast between Elliot then and Elliot now is really noticeable, back then we have the bedroom discussion where Ellen tells Elliot he should be more introspective, and in the current story arc, we see that Elliot has really been thinking about who he is and how he feels. I sometimes forget that only a few weeks have passed between moments, Elliot's definitely growing here.
  16. NP: Friday, May 19, 2017

    In Hammerchlorians we saw Elliot and Sarah making out in Elliot's bedroom, well it didn't seem like they had gone far before Elliot's magic interrupted. We don't know if that's the last time they tried to be intimate though. As for the "we're still virgins!" part, I'm pretty certain the whole setup for that was laid out in 2002. Note when Nanase broke up with Elliot, she said "the fact that we've actually discussed how you feel about relationships before...". Actually Elliot's and Sarah's relationship was doomed to fail before it even started, Grace predicted it back in 2002. Elliot essentially gave in because Sarah said she loved him, and he tried to go along with it, but his refusal to take the lead on anything was due to him being afraid of doing something that would hurt Sarah and ruin their friendship. Elliot was fine with doing things with Nanase, although it was clear they didn't go all the way either, but he hadn't known Nanase all his life so he didn't have all those extra feelings like he did with Sarah, though he still held back somewhat.
  17. Things That Are Just Annoying

    I coulda swore that's what Amarr did. They did have the Minmatar as enslaved once.
  18. NP: Friday, May 19, 2017

    I guess I shouldn't have said "headcanon" either in that case.
  19. NP: Friday, May 19, 2017

    It's ironic that Grace says "Game's back on, boys!" when she's the boy and Drake, Duck and Bill are all girls. "8 - The shirt of the customer in the background either becomes a tank top or vanishes " I can still have the headcanon that she's topless.
  20. What Are You Ingesting?

    About to be having BBQ strip loin steak with grilled asparagus and baked potatoes, then for desert a lemon cream cake and ice cream. Ding! Level 38.
  21. NP Wednesday May 17, 2017

    The hat is a separate omniscient entity. All hail Duck's Hat.
  22. Story Thursday May 18, 2017

    Huh, I did not expect this. I was sure that Goth would be the most likely to be asexual and Heidi to be bisexual or as Lisa put it "probably isn't a lesbian, but acts like it to put on a show for men." But in the commentary for that Q&A page Dan did say the particular page wasn't a definitive answer and wasn't 100% certain about one or more of the forms. I'm kinda surprised Dan didn't reference that Q&A page in today's commentary. As such, Dan's commentary about Heidi for today's comic does make a lot of sense, Heidi's supposed to be a party girl, dancing, singing, etc would be top priority over anything related to sex, that "friendly peck on the cheek" might have been more like the pinup if Heidi had an attraction to females. The mention of Justin also surprised me, I had thought that Elliot becoming mildly attracted to males started with Noah and seemed to be supported with the shirts vs skins comment, Ellen's situation may or may not be exaggerating her feelings looking back at Elliot's memories of Justin, but Elliot does confirm that they exist on some level. Same goes for Tedd, though I'm still somewhat certain that Elliot's attraction to Tedd stemmed from when Tedd took off his glasses while Elliot was a girl, and Ellen's comment about Tedd being cute and such stemmed from that moment as well. I say somewhat certain because I don't recall there being any cases of Elliot thinking Tedd was cute while not under the effects of the TFG and according to Tedd's memory of the day they met, Elliot thought Tedd was a girl. Now that I think more about it, maybe mild attraction to the same sex is normal, I'm not talking about a guy wanting to have sexual contact with another guy or girls with girls, but maybe the whole idea of friendship and wanting to be friends with someone is based on a mild level of attraction to them. You think they look good enough to want to have a few beers with and discuss sports and try to pick up girls or whatever.
  23. Story Monday May 15, 2017

    As long as there's also "potsexual" because pots and pans both deserve love in the kitchen.
  24. NP Wednesday May 17, 2017

    Also, although we've never seen this in action, if the glare from the game reflects of his glasses the right way, it could hide the fact that he's looking around. But yeah, I can see Bill acting like he's never noticed anything as well as being all "you two are dorks for acting like this" but then, at the end of the NP we'll see Bill leaving the store with a big smile on his face because he saw it all.
  25. NP Wednesday May 17, 2017

    I believe this strip confirms my assertion that Drake's shirt didn't change in the previous strip, and that any differences from panel to panel are just the way Dan drew them. Also Bill's got his little hat back.